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This is the day where Oikawa Yuki and Shimamura Takeshi gathered their family members in a garden party to announce their engagement and celebrate the happy occasion. All of  the family congratulated the couple and talked to them about different topics while the others were in the buffet area, eating the delicious foods, and socializing with each other. Some of the children were even playing with each other. Everyone was surely having a blast.

Finally having a break of talking to the guests, Takeshi starts to find his little sister when he notices that she isn't with the other kids, Takeshi finally notices his little sister hiding behind the bushes of roses crouching down just observing the flowers. "Yu-chan, can I go get Kimi-chan? Are you going to be okay?"

"I'll be fine, why don't you introduce Kimi-chan to Tōru-kun? I'm sure they will get along" Takeshi kissed his fiance on her forehead, smiling he exclaimed "That's a good idea! I'll introduce them then." He left going towards where his little sister is still not moving from her place "Kimi-chan what are you doing here?" Crouching down beside her, Kimi isn't surprised by her brother's presence without missing a beat she answered "I don't like to play with the other kids, they're annoying" he laughs at the expected answer, he stands up and offering his hand to her "Why don't I introduce you to a less annoying play date?" Looking doubtful but trusting him, she took his hand not knowing sometimes in the near future she will regret it and think she should have continued observing the flowers but observing them she thinks it is worth it.


"Tōru-kun, meet my little sister Kimi. Kimi-chan, meet Yu-chan's little brother Toru" Takeshi introduced the two kids to each other after he saw Tōru seating in one of the tables eating snacks for kids, "Tōru-kun, Kimi-chan enjoy talking to each other okay? I'll go to Yu-chan" Takeshi left both of them to talk alone, waving goodbye ignoring the awkward atmosphere between the two kids who are observing each other. The one who breaks the silence first is Tōru "Do you want to take a seat?" He gestured to the chair beside him, shrugging, she agreed and took a seat and they sat in silence until he started a conversation.

"Uhm, do you play any sports?"

"I practice martial arts called jujutsu, you?"

"Really? You must be strong! I played volleyball as a setter because it is such a cool position!" He has stars in his eyes in adoration and admiration of the sports. "Sorry but what is a setter?" He gasps dramatically and starts to explain what is a setter until the two of them start to talk about their respective sports to different topics. Since that day Tōru and Kimi became fast friends and they would  always visit each other in their respective houses when they are in the same city because Kimi lives in Tokyo while Tōru lives in Miyagi, the Oikawa's and Shimamura's are happy that they are friends especially when their older siblings got married and they are officially family.


"Kimi-chan, are you ready to attend your new school?" Mrs. Shimamura asked her only daughter as she put down her plate in front of Kimi "I'm ready as I can be" Kimi shrugs and starts to eat her breakfast "I'm glad that Tōru-kun can accompany you in school, I know you missed him" Kimi's reaction is to narrow her eyes "Mama, first of all that's disgusting, I'll never miss him that narcissistic guy when he keeps spamming me with texts and calls" ignoring her mother's pointed stare she continues with a slight wrinkle in her forehead "and since we moved Tōru is always visiting us, there's no chance to miss him"

"True enough but finish eating your meal before Tōru-kun arrives to accompany you to school" she advises her, leaving for her to eat in peace, after eating her meal and putting the plate in the sink. She heard the bell ringing and the door being opened "Tōru-kun! Good morning, have you eaten?" Hearing her mother greeting Tōru, Kimi took her bag before walking towards them.

"Yahoo Auntie~  good morning, its okay I have already eaten"

"Kimi-chan just finished her meal, let me call her for you" Arriving in that exact moment Kimi called "Don't bother I'm already here" She waved at him, slightly smiling with Tōru smiles widely back at her "We will leave first Mama. See you later" Kimi's mother kissed Kimi on the forehead "Bye bye Auntie" Tōru waves goodbye following Kimi who starts to walk ahead, they walks side by side "You look like you woke up in the wrong side of the bed" he commented "Because I have a dream about you"

"What kind of dream was it? Don't tell me you fell in love with this attractive face" He emphasize it by putting his hands on his chin "Don't worry I know sooner or later you will admit it that I am an attractive individual Ki-chan" he continues in a teasing tone making her hit him in the stomach without missing a beat she replied

"There's someone who is more attractive than you and it's more like a memory when we first met"

"Ow! That hurts Ki-chan!"

"You'll live, don't be a dramatic bitch" pouting, he replied in the previous topic  "Anyway that's a good memory to remember since that age you still don't like people much"

"Don't act like it's a new thing. If you want to say something then say it." She said with a sideways glance, he laughs commenting "I'm that obvious huh? Well I have this childhood friend that we are going to meet on the next block" She raised an eyebrow "Oh? And what's that person's name?"

"His name is Iwaizumi Hajime and don't worry you'll enjoy meeting him"

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