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Warnings: Mild language/Some cursing, Stalkers. 

New POV unlocked Kaede Akamatsu

_Kaede Akamatsu

I was helping Maki clean up the girl's night which had ended early, mainly because Miu put sharp things like scissors, knives, etc. On a Roomba...Hiyoko was immediately rushed to the emergency room with Mahiru and Mikan taking her. "Hey, Maki how's it going with Kaito?" Maki flushed a deep red at the mention of Kaito her Ultimate Dumbass. " Kaede please don't bring up Kaito." I noticed Maki looked uncomfortable talking about Kaito," What's wrong? Did he do something to you." Maki's uncomfortable gaze immediately changed to a shocked one," No, It's just...He's...He's been hanging out with Angie a lot lately. He might like her more instead of me!" Maki looked as if she was about to cry, but she immediately put on her emotionless glare," Y'know what forget I ever said that." she completely brushed off her little confession, as if it was nothing but a joke gone wrong.

"Maki, are you...Jealous of Kaito hanging out with Angie?" Maki immediately flushed." Well if you're actually jealous of Angie, I should tell you Kaito is planning something with Angie that involves you." I decided to hint at her suprise party, and the gift Kaito was asking Angie to help with. Maki immediately flushed even deeper," Kaede I think you need to check on your boyfriend Shuichi." I flushed an even brighter red," MAKI, we dated like the first year of high-school then we broke up!" I couldn't out Shuichi, he said he wasn't ready to come out so I'd do almost anything to defend him."Y'know you never told me why you two broke up?" I tried to come up with some typical teenager reason," We had our differences and we started changing, we both just agreed we weren't good as lovers as we were friends." Maki probably could tell I was telling a white lie, but I was thankful she didn't put me on the spot. " Anyway, you should go. Shuichi is still probably worried about you." 

"Are you sure Maki, we haven't cleaned everything up yet!?" Usually Maki and I would help eachother clean during parties like these," I'm sure, but I'm coming with you. Shuichi has some...News to tell you. I don't think you'll like it." I pulled my raincoat as did Maki, of course Maki was the one driving because she didn't trust me in my drowsy state. The rain was calming to me, it trickled down the outside of the glass. It reflected the dazzling city lights through the water, making it look like the sky was crying rainbows. I felt my phone buzz, Shuichi...

Shuchi: How's the girl's night???

It's alright, it ended early, cuz of Miu's modified Roomba stabbing Hiyoko's heels:

Shuichi: Wow, that sucks. Let me guess Maki told you I have bad news?

Read. I just needed to comprehend, what happened? Did someone steal his hat? Did he get fired? So many possibilites ran through my head. I started to squirm in my seat." Maki...Did he tell you the bad news?" Maki simply shook her head." Nope I'm about as clueless as you are." That's when she pulled up to Shuichi and I's shared apartment. "Time to go find out what Shuichi did!" Maki said with sarcastic enthusiasm. "Yay." I mumbled with the added jazz hands. We walked through the complex till we arrived at our door. I took a deep breath, "Ok, I'm ready." I opened the door, and as soon as I opened the door I saw Shuichi in a pile of blankets." Okay, you two sit down please!" Shuichi sounded...Tired, let's just say TIRED. (I mean it's better than rou-) Kaede sat down along with Maki," Shuichi, what's bothering you?" Shuichi was shaking.

" I might have picked up the Ouma ca-" "WHAT!" Maki and I stood up." Lemme guess he's already toying with you?" Shuichi looked at Maki," How do you know Ouma's gender? I haven't even gotten to that part yet...?" Maki let out a sigh," Shuichi, I basically work with the Kuzuryuu clan, I know that kid because I basically raised him..." Shuichi and I stared in shock," Anyway I could probably get some of the pushovers of the clan to give info. That little shit wasn't joking when he said he was gonna make the Ouma family flourish on the news..." Suddenly we heard a door bell ring."I'll go get it." I got out of my seat and checked through the peephole."Hey, Shuichi, Maki. Why are there guys with clown masks outside our door?" Maki immediatley pushed me out of the way.

"You two go hide, I'll stay and keep watching them. Damn Ouma really wants to mess with you Shuichi...Anyway go hide!" Shuichi and I raced to the bathroom, are sink was big enough to fit both of us. Except it was really claustrophobic and I could barely control my heart. Shuichi at this point was having a panic attack, and I couldn't blame him. An infamous criminal was after him, trying to kidnap him or something."You can come out now, D.I.C.E. was outside your door. They brought you a package you might wanna check out..."  Maki held out the package, I could tell she had checked for camera's and sorts." Well, Ok." I noticed a small piece of paper among the trinkets in the box," Hey, look!" I was about to grab it but Maki stopped me," I think Shuichi should read it since this package was addressed to him." I nodded my head towards Shuichi.

He was hesitant to grab it, but in the end he knew he probably should. " Ok, this letter is super long, so it might take awhile to read." Then Shuichi glanced at the paper as Maki and I started to look over his shoulder. Than he started to read that note, we all were naive, we didn't know the consequences of reading that note. Maybe if we hadn't read it, the story would've been." Maki and Kaito started dating, and got married, Kaede became a world reknowned pianist, Shuichi would've given up the case and become the best replacement to Kyoko Kirigiri that Japan had ever seen. Little did we know after reading that note there was a slight change in all of our futures. Shuichi's changed the most, in the end he would become the exact copy of Kyoko Kirigiri herself.

...Kaede's POV has malfunctioned, rebooting POV...

Please, choose another POV momentarily while we reboot Kaede's POV...

- Check on Hiyoko? (File opened Mahiru.POV  has been found go to 5.1 to open file.)


- Check on Kaito? ( File opened Kaito.POV has been found go to 5.2 to open file.)

(Hi! Sorry this took so long its been a draft for a few days, because I was trying to figure out how to lanch the story. Also school's coming up, and I will hopefully post a few more chapters before I'm latched down by school and have to make a schedule. P.S sorry for the short chapter!)

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