Marcus' House

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Marcus’ House Part 1 


           “Hey, we have to stop running into each other like this. I don’t even know who you are.” Olivia said, smirking at him, the wind blowing her blonde hair into her face. 

         “I mean, maybe its fate.” he said, inching just a little bit closer. “My name is Marcello, but everyone calls me Marco.” 

         “Nice to meet you Marco, I would introduce myself, but it seems you already know who I am” she inched closer to him. Looking a little red in the face, he responded “Yeah, I mean everyone in town kind of knows who you are. Why were you on the beach this morning by the way.” She analyzed him. She could see something in him, something she couldn't grasp. But she liked it. She liked the way his lips pursed when he said her name, the way his mouth creased when he smiled. She liked him. It was very evident. This was weird for her. Olivia didn't let any guys stand in her way, especially those high maintenance, preppy type guys at Yale. She couldn't stand them. 

          One guy in particular always made her cringe and remind her why she didn't date. He was good looking, but only in the classical sense. He had perfect wind swept hair, just the right amount of stubble, and he dressed like he was going either on a business meeting or a yacht. If he hadn't been so persistent with her she would have thought he was gay. His name was Ralph and he was the biggest pain in the ass. Olivia avoided bumping into him at all costs. They fucked once. He was terrible. She fake climaxed for him, told him he was everything just to please him. The end result, he became infatuated with Olivia. Called her morning and night, and when she wouldn't answer his calls, he started calling her in the afternoon too. Olivia had to file a restraining order against the creep. This basically ruined any ounce of hope she had for men. The thing with Olivia was, she knew how to play men well, almost to well. She could toy with them and make them do anything she wanted them to do. She owned them, and she knew it.

       “I go to the beach everyday, and, I don’t know. I must’ve fallen asleep.” she responded staring into his deep green eyes. 

       “Well, I’m happy that you fell asleep on my side of the beach.” he smiled again but this time with a little laugh that accompanied it. She could tell he liked her, he kept looking down at the ground, almost shy, but in that attractive way. 

       “Oh, you own the beach then, I didn't know there were sides.” she joked. The sun was almost past the crease of the ocean. Darkness was slowly enveloping the beach. “Well, it was nice to see you again. Marco. I guess I will see you around then, probably tomorrow morning on the beach”. He laughed again. She started to turn and walk away. 

       “Wait, I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime”. Olivia turned to him and smiled, then started walking again. She still didn't want to go dating. She knew that mean’t commitment and promises. She hated promises. Olivia was the get straight to the point and fuck kind of girls. Looking back up at the Luncheon, she assumed her mother was searching for her everywhere, and she hurried back, knowing the absurd scolding she was about to get. 

        The luncheon had emptied out, candles now lit the scarcely attended tables. Her mother was sitting down, clearly still entwined in gossip. This was her mothers’ day job, spread gossip like wildfire. Then again wasn’t it everyones job in high society to spread gossip. 

         “Hello mother” Olivia said taking a seat at the table. She examined the man her mother was sitting with. “This is Jonathon” her mother pointed at the good-looking  man sitting with her. “He is your father’s new intern, I was just telling him all about you. He goes to Yale too, you know.” 

         “Great” Olivia thought to herself, another preppy piece of shit. She smiled at him, just like her mother had told her earlier. It was the most fake smile she could put on. Her mother noticed too, it pissed her off. “If you would excuse us”. Olivia was pulled from the table, off to the side. 

         “You know, it wouldn't hurt to make an effort. I’m sick of you just disappearing and doing god knows what. What has gotten into you lately.” Before Olivia could respond her mother butted in. “This is getting put to a stop, no more late nights, and you will be going on a date with Jonathon. You have your father and I thinking your a lesbian, not having a boyfriend in what 3 and a half years. Jesus Christ, get it together. Do you know what kind of image your placing on this family. Let’s go, were going home.” Olivia had no response. Her eyes were glued to her mothers. She wanted to slap her, yell at her, but she held it in. God help her if she caused a scene in public. 

       The car ride back home wasn't better than the first, in fact tensions were even higher. Olivia kept her eyes on the passing by cars, she didn’t dare look at her mothers glare again. The ride felt like forever, especially with the silence. Time seemed to be inching along. Their driveway came into focus. “Thank the lord” Olivia thought. As the car drover further and further, the house began to appear. It’s grandeur almost too much. Ivy rose up the cobblestone walls with big windows showing the tremendous diamond chandeliers inside. The moment the car stopped Olivia jumped out  and began to walk, almost run to the house. She quickly made her way up to her bedroom. Throwing open the door, she turned on the lights, and she was safe. 

        Her bed was the perfect amount of comfortable. She collapsed in it and closed her eyes. The luncheon was a shit show, but that guy seemed to make it all worth it. Her thoughts ran through the scenario fifteen times, each time she tried to tell herself not to get attached to a complete stranger. But every time  she had a harder time convincing herself not to find him and take him up on his offer. Her parents would be furious. He definitely didn't come from extreme wealth and he wasn't straight laced. That’s what she liked about him, he was different. 

        Her eyes moved over to the clock. 9:15, she had to get ready for the party. 

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