Chapter 13: The Fake

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The next day you woke up with a crippling headache but you didn't mind. You only freaked out when you realized that you were only in your bra and underwear.

You gasped as you sat up quietly not to disturb- 'HOLY SHIT IT IS RICK ONLY IN HIS BOXERS!!!' You were freaking out. You quietly got out of the bed and walked over to the trash can to look for any sign of a condom wrapper or a condom itself. When you didn't find one you felt better. Momentarily. Because then you noticed your bra clasps put on crooked and you never messed up even when drunk.

You couldn't fin your clothes anywhere, so what you knew what was still alcohol still in your system, you walked out not caring.

You saw a lot more people stayed over this time. Noticing everyone passed out, you walked into the kitchen as the house surprisingly didn't need a clean this time. You walked up the fridge still in your red bra set and grabbed a water bottle.

"Well good morning to you too." You heard a voice say. You knew that voice. You turned around abruptly and whisper yelled "Dylan?!"

He giggled and walked up to you. "Thought I'd do you the favour and clean the house up this time." You smiled and were somewhat mad about this. "What?! Why didn't you wake me up?! Or leave it for me?!" You screamed at him. "Woah, it's just because I knew if I didn't do it, you would."

You tried to stay angry but couldn't. "Well- that's very-sweet." He smiled. "So uh you must've gotten lucky last night..." he said rubbing the back of his neck.

"What?! No! Hehe no I didn't." You sputtered out mainly just trying to convince yourself that. "Then what's with the crooked bra clasp and you're only in a bra and underwear hehe?" He asked. "Oh that uh-" you were cutoff by some other guy.

"Dylan you ready to go-ooh! Hello sexy! You wanna show me some of those moves from last night?" Some guy said walking in.

"What the hell Zach?! Is that really how you treat woman?!" Dylan called back. "Well come on she's-" he cut him off. "You know what? You go home. I'm walking. You wanna be a douchebag to woman, I'd rather walk the three hours it's gonna take than be friends with you. Now get the hell out of my sight!" He screamed to the guy who was now exiting shamefully.

"Protective I see" you said to him with a smug smirk. "Uh yeah sorry I just- guys shouldn't be allowed to treat girls that way. I mean just because I wanna go to a party and am in high school doesn't mean I wanna rape the first girl to pass out. And it sickens me that because of guys like him, we are known as pigs. It's not right."

You hung your mouth open impressed. "You're a sharer. I dig that. And you're right. But Dylan, it's guys like you that help build expectations. And it's guys like you that teach girls what's acceptable and what's not." You smiled at him.

He blushed. "You-you think?" You smiled so brightly "I know so man. And you can stay here until I can set you up a ride. When summer gets up I'll get her to take you or Rick." He nodded and said "Thank you so much (y/n). I like hanging out with you."

"Well that's not a popular opinion but thank you. I like hanging out with you too." You said with a smirk and handed him a water bottle too.

"Can I be straight forward for a moment?" He asked you. "Of course." He looked into your eyes and you were seriously confused. You had no idea what he was going to ask. "Would it be alright if I asked to kiss you while we are sober? I've kissed you drunk and high but I want to kiss you sober."

You tried not to look surprised or weirded out. But you thought to yourself 'What if I kiss him and I find out that he is the one I want? And even if I find out he isn't the one for me then at least I know.'

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