Meeting BC Sol

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"Even better than it looks in the movies!" Valt says while admiring the views

"Come on Valt, take it easy we might get lost" Y/n said

After many times of wandering off Valt realizes something

"Wait, where are we? We're lost!" Valt said in a panicked voice

"I told you to take a good look at your surroundings" Y/n said to Valt "Come on let's go up to that one. He said as he points to a high bell

"Well that's okay..." Valt says

"How is that okay?" Y/n said calmly

"Guess I'm not that great at reading maps..." Valt says

"(Chuckles) Yo, Lemme see your bey!" A light brown haired boy said. He then took Valtryek off from Valt's hands

"Hey! Ya mind?" Valt says

"Whoa! Seems like you've been a lot together. Is it any good?" The boy asks Valt

"Yeah! You kiddin' me?" Valt answers back

"Don't be ahead of yourself too much" Y/n said calmly

"Hey! Do you have a bey too?" The boy asks

"Oh? Yeah" Y/n said

"Oh name's Valt Aoi" Valt said introducing himself

"And I'm Y/n Hunter"

"We're both scouted by BC Sol!" Valt says

"Gah! Your last name scares me!" Kit says

"Yeah, well, I get that a lot" I said "I don't care though, it's cool"

"And, my name is Kit Lopez! How about we test that bey of yours!" He then started to run away with Valtryek in his hands

"Hey! Give me back my bey!" Valt screamed, then started to run away leaving me behind

"Huh? Oh hey wait up!" I then also took off. I easily catched up to Valt

"Oh hey Valt!" I said casually

"Huh! You're  fast Y/n!"

"Oh thanks" I also left him behind and easily catch up to Kit

" Oh hey dude" I said making him surprised

"Gah! You're fast!"

"Oh thanks, though I get that a lot"
Kit then stopped in to a people with a bey stadium

"Ooooooooooooh! What's this?" Valt asked

"This is the place where people compete" Kit answered

When we arrived we saw two people competing

All: Three, two, one!

Both: Let!

After watching the other kid get busted Valt walked into the stadium and said

"Sign me up! I'll take you on!" Valt said

After fighting I saw Valt getting his butt kicked so of course I feel sorry for him

"Hey, let's battle" I said emotionless

"Hm! Better make it fast!" He said
"Name's Silas Karlise you better remember it brat!"

"That's no a way to talk to your elders" I said

"I'm sure I'm older than you!"

"Then, how old are you?"

𝐁𝐞𝐲𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐁𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐄𝐯𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 x m!r (ON HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now