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"Lord Hastur..."

Nobody knew what had triggered it, but all the survivors and hunters had their final game that day. They would be released from this hellhole.

The stakes were higher, though, as a survivor elimination meant their death whilst a hunter defeat ended in the hunter's death, a draw allowing the hunter and the remaining two survivors to leave. Although, for immortals such as Yidhra and Hastur, they would be revived elsewhere, but the same could not be said for the hunters who were mortal from the start.

The hunters decided to pull a beautiful act of selflessness and self sacrifice by losing intentionally, letting everyone go.

Eli was currently the last survivor left in the match, his teammates Aesop, Naib and William leaving through the gate first and waiting for him beyond it, knowing he wanted time alone with Hastur before they would never meet again.

"Please, Lord Hastur, don't..." Eli sobbed softly, "Just kill me!"

Hastur looked at his beloved, who was clinging to him desperately as he gently stroked the seer's hair, his hood pulled down. "My dear, it is already my loss. I will die either way, so please, go beyond the gate. Life awaits you, and so do your friends. You've promised to start your life again with those three, yes?"

"Lord Hastur, I don't want to leave you! Please! Let me die with you!" Eli begged, his grip on the yellow god's clothes tightening as he shook his head rapidly.

Hastur was silent for a moment, pausing, and Eli hoped it was in consideration that Hastur would kill him, until the feaster spoke up.

"Eli, I will not permit your death here. However... I can form a pact with you to keep your soul on this earth forever, but this pact cannot be broken. Your body will start memories afresh, but your soul will never be able to find peace in the afterlife, and we will meet in your every life, bound to only me. Your ability to see the future will be gone as well, and I will rob you of your sight in this lifetime and all others to come as I have overwritten the pact you made with the druid Brooke Rose. Do you understand what this means?"

Eli blinked, gasping as he looked up at Hastur. "Of course, My Lord! I do not ever wish to be separated with you!"

Hastur nodded, and he lifted up Eli's blindfold, taking a moment to gaze at the beautiful blue before tracing the markings on the seer's face, which began to glow. Eli inhaled sharply as it began to burn, but he bore it as the glow soon faded, and he could no longer see through his own eyes or Brooke Rose's.

Despite being blind, his eyes, although losing some shine, were still so beautifully stunning, so bright, so blue, so Eli.

"Thank you so much, Lord Hastur." Eli sighed in relief, closing his eyes and leaning against his god's chest.

As much as Hastur didn't want this moment to end, the bells of the last match ending began to toll, and Hastur had to hurry so as to not keep the host and his fellow friends waiting.

"My love, it is time for you to go." Hastur whispered as he scooped the smaller into his arms, carrying him out the gate.

"I love you, Lord Hastur."

"Before we part in this lifetime, Eli, will you please just call me Hastur?" The feaster pulled down his hood, the red mist fading, revealing his face, his long white hair and his six red eyes, a sight Eli could no longer see, but had tucked away safely in his memories after having many secret rendezvous to just spend time together.

Eli opened his unseeing eyes, revealing his tears as he leaned up, giving Hastur a kiss on the lips the latter wished would last forever, his voice a murmur, "I love you, Hastur."

"I love you too, Eli. Until we meet again, my love." Hastur then gently set Eli on his feet, clutching the seer's blindfold in his hand as a memento as the hunter lightly pushed the survivor out of the gate after pecking his forehead.

The bells tolled once more, and the feaster was teleported to a room with all the hunters. Everyone in that room had lost their matches with four man defeats, and they were all ready to die for the love and the bonds they had developed and formed with everyone in the manor. Of course, they were scared, but they had made this choice and they were not turning back.

Several gasps scattered around the room resonated as the surroundings suddenly turned pitch black, and the blood pooling at Hastur's feet made the deity feel sick as his friends were slain, the only indications the telltale sound of blood being spilt.

However, steely black met fiery red - Yidhra's blindfold undone for the first time in the millennia Hastur had known her, and the look she exchanged with him that told him that everything would be all right.


; i'll remove these stupid little a/ns when the book is done but like. slow updates idk i procrastinate all the time
; i'm a lazy fuck who doesn't proofread and i don't trust my friends to beta

; this is just fluff/angst please if i have one more person talking about tentacle hentai to me i'm going to shit myself
; i was originally gonna do this without the haseli but my friends read the draft and said "this is literally a romance story" so i decided to make it one kind of??

; i could go on a whole tangent about my opinions on some hunter/survivor ships and why i hc yidhra as eli's god rather than hastur but if u wanna know i am Here
; dont tell me yidhra worshiper eli isn't canon i know i main both of them i read their deductions let me dream 💔
; but for the sake of this fic its... hastur worshiper eli,,

; is this fic a thinly vieled excuse to write a bunch of different aus in the same book? fuck yeah

; this'll have a detective au and college au for sure but about others i dunno i dont really plan ahead

; i was planning to release this all in one go once i actually finished but i'm apparently posing chapter by chapter now, thanks for the peer pressure @ friends

; the fact i took so damn long to find a haseli picture for cover that wasn't nsfw in the slightest is kind of disturbing man

; i say haseli and that takes up majority of the tags but like. personally i see this as more of an eli-centric fic than a haseli fic so there might be less actual haseli moments than you'd like,,
; naibeli is my main eli ship too so!! you might see slight pairings of eli with other characters

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