To Protect our Guild.

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I was able to fully recover a week later. The minute I did I went on a mission. Of course, I finished it in less than two days. So, I was returning to Magnolia when I heard a child singing. I looked behind me and saw a young girl with very long, wavy, pastel yellow-blonde hair that reached down to her feet. When she noticed that I saw her, she stopped and smiled.

"Hello (Y/N)" She said with a smile

"Do I know you?" I asked surprised that she knew my name. However, as I was looking at her she reminded me of someone. That's when it hit me.

"You-you are M-Mavis! The F-Firtst Master!" I said surprised. She chuckled and nodded. "How are you alive?" I asked surprised.

"I am not alive. I am something like a projection. I can only be seen by those in our guild." She said and pointed at my guild mark. "I have been watching over Fairy Tail. However, my strength alone is not enough to protect it." I looked at her still surprised.

"I will need your strength. In two days from now, on a mission, a man will approach you. He will present himself as Hades, but his real name is Precht Gaebold, the second Fairy Tail Master. He will try to convince you to join his rank and obtain my body." Mavis continued.

"Your body? You mean Lumen Histoire?" I asked surprised. The Frist nodded.

"Precht wants Fairy Heart. It's Fairy Tail's secret. He will do everything in his power to get it since it offers eternal magic. And he will try to convince you since he is aware of your strength. That is why, I want you to approach you." She said as she looked at me seriously.

"If he was Fairy Tail's Second Master, why is he going up against us?" I asked surprised

"He wanted to revive me and for that he turned into the dark side of magic, losing his away and becoming a Dark Mage. His purpose now is to revive a powerful dark wizard, Zeref." She said and looked away, as if pained to speak his name. "I want you to join him. But to completely gain his trust you must destroy Fairy Tail before your meeting with him. Let your prime goal be power."

I gasped. She noticed how horrified I was. And placed her hand on my shoulder.

"When you find the right time, I want you to defeat him. My friend has been in the darkness for a while now." She said and smiled. I looked at her surprised. I gulped and clenched my teeth.

"I will have to refuse. I cannot hurt my family." I said and turned away.

"The S-class Wizard Advancement exams are in 2 weeks. However, it will be interrupted by his new Dark Guild, Grimoire Heart. I want you to prevent that. And we are running out of time." She said and I stopped. "He will do anything in order to complete his goal. Even taking innocent lives."

"What you are asking of me...." I said and paused thinking of my next words.

"Is to pretect our family." Mavis continued. I clenched my fists and looked down.

"Alright. To protect them..." I said and turned to leave.

"Make sure you speak to no one about it. Not even to your master or your lover. I will be the one guiding you so fear not." She said before disappearing.

I took one last look at our guild who could be seen from miles away and walked towards it. I put on my smiling face as I entered the guild hall. I looked at Natsu, Gray and Gajeel who were fighting. Then, to Lucy, who was talking happily along with Mirajane and Lisanna. From there, to the four exceeds that were talking happily. Then to Jet and Droy who were fighting for Levy's heart while she ignored them. To Bisca and Azlack who were talking even though they liked each other. To Elfman who was talking along with Macao and Wakaba. To Cana who was drinking along with master. To Warren, Max and Reedus who were talking in a nearby table. To gildarts who was laughing as he watched Natsu and the others fighting And finally, to my beautiful girlfriend, whose heart I had to break, and whose face lit up when she saw me. She walked up to hug me. However, I simply ignored her and proceeded to Fairy Tail's Library. She looked at me surprised. Makarov looked at me and followed me.

"Welcome home." He said and smiled. "Rare of you to be in the library." He added.

"I want to get stronger. Much much stronger that what I am now." I said with a cold voice as I threw one book after another on the ground.

"You will my son. In time." He said. I clenched my teeth.

"You told me about Lumen Histoire" I said and he looked at me without saying anything.

"I want that power. I want Fairy Heart." I said and looked at him with a cold face. "So, either you are going to give it to me, or I will take it with force." I added and crystalized my fists.

"(Y/N), what is the matter with you?" He looked at me surprised.

"YOU WANT TO KEEP ALL THAT POWER TO YOURSELF! TRAITOR! I THOUGHT WE WERE FAMILY! I THOUGHT YOU TRUSTED ME! EVERYTHING WAS A LIE!" I said and punched him Just before he collided with the wall, I shoot a small light beam and broke it, so as to reduce the pain of the impact. He ended up in the main hall. That caught the attention of everyone in the guild who looked at me horrified. I picked up Makarov by the collar and threw him on Natsu.

"Hey (Y/N)...what are you doing...?" Natsu asked me angrily as he caught Makarov. I quickly got in front of him, grabbed his head and smashed it on the floor.

"More power." I whispered. "I NEED MORE POWER!" I yelled the last part when Gray attacked me from behind. However, I turned around just in time to punch him in the chest. I looked at him as he desperately gasped for air. I crystalized my entire body.

"STOP THIS MADNESS!" Erza said as she took out her sword. She attacked me, but I broke her sword easily. I then grabbed her by the neck and punched her in the stomach. Then, I threw her unconscious body away. Everyone else prepared to fight me. However, I took them all down. I hit them all one by one, knocking them unconscious. When everyone was down, I quickly took them all out of the guild and looked at Fairy Tail Guild mark that was on a flag outside of the guild, one last time.

"I'm sorry" I said and clenched my fists. I activated my wings and flew high. Just then I saw Natsu looking at me.

"DON'T DO IT!" He yelled desperately as I used my Dragon's roar to destroy the guild hall.

I landed in front of him. He looked at me angrily.

"How dare you... HOW DARE YOU DESTROY OUR GUILD? WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH YOU! SNAP OUT OF IT!" He yelled as he was about to punch me when I increased my magic energy.

"I need more power. And if Fair Tail cannot give it to me, then I shall take it by force." I said and he looked at me horrified. Then I started walking away while he stood there watching me.

I walked outside of Magnolia and headed to the nearby mountains. When I was far away, I let out painful screams. I kept screaming as I cried. I was disgusted with myself and wanted to puke. I kept crying as images of my family's horrified faces came into my mind. I cried for several hours, without noticing the First Master who was looking at me with sadness. I lifted my shirt and noticed my guild mark. It had already disappeared.

The Dragon who liked Strawberries (Erza x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now