Part 1 <3

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it was 9pm on a Saturday morning, you were woken up by your little brother, Lucas.

"Y/n, y/n wake up!!" He shouted.
"Ugh Lucas, I'll be up in a sec." you moaned.

You groaned and got up and walked to your bathroom. You brushed your teeth, and put your hair in a messy bun then washed and moisturised your face with cera-ve as Addison told you it was good for your skin. You put on a hoodie and walked downstairs and saw your mom, dad, addison, enzo and Lucas eating pancakes and the table.

"Morning sis"Addison said.
"Good morning to you all" you kissed enzo, Lucas and addisons head and sat down.
"Good morning honey" you dad said and kissed your head.
"Morning dad" you said tiredly.
"Morning sunshine"your mom said brightly.
"Morning mom" you smiled.

Your mom handed you a plate of pancake and started eating.

"So y/n, there's this party at sway tonight? You wanna tag along with me?" She explained.
You laughed "you know I don't do parties, and what's sway?" You questioned.
"It's this content house, of boys. Please can you come? I'll do your laundry for a week" she said doing puppy eyes.
"Ugh fine, are you okay with it mom and dad?"
Your asked.
"I guess so, just be careful and be back no later then 1 in the morning" you dad said.
"Yep, I agree with you father" your mom said after.

You nod your head and put your plate in the sink.

"Oh, by the way the party starts at 5. Come to my room at 2pm so we can get ready" Addison explained quickly.
"Okay, can I borrow one of your dresses though I don't really have any party dresses."
"Oh my god, I've got the perfect dress for you."
Addison explained exitedly"

You nod and go upstairs and change into your best friend Emma's merch hoodie, and short black shorts and throw your hair in a cute messy bun and put your cute glasses on.
You sit on your desk and set up your phone on your phone stand and FaceTime Emma and she immediately responds straight away.
"What's up bish?" She said loudly.
"Ugh help me em, addi's making me go to this party at this place called sway."
Emma laughs
"Sway is a content house full of fuck boys that will play you and mess with your feelings"
"Not like I'm going to get with any of them, they seem like dicks."
Emma laughed even more
"Come round mine tomorrow to hang."
"Of course" you replied.

You both stayed on FaceTime for another 4 hours just messing around and gossiping when Addison comes bursting in your room. You turn your head.
"Ever heard of knocking?" You roll your eyes and look back at Emma.
"Come on we need to get ready for this party."
She said frustrated.
"When we get there, you promise not to leave me especially when I know no one, and why do you wanna go party with a bunch of Fuck boys?" You said harshly.
"I promise and no there not fuck boys even if they look like it."
"Whatever, I'll be there in 5 now get out." You said.
She left the room and you turned back at emma.
"I best go, I'll see you tomorrow em."
"Bye hoe love you" she shouted. You laughed and blew her a kiss then ended it.
You sighed and let your room and walked to Addisons room.

yours ~ Jaden hossler &lt;3Where stories live. Discover now