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it started getting dark, i didn't care anymore.

if you were waiting for me wait for me.

if your on a date with someone date them.

your not mine, i'm not your mom nor your dad i have no control over what you do or say.

i was just a obstacle in your life you needed to get over.

i was a tiny person in your big life.

i was still sitting on the beach not knowing if i should go home or just stay here.

i could tell it was going to rain so i figured i should just leave.

i got up and headed to the side walk to start my journey home.

but there you were panting and looking everywhere.

what are you looking for?

did she disappear?

your eyes finally met mind and you ran up to me shoving me in a tight hug.

"thank god your still here."

i was confused and i was scared.

i pulled away from your hug and looked into your eyes.

"what happened?"

"everyone was saying your were going to kill yourself because you loved me."

loved you?

"i don't get what your saying."

you didn't answer and instead pulled me into a hug.

i didn't hug you back, i needed to not get my hopes up anymore and just think of you as a friend.

you didn't let go of me for some time.

"what they said isn't true right? that you love me?"

it took me awhile to answer, my mind is at war with itself and i don't know if you would like the answer.

i needed to get the burden off of my shoulder and just tell you.

"it's true, i do love you but you like mina so i'm going to be mature for once and let you go."

i couldn't look in your eyes and i ended up walking away from you.

you grabbed my hand and pulled me into a kiss.

i pulled away and looked up to your eyes, you was smiling.

"your so dumb i never liked mina i did that for you to get jealous, mina is my cousin. my parents told me to take care of her."

i had all this dwell on myself because you wanted me to be jealous.

i wasn't being the childish one, you were.

you pulled me into another kiss and i kissed you back this time.

"i love you, choi jayeong and don't forget that."

i could finally call you mine.

One Sided {J.JK} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now