Another important thing to do is wash your hands. The best way to wash YOUR hands according to the CDC is to wet your hands with clean running water [it can be cold or warm], turn off YOUR tap, and apply soap to YOUR hands. Make sure to lather YOUR hands with the soap BEFORE washing them off so YOU can make sure YOU did not touch anything infected with Covid-19. With the soap still on YOUR hands, scrub them for at least 20 seconds, making sure to get under YOUR nails and in between YOUR fingers as well, even set up a timer for 20 seconds to make sure YOU do it for long enough. After 20 seconds, thoroughly rinse YOUR hands off under the water, turn YOUR tap off and dry them off with a hand or paper towel. When should YOU wash your hands? Well again, the CDC recommends that you wash YOUR hands anytime before, after, or during preparing food, before eating any food, after using a toilet, after blowing YOUR nose, coughing, or sneezing. If YOU don't have a sink near YOU after touching something, use hand sanitizer containing AT LEAST 60% alcohol. YOU should also wash YOUR hands IMMEDIATELY after coming back from say, the store or YOUR workplace even if they clean it regularly.
The Phobia Files: A Serious New Fear
HorrorIn a special issue of The Phobia Files, we will be talking not about a phobia file but a new fear that needs to be taken even more seriously, Covid-19. We will also be talking about how to stop the spread of this virus and even how to prevent YOU fr...