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“Iwa-chan!” Tōru calls out to his longtime friend Iwaizumi Hajime leaving Kimi to follow him at a short pace while he tries to hug Iwaizumi who is already pissed early in the morning by him acting like an idiot.  “Shittykawa it's too early for your bullshit” then he hit Tōru in the back of the head “Oh? You annoyed someone already” Iwaizumi looks at the girl following Tōru. She has long chocolate brown hair, green doll eyes and porcelain skin.

“Ki-chan don't be rude,” Tōru whined, making her roll her eyes. “You should introduce us first before you continue acting like that.” Iwaizumi mentally agreed with the girl, curious about what relationship she has with his best friend.

Tōru immediately recovers his mood by introducing the two of them to each other “Iwa-chan meet Shimamura Kimi, my childhood friend and sister in law. Ki-chan I already told you his name and he is also my childhood friend.”

“Nice to meet someone who also isn't afraid to hit Tōru” Kimi greeted, slightly softening her features.  “Nice to meet you too” he replied, nodding “Introductions are done then let's go to school” Tōru intervenes and the three of them starts to walk, Tōru is between them talking to the both of them for the two to get to know each other.

It didn’t take them much longer to arrive at Aoba Johsai. With Tōru and Iwaizumi’s popularity, it’s no secret who they are. After all, they are the famous setter-ace duo from the famous powerhouse middle school, Kitagawa Daiichi.

“Is that?”

"Yes, he is that famous setter"

“The setter of Kitagawa Daiichi, Oikawa Tōru? Is attending this school?!”

"Did you know the guy beside him is the former ace of Kitagawa Daiichi, Iwaizumi Hajime"

"He is so handsome!"

"I know right?!"

"Who's the girl with them?"

"Do you know her?"

"No clue man but damn she's hot"

"Omg! That girl is really beautiful"

"I hope she is not a girlfriend of Oikawa-sama!"

"I think they’re blind" Kimi commented softly in contrast to the noise of the surroundings "Why do you think that?" Tōru asks while waving at the squealing girls "They think you're handsome?"

"Is that a question or a statement?"

"A question obviously Tōru"

"You're a very rude person Ki-chan" Tōru whined, Iwaizumi barks a laugh at the bickering duo "You have a sharp tongue Shimamura” Iwaizumi commented making her smirk when Tōru’s reaction was to look at the both of them dramatically in betrayal.

“Do you know where is the list of the class?” Tōru asked. “It’s there on the bulletin board in that direction” Iwaizumi lazily said and pointed to the direction where the bulletin board was located.

“Iwa-chan, Ki-chan look! We are in the same class” Tōru points at the paper where the three of their names are under the class 6, a college preparatory class “I saw it Tōru, why don’t we go to the classroom”

“Sure, let’s seat next to each other” Tōru suggested “Yeah sure whatever”


The three of them arrived in the classroom and started to sit in the middle row where the window is located “Is he always like this?” Kimi asks Iwaizumi, looking at Tōru flirting with girls who are responding with excitement “yes and he doesn’t change at all” he replied irritatedly “How did the two of you meet?”

“We met on one of the volleyball courts and we played volleyball with each other. Now here I am, friends with that idiot. What about you?”

“My elder brother introduced me to him and we talked. You obviously played volleyball if the both of you meet on the volleyball court.”

“Yeah, I played as a wing spiker”  the both of them turned to look at Tōru when the girls voices started to feel annoying in the ears “I’ll handle it Shimamura” He informed her, standing up and walking towards Tōru and the girls without waiting for a reply.

“Thank you Iwaizumi-san” She thanked him under her breath, watching him hit the unaware Tōru behind his head. Tōru clutched his head looking behind him, seeing Iwaizumi glaring him, he smiles nervously at the girls “Sorry girls, looks like I need to go” Iwaizumi drags him to his seat “That’s a nice slap in the back of the head” she compliment him, green eyes twinkling in satisfaction “Thanks” he replied, smirking The bell rings and the homeroom teacher enters the room starting the class.


“Finally! The classes are done!” Tōru cheers, packing his stuff "Ki-chan we are going to apply in the volleyball team, are you coming with us?"

"Sure I'm free for most of the day" They left the classroom, talking about volleyball until they arrived in the gym where it was filled with people practicing, an old man with black hair and grey eyes approached the two males.

“Aren’t the both of you the famous setter and wing spiker from Kitagawa Daiichi?” Seeing the both of them nodding he continues “Applying for the volleyball team? Where’s the application form?” They search for the mentioned paper from their bag and give them to him.

“Why don’t the two of you change your clothes in the locker room?” The both of them looks at Kimi who blankly looks back at them "Go don't worry I'll wait in that spot" she points at her right where there are many space for her to choose a seat "Sure we will see you later" they waved goodbye leaving Kimi to go to the place where she will wait for them to until the end of the club. Kimi took a seat and took out her mystery novel about the death of a girl who's ghost decided to haunt the very place where she was killed, the only way for her soul to rest is when her killer died.

Kimi loves the story so she decided to bring it to school and read it when she has free time, knowing that she would wait for a long time for the two guys she started to read it. Ignoring the stares of the people because she got used to it in middle school. After a few hours of waiting the volleyball team finally finished their practice, waiting for the boys to finish showering and changing of clothes, she decided to wait by the door so she can easily be seen by the boys.

"Ki-chan!" Tōru called out as he swings his arm to her shoulders pulling her closer to his body "Thanks for waiting, I didn't expect it would finish this late"

"It's okay I don't mind waiting," Kimi noticed Tōru's elbow connecting to Iwaizumi's side. "Thank you for being patient," Iwaizumi said, making her nod. The three of them walked home together talking about the club, they walked Kimi home before going home themselves.

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