Chapter 3: Kuch To Hai Tujhse Raabta

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Aanika slapped her forehead when she heard him call out to her. She was screwed. Couldn't she check before she threw the cup?

'Couldn't he check before he walked?' A voice irritatedly whispered in her head. But she shook it off. She was going to apologize. Sure, she just got fired and her life is a mess but that doesn't mean she has to make his day worse, right? Taking a deep breath, she turned to face him. Only to stop mid-turn when she heard him mumble some very unkind words.

"What kind of stupid idiot throws trash in the air? It is common etiquette to respect public property and not litter, but some people can never learn how to behave like humans!"

His voice was hard and deep with a smooth accented baritone. If he wasn't busy slurring her to hell, she would've appreciated how held together he sounded. But as it was, she simply stood with her back facing him, looking up at the heavens asking 'Why me?'

Deciding that a man who couldn't be bothered to look around himself before cursing a random stranger was not worth the extra effort to force out an apology from herself, she curtly replied, "If you don't want trash thrown on you, don't stand in front of a trashcan."

He scanned his surroundings and realised that he was indeed just a step ahead of a trashcan. But did that stop Mr. Tadibaaz? If you thought yes, then you might want to reread the name of the male lead.

"And why the hell would I not walk across a path that seems perfectly walkable? If you can't be bothered to turn around for throwing trash, wait for the next trashcan that comes ahead of you!" He shouted to block out the pesky conscience of his that was trying to tell him to calm down.

"Perfectly walkable? I guess trashcans do attract trash these days." She mused with a smirk that sounded clearly through her words.

"Did you just?" He questioned in shock before tiredly muttering, "To think I was somewhat excited to be here today. You know what? Thanks for being an arrogant, mannerless and stubborn fool. You saved me from making a fool out of myself today."

Aanika cursed under her breath when she heard how his voice sounded just a little defeated. Just because she had a bad day, was she going to spoil strangers' days too? Deciding to apologize, she turned to face him, only to take a step back when a loading van parked itself right in front of her. In between the stranger and her.

Taking a deep breath, she called out, "Well, are you there?"

"Who are you calling out for?" He answered with a question.

Recognising his voice, she sighed in relief. She could do this. "I am sorry for being rude. You were right. I should've apologized before."

"Everything alright?" His confused voice inquired probably wondering why she had turned from fighting him for a stupid reason to very sensibly apologizing. There was no way he sensed her voice breaking, right?

"Huh. No, nothing is alright. I just got reminded of the people I lost behind me and it just got too much you know..." She trailed off not knowing why she was telling a stranger her grieves.

"It gets better. At least I hope it does."

"You said something about being stupid? What were you going to do?" She asked not liking the sadness in his voice.

"Fall headfirst into a deep cliff. There is no way I would've survived it." His sombre voice whispered with bemusement.

"Maybe you'll find yourself a rope, Akdu."

"Akdu? You think I am arrogant?" His voice turned to prove her right.

"Well only stubborn and arrogant people declare something as a mistake before committing it. Making mistakes would make you humble, Akdu." She chided not knowing why she was so concerned about him. But then again, her heart always wants to help someone, doesn't it?

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