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Amelia had instant regret.

She remembers flying with Thor to be much nicer. But then again, the only other time she ever flew with him, she was almost unconscious. No, she preferred portkeys over this any day.  

The witch had sent a quick emergency floo call to Bonneville's office, getting the permission from her boss to enter though her office's private floo. Amelia wishes she could floo in her purse apartment, but she couldn't since that meant leaving the purse behind in the middle of nowhere. So she had given Thor the directions to her apartment, since that was closer to them than the Woolworth building itself. 

She was sitting on his back, holding tightly onto his neck. Her purse was changed back into her trusty backpack and was resting on her back. She takes note to the similarities about travelling with Thor and portkeys: it causes nausea, dizziness and you better tie your hair together if you didn't want to eat it.

So when they set foot on the street before her apartment she all but sighs in relief. 

"Thanks muscles," She pats him on the chest in thanks, but also to keep her balance. She was still a bit woozy from before, "I'll see you on the battlefield then?"

"Of course, my friend. Stay safe."

After returning the safe wish, the duo splits up. Thor flying around the city in the hope to find his brother or his teammates and Amelia running towards the elevator in her apartment building. She would take the stairs but she wanted to save up her energy for the upcoming battle. Even when she stood still inside the elevator, her mind was running a thousand miles an hour. She was thinking over battle plans, strategies, protection ideas, anything that could help her in the upcoming fight. She was so busy she hadn't even noticed that she wasn't alone in the elevator. She recognized the old lady to be Ms. Davis, a widower who lived somewhere on the floor below her. The woman stands stiff, clutching her purse to her chest. Her eyes held shock as she looked at the witch, making Amelia frown. 

'Why is she looking at me like- oh right, I'm soaked in blood.'

The witch opens her mouth to explain but before she can the doors open, resulting in Ms. Davis speed walking out of the elevator. 

"I'm alright, thanks for asking!" Amelia yells after her.

She reaches her floor and runs into her apartment. The witch slams the door closed and walks straight towards her fireplace, the only magical object in her New York apartment. With the special Finally she was able to use it. Then she steps inside while throwing the dust.

"Head office, Auror department, MACUSA."


Amelia stumbles out of the fireplace, the magical travel having exhausted her still weak body.

"Yes Amelia, I was wondering when you were going to show up. What was this emerge- what happened to you?!"

Amelia shakes herself out of her dizziness and walking towards the table that her boss was standing at. "No time to explain, I've come to warn you. Loki is an even bigger threat then we could have ever imagined. He has an army called the chitauri, I know, It's a ridiculous name but it's an army from outer space. And-"

"Woah, woah. Slow down."

"I can't, we don't have the time! Loki escaped and I suspect him to be somewhere in New York, I saw something about a tower when I looked into his mind, I recognized it, I must have walked past it someda-"

"Excuse me, you looked into his mind?! Are you crazy? Exposing our world to the enemy, of all people!"

"I know, but now I know more about him. I saw some things that I haven't been able to think about," she touches her head briefly, the events with Loki still fresh on her mind. Wait wasn't there another figure with him? Her head throbs as she tries to recall but she lost the thought as soon as it crossed her mind, "but we shouldn't focus on that. What we should focus about is a plan to stop Loki and to protect the people." Amelia takes her wand and spells a map of New York onto the table.

Hocus Pocus // T. StarkWhere stories live. Discover now