You know that feeling that you'll never be enough to someone or you are just not enough.its a thing many people have to fight each single day.Especially when its starts when you are an infant.Being refused by your father or mum,because you are a mistake,as if babies fill a report whether to get born or not.Being told over and over you are nothing but a simple mistake and you'll never make it in life.We always tend to feel insecure not everyone but most of us do while others take that challenge and proves others wrong.Because what doesn't kill us makes us stronger.Some let those words get the better of them like me for example,they try hard just to fit in just to know someone cares is all that they,I need.We forget that we are in control of our own lives its up to us to make it bright and we should not allow anyone to rob us of that chance.Never allow yourself to be someone's afterthought nth at you are only remembered when one is bored or has nothing to do.You are worth more than that,never let anyone put you below your league, be the driver of your own life.