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" How much do you wanna bet they are gossiping?" I say to my two best friends whilst looking at our partners.

" If Dray hears you say they are gossiping you are dead.  You know they call it tea ." Ron says with a chuckle.

"How do they even know so much without going anywhere ? , and why are we always accomplices in their  schemes ?." Hermione asks in confusion.

" Shh, don't question pregnant people , actually  no don't question those people ever . " I say in a whisper , shuddering. 

I remember asking Sev about their meetings . If looks could kill.

"Hey guys let's go play quiddich ." George yells. We all take a few steps before .

" If you guys get hurt ..." Sev says
" we will tag team you .." Ginny continues
" to your deaths ..." Draco says
" periodt!" They finish off. 
They then start chatting and giggling again .

" Um guys I don't feel like playing any more . You know one pregnant person i can deal with but three I  don't know guys" I whisper , as we walk to the backyard of Draco and Ron's new place .

"Let's play but not get hurt cause if we don't play they'll feel guilty and start crying. " Hermione says

" It's a conundrum " Ron says

We all laugh at Ron's word of the day answer . And get in position. Those who aren't playing are just cheering us on . I feel like im playing in front of a big crowd that's how big our family is . Everyone is here for a family reunion before the babies get here. So here we are Sev and Draco almost 9 months pregnant and Ginny only 7 months pregnant .

A bludger suddenly hits me and I almost fall off the broom Ron, Hermione and I look towards our partners and shit we in trouble cause they all have their hands folded on top of their bellies and they are giving us "the look. "

" uh , you guys win . Cause we are in trouble and have some kissing up to do" Ron says to the opposing team as we go to the ground .

" I have a plan but we have to use the kids . Let's go pick up the kids where they are playing and use them as shields. " Hermione suggests.

I quickly pick up Isaac , Ron takes Roger and Hermione picks up Rosalie .We walk slowly chatting with the kids .

" You guys are in trouble aren't you ? " Rosalie asks

" yep . So you guys need to be cuter than you are now .Are you ready ?" . They giggle and nod.

We transfigure a big box and add a feather light charm quickly and put the kids in there making sure they are comfortable.

" as our plea for forgiveness we offer you these dangerous creatures , that we hunted through the night just for you guys " Hermione suddenly says and we bring the box forward and whisper to it to pretend to be dangerous.  They literally just meow

" uhhh. They are kind of broken ? " Ron says in confusion.

" uhh . Yeah totally not kids pretending to be cats at all " totally saved it

Ginny stands and opens the box and the kids give her puppy dog eyes.

" ncaaw , guys look at how cute they are ".

The others come and coo as well .

" uh are you guys giving away our kids " Bella asks standing with Elly

" mommy i's a dangerous cweature " Isaac yells.

Now everyone is cooing over the kids .

I mouth to the guys " nailed it" and we walk into the house to get some drinks .

"You guys are still in trouble you know . If any of you gets hurt you may not see your childrens birth . " Remus says walking into the house wuth us

Shit I didn't think of it that way .

Looks like the others didn't either. 


It's been a week since the reunion and I had some real sucking up to do . But it's all good now though.

A patronus suddenly comes through our bed room .

" Guys , Draco is in labour and Hermione just got wheeled into St. Mungos . Come quick . " Ron's voice comes from the bear patronus .

Sev quickly stands slowly  and tries to rush out . Only to stop in his tracks and bend over in pain .

What the actual hell.

" Take it easy babe , maybe you stood too quickly "

" Harry let's just go to the hospital , Ginny must be stressed ." I quickly pick him up and rush to the floo .

We get there and see Ron waiting for us . Sev suddenly yells holding his belly and a doctor tells us to go to the labour ward .

" I think it's for the best Harry I've been having these small pains for a while but now its getting worse and the time the pain comes is getting shorter." Sev says

" but your water didn't  brea.." I'm stopped midsentence by a splash .That's when I pick him up and go to the labour ward with Ron directing us . Sev gets a bed next to Draco , they have to wait here cause they still have a few hours until actually giving birth .

" what happened to Hermione? And where is Ginny?" I ask

" Hermione was attacked by some creature hating organisation at the pack house. They fought them and won the battle but some got injured and Hermione has it worse . Ginny has been crying by her side . Hermione's parents and my brothers are with her on the upper floor . This is supposed to be a happy day we are going to be fathers but I'm worried about everything and everyone . " 

" Everything will work out in the end . We will take turns checking on Hermione for now we stay strong for our partners and our sisters " I say pulling him into a hug .

" ~ow a certain Bear is gonna lose his hand today ~ " Draco suddenly sing-screams . Ron pales dramatically

" how long have you been here ?"

" he has apparently been in labour for 6hours but we got here an hour ago . "

A doctor comes in and waves his wand at Draco before saying its time . They magicall put a wall around Draco and Ron goes inside as Sev and I stay out . A few minutes later a loud cry could be heard from the room , looks like the child has draco's loudness . Sev smiles and squeezes my hand .

Ron comes out with tears running from his eyes and tells us its a beautiful baby girl. We congratulate him . The doctor comes and checks on Sev.

" You still have a few hours to go "

A few hours of waiting and screaming later the doctor comes in and says its time .

The wall is brought up around us and the doctor tells Sev to push on the next contraction 2 hours later we were blessed with a bouncing baby boy that had a soft cry.  

I went out of the room to tell the others the great news and after the congratulations  I went back . The doctor asked if we would like to be moved into a more private room but we declined as the only other people were Ron and draco , plus the walls were still up .

Arthur and Regulus come in to check on us as Ron and I are letting the kids and mothers sleep .

" How is Hermione? " I ask

" They are not sure what to do cause of her wolf , she is stable but her parents are thinking of taking her to their pack doctor or bringing the doctor to her . " Regulus says concerned



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