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It's been a few weeks since the start of the school year and at the same when Tōru and Iwaizumi got accepted in the volleyball team, the three of them are always together that there are some rumors about their relationship that Kimi and Iwaizumi ignored while Tōru feigned ignorance about it when people asked.

After class when Tōru and Iwaizumi go to the gym they always invite Kimi to watch them practice and she accepts when she knows that she doesn't have anything to do. 

It's the end of the day and Kimi, as always is waiting for the two boys to finish their practice, she just finished typing her draft for her essay in her phone when she noticed a person in front of her, she looked up and saw Iwaizumi, sweating and wearing his volleyball uniform, reaching for his water bottle and towel on his bag laying beside her. She raised a brow, obviously asking why he is here in facial face alone when he sat beside her "Nothing, I thought you need some company while we are on a break." 

"I don't think I need the company when watching you guys practice makes me entertain already" She replied while Iwaizumi is wiping his sweat, in a deadpan voice he said "The team is really like an entertainment show for you" 

"Of course, look at that idiot flirting to his fans again" She lightly smirks and points to Tōru who is indeed flirting to his fans while his captain, a third year named Sato Ryuji is crying miserably in one of their teammates shoulders. Kimi can hear his complaints of how lucky Tōru is because he has a fanclub while no girls are looking at Ryuji, Iwaizumi frowns looking like he will lose his patience and sanity by the club. "Don't mind them, they are a bunch of pain in the ass"  

"Because you are their teammates, regretting it now?" The sigh Iwaizumi let out is accepted by Kimi as an answer enough, the silence between the two is comfortable until Iwaizumi asks a question that is bothering him since he met her "Why are you waiting for us after class?" The look Kimi gave him made his scramble his brain for an appropriate explanation to give her "You didn't join any clubs available but you stay with us waiting for the practice to finish to go home with us" 

"Because I don't have that many to do and I will not always be here because some days I have something to do" her answer satisfied for the time being, he opened his mouth but got interrupted by Coach Mizoguchi shouting at him to contain Oikawa for the sake of all peace and quiet. Iwaizumi sigh, standing up he left his stuff in the chair, he picked up a stray volleyball and he throws it to the back of Tōru's head making him winced in pain, Tōru didn't get a chance to look behind him because Iwaizumi drags him by the collar until they are in front of their captain, by then Iwaizumi slaps the captain in the arm to stop crying and then the practice started.


It's the next day in a middle of their lunch break in the classroom, the three of them are eating their bento in a peaceful atmosphere with some conversation mixed into it when Kimi phone rings, "Someone is calling, I'll answer this first" she excuse herself to the two boys to answer the phone outside of the classroom because she can't hear the person she is talking to. 

"Iwa-chan I'm glad you and Ki-chan got along"

"Idiotkawa what nonsense are you talking about?"

"Nothing" Tōru said in a sing-song voice annoying the crap out of Iwaizumi but Tōru got distracted when Kimi came back "Who called you Ki-chan?"

"Your sister" Tōru is surprised to hear his older sister be mentioned, he asked "Why? Did she need something?" Tōru asked concerned lacing in his voice "Oh, don't worry, nothing happened to her" Kimi calmly diffused his worries as she waved her hand carelessly "She asks a favor to babysit Takeru and I agree"

"Why didn't she ask me? That's unfair of her" Tōru sulkingly asks "You're busy with your club and she knows that I am free after class"

 "True, then you're going to leave first?"

"Yeah I'll be going first, don't cause that much trouble Tōru" Kimi reprimand him with Iwaizumi in the background nodding his head in agreement "Let's continue eating" Iwaizumi said and they finished their bentos 


"Oikawa Where's the girl you are always with?" The vice captain asked,searching for the long chocolate brown haired girl in one of the benches where she always sat.  It is the start of the practice that's why they are stretching to warm their bodies, Tōru looks surprised for a minute before giving a fake smile  "why are you asking? Do you need something from her?"

 "Nothing, It's surprising not to see her while we are practicing" the vice president named Ito Haruto continued "Yeah! Did something happen to her?! Is she okay?!" Captain Sato frantically asks interrupting the warm ups, most of the 2nd and 3rd years sighed instantly recognizing the infamous fallen in love at first sight of the captain while the first years are confused about the captain's actions. 

"She's okay? Like she just has some errands to do" Tōru replies confused, a 2nd year makes his way to Tōru to hold his shoulder in a sympathetic way, explaining "The captain always fall in love in first sight and the girl you always with got victimized by the captain's crush on her" Iwaizumi's reaction is to make a disgusted face while Tōru is mentally thinking the way he doesn't have a chance. "That's a disgusting thing to know, captain! Don't worry she will not fall for you" Tōru said, grinning ignoring the other faces on his words

"Oi! Start practicing! Or all of you will be punished!" Coach Mizoguchi shouted making the rest of the team to follow his orders

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2020 ⏰

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