Part Seven

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I woke up parched and slightly hungover, and it took me a moment to process that I was cuddled up against a toned body, my hand flat on his chest and my hair splayed across a satin pillow. I was wearing the ruffled tshirt he'd gone out in but he was topless, just wearing a pair of boxers that said 'Tom Ford' on the trim. I worked hard to slow my heart rate, and gently woke him up by lifting my hand and stroking his loose curls from his face. 

"Good morning." Harry groaned, his voice full of sleep, "How are you feeling?"
I went to move my hand away and he grabbed it, pressing it against his face and closing his eyes again. 
"I've been better." I whispered, "Sorry if I was a burden at all."
He smiled.
"Not at all, I fell asleep to you stroking my hair."
I laughed gently, pushing my hand upwards and through his hair.
"Agh, ew, you're greasy." I teased. He reached up and combed his fingers through my own knotty mop, "You need a shower too."
"Well, I'm not drunk now, wanna take advantage?"
The light was streaming through the blinds, falling on his face in fine lines, and I watched his eyes light up.
"Yes please."
I grinned, pulling myself out of bed, "when do you leave to see your Mum?"
He looked at his watch and shrugged, "all that matters is that it's not right now."
He slipped by me and opened the bathroom door, gesturing for me to go before him. As I did so he caught my face in his hand and leaned down to kiss my face, missing my lips and pressing his lips lightly to my cheek. My stomach knotted itself, the air between us thick. I turned to him, hooking my hands behind his neck and bringing his face close to mine.
"Can't we just stay like this forever?"
He hummed in muted agreement, running his hands gently up and down my sides, "Will you call me when I'm gone?"
"Like I'm your girlfriend or something?" I teased, my breathing becoming laboured as he tightened his grip on my waist.
"That's a big word Louret. Get your ass in my fucking shower."

Later on Lucia and I packed away our hotel room, zipping up our suitcases and stressing over our room service bill. I sat on the side of the bed, my bags at my feet. 
"You okay?" Luc enquired, stuffing a pair of jeans into her case. 
I sighed, "I'm gonna miss him you know? America! He's going to fucking America."
"It's not forever, he'll be back here eventually."
I scoffed, "He lives in LA half the time he's not touring. Yanno I'm not rich or famous or even good at flying. I've never been to the States. How long is it before he decides I'm too much effort? He's gonna be a lot to keep up with."
I pressed the base of my palms into my eyes, a deep frustration in my chest. I felt like crying. Luc was silent. 
"See!? You can't even deny it."
"No, I just can't be bothered to talk to you when you're being so negative. Don't you see it? Dan never did anything with you. Just nights in and takeaway. He always had an excuse to bail on going out. It was so boring, and these past few nights have actually been fucking fun! Harry could take you places. Nothing important or real is going to be easy. If you make the effort it's because it's something worth fighting for."
She came over and tilted my face up with a finger under the chin, "What were the chances of something like this happening to someone like you and I, huh? Don't just throw it away."
I nodded softly, "Yeah, I know. It's just... scary."
"Okay Little Miss Commitment Issues." 
We both laughed. 
"I'm gonna go say goodbye to him in a minute, are you all ready to go? We could grab lunch before we head back."
She smiled, "Yeah, I'm all ready. I'll bring your suitcase down to reception and you can meet me there." 
"Thank you."
I stood and checked myself in the mirror. 
"You look hot, go on." Lucia prompted, pushing me towards the door, "Go get him."

I left the room and walked down the hall. As I approached the elevator, the doors opened and Harry and I met eyes. He was wearing a thick jumper with the hood up and had a large bouquet of happy yellow sunflowers in one hand. 
"Oh, Louret, I was just coming to, well, to see you."
"I was just coming to you."
I stepped back to let him out of the elevator and he followed, holding the flowers towards me. 
"These are for you."
I took them, bringing them to my face and closing my eyes, the smell earthy and refreshing, "Thank you, they're my favourite you know?"
He tilted his head, watching me carefully, "They actually reminded me of you. Bright, warm." 
"You're so cute."
My chest tightened and I swallowed heavily, tears brimming in my eyes. Harry tutted, closing the distance between us and stroking my hair, "Don't cry. Why are you crying?"
I buried my face into his chest, my cheeks heating up in embarrassment, "I just don't want you to go."
He laughed at that, a soft sympathising laugh, rocking me gently. We must have looked a sight, stood in that hallway, oblivious to anything other than each other. 
"I will miss you Sophie Louret, so much." he whispered, "If you'll just wait for me."
"Of course." I responded, wrapping my arms around his middle, "Don't go falling in love with anyone else."
"It's not everyday I run into hardened sarcastic writers with a dangerous relationship with vodka."
"Yeah, but everyday you run into a thousand girls who absolutely adore you. Sometimes I go days only talking to Luc."
He shook his head, "Doesn't matter. Just let me adore you, okay? In fact..."
He stepped back and pulled his hoodie over his head. I giggled as he gestured for me to raise my arms, but did so obediently. Looking very proud of his idea, Harry pulled the hoodie down over my face and pulled the hood down so he could see me. It was big, hanging past my hands, and smelled just like him. 
"Now, you return that to me when I next see you okay? It's one of my best."
I wiped the tears from my eyes with the sleeve, "Okay."
"Look, I have to go, my car is waiting for me." he sighed, checking his watch with dismay, "I'll text you tonight."
I nodded, choosing not to speak. He pressed his hand against my cheek and leaned in for one last kiss. 
"Goodbye Louret."
"Goodbye Styles."
He turned back to the elevator, pressing the button. He didn't look back until the doors were closing, at which point he turned and shot me a wink. Then he was gone. I watched the numbers on the elevator reach zero as he reached the ground floor, resisting the urge to chase after him. "Oi!"
I looked down towards our room and saw Lucia struggling towards me with both of our bags. I ran up to her and relieved her of my things, pushing the sunflowers into my tote bag dismissively in an effort to help her. 
"Is that his jumper? And sunflowers? He's smitten for you." 
I hushed her, blushing profusely and absent mindedly pressing the lift button. 
"Don't hush me! Harry and Sophie sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"
We stepped into the lift, me ignoring her pointedly, but catching myself smiling in my reflection in the mirror on the back wall. 
Yeah, I guess I was a little smitten. 
"Well, I guess a wedding is one way to escape my heartbreak." I muttered, "Oh God, what will my therapist think?"
"That she's losing a client maybe? I've never seen you so smiley."
Suddenly my phoned pinged. 

Leave through the back if you can. I'm sorry. - H xx

"What? Luc, look at this text from Harry-"

The lift doors opened and I saw a camera flash from reception. Luc and I both looked towards the source and I laughed in disbelief as they snapped another photo. 
"It's paparazzi." Luc gasped, "Oh my God."
"And I'm wearing the Harry Styles' hoodie, Luc."
"Well, fuck." 
 We left the lift and the photographer approached, flipping open a slim notebook, "Excuse me Miss, do you have a moment?"
"No, no she doesn't, we're very busy." Lucia chimed, pulling me towards the front doors. 
"We're just wondering if you were in attendance of Danni Brassard's wedding two days ago-"
"I said we have places to be, back off."

Lucia stopped completely, turning to face the journalist and staring him down. He fell silent, rubbing his beard anxiously with his spare hand. 
"Now, we're leaving."
Lucia lopped her arm with mine and we left, our suitcases rolling and clicking behind us. As we walked through the automatic doors, several flashes went off and I sighed. 
"Right, of course, it wasn't just him." I groaned, looking down at the text on my phone knowingly, "They've noticed us."
"Well, my love, you're dating the most famous man in this country right now. That's life." 


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