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New POV unlocked Mahiru Koizumi

The only warning I have is Hiyoko's colorful cursing

_Mahiru's POV

I was in a panic, Miu's stupid Roomba hurt poor Hiyoko's ankles. It was so bad she didn't even bother calling Mikan one of her many colorful insults...Everything was chaos, Hiyoko was crying, Mikan was trying to treat the wounds the best she could while having a breakdown, Ibuki kept trying to call Mikan to ask about her, and they were stuck in traffic with everyone beeping and screaming. I was at my wit's end till Ibuki called for the thousandth time, this time I couldn't stand it I snatched the phone and answered the call." Is Mikan okay? Ibuki's worried!" 

"Ibuki, don't worry. Mikan's just a little shaken up. We're trying to get Hiyoko to the ER." Ibuki paused for a minute," Well Ibuki was worried because a big crash happened." That immediately shut me up," What do you mean Ibuki?" She cut out a little bit but I heard her perfectly clear," Takaaki Kiyotaka cop and father of one got into a freak crash accident earlier tonight. They're now cleaning up the scene of the crash. That's what Ibuki saw on the news!" Kiyotaka, that name sounded familiar, then it hit me. Ishimaru Kiyotaka the Ultimate Moral Compass, he always made sure everyone somewhat understood the topics of class. He was strict but sweet. " Well Ibuki you should get some sleep, I'll bring Mikan back later tonight ok?" 

"Ibuki's tired, so Ibuki agrees to sleep." Mahiru sighed and hung up. Traffic was finally moving, and Hiyoko had calmed down, and Mikan was finally able to focus. Mahiru still couldn't believe it Takaaki Kiyotaka victim of a freak crash accident. Why him? Who would've wanted to hurt him? The only person I could think of was Mondo, but Mondo himself would never try to do something that would hurt Kiyotaka...Even though they weren't official everyone knew they liked each other even though Kiyotaka was dating Mukuro. I kept driving praying that everything would just calm down, and we could get to the ER safetly. 


We had just arrived to the ER and carried Hiyoko in. We signed her in and they took her, we then decided to sit in the waiting room, where we saw Ishimaru in tears. Mikan immediatley ran over to try and comfort him, I also walked over noticing no-one was there to comfort him beside Mikan. "Hey, Ishimaru. How's it going?" He was shaking," Not fine? That's pretty obvious..." A doctor came out," Ishimaru Kiyotaka you can see him now." Taka rushed towards the doctor and dissappeared through the door towards the patients. When we heard someone rush in, it was Mukuro. " Is Taka here? I need to talk to him!" Mukuro looked panicked," He's here but why do you wanna talk to him and what about?" Mukuro took a sharp breath," I might've kissed Sayaka Maizono, and she confessed...I don't know what to do!? I think I actually love her more than Ishi..." Mukuro looked like she was about to cry, then she noticed Mikan and started crying," I'm also so sorry my sister did everything she did to you." Mukuro started breaking down. Mikan tried to comfort her, but then Taka came out."Mukuro? Wh-why are you here? I thought you were at that party?" She took deep breath," Taka I think we should...End this, we can still be friends, but at the end of the day we know we aren't being true to eachothers feelings...I also caught feelings for Sayaka and I wanna be honest I love her more as a lover while I think of you as more of a brother..." Then right before Taka could answer we heard the door of the ER burst open.

It was Mondo. He ran over to Taka quickly and hugged him," TAKA, I was so worried about you when I heard what happened over the news I tried to get through traffic!" Taka looked like he was about to cry," Taka what's wrong?" Taka started laughing that was until I saw tears too," Taka..." Mukuro looked concerned," Ishi?" Both of them looked concerned, but then Taka broke the silence," What's wrong with you guys? You look concerned? Did you think I was crying because I was sad?" Mukuro and Mondo look at eachother," Uh, yeah?" They were both confused. Before anything else could happen," Mahiru Koizumi, Mikan Tsumuki, you should be able to see her now," What happened?" Mukuro questioned." Hiyoko's a-ankles u-um g-got stabbed b-by Miu's R-Roomba." Mikan looked like she was at gunpoint. " Oh, ok? Anyway Ishi wanna camp out at my house? Daiya's there but he really wants to meet you!" Ishimaru nodded his head," I've always wondered what your brother was like, so I guess now's my chance to find out!"

Mukuro looked shocked," So the rumors are true! Taka cheated on me with what they consider a homie!" Mondo and Taka just stared at her," Wait,what?" That was my que to hurry over to where Mikan was waiting," L-Let's go Mahiru!" Mikan was strangely confident. We walked through the hall till we found Hiyoko's room, I went to knock first," COME IN!!!" Hiyoko was sat comfortably in a bed," They still need to check if the wounds are infected Mahiru, isn't that just a great big pile of horseshit, oh speaking of horseshit you brought pigshit along for the ride! When are you gonna bring cow and chickenshit?"

"I'm not 'Pig-shit' Hiyoko, I'm Mikan!" Hiyoko stared in a suprise," Your still a trashy slu-"Shut up." Then Mikan left the room," Hiyoko stop calling Mikan names that's not nice at all!" Hiyoko looked even more shocked, then she started to...Cry?" I just...I'm trying to get better okay, it's just I have problems, and I know I should improve, but I've snapped at this point Mahiru I don't know what to do!?" I went of to Hiyoko and gently cradled her upper-body," Hiyoko, I know your trying, and that certain people make you snap. Please just try harder is all I can say, I'll be back I need to drop Mikan off." I raced out of the hallway to the main waiting room for ER telling them that I'll be back soon. I looked around and saw no Mikan, but I saw Mukuro," Hey, Mukuro you wouldn't have happened to see Mikan correct?" 

"I saw her, but it wasn't pretty at all. She stormed out the door into the rain, you might wanna hurry up and find her before she hurts herself." Without another second I race out the door to find Mikan, I was already drenched but I didn't care. Finding Mikan and bringing her back to Ibuki safetly was my only goal, Ibuki would drop-kick you into the Earth's mantle if you hurt Mikan in anyway shape or form. The only person she won't punish as severely is Hiyoko, since she knows Hiyoko's trying to change.

_Timeskip AgAiN 

I have tried to find Mikan by calling her, texting her, everything, but I can't find her. Just as I'm about to lose hope I see her on a bridge. I get out of the car and slowly approach her, she keeps mumbling something. I can't hear it till I'm inches away from her and she screams," I MIKAN TSUMUKI AM NOT A TRASHY BITCH OR PIGSHIT!" I grab her arm as soon as she said that," Wha-" She was cut off by me grabbing her arm," I'm taking you home Mikan Tsumuki, now come on." I drag Mikan to the car. The drive was silent except for the occasional bump or people blasting music from their cars. When we finally arrived, I saw Ibuki run out the front door," Ibuki noticed your late, Ibuki wants a reason!" I had to explain the whole situation as Mikan held her head low. 

"Mikan Ibuki wants to talk to you inside, Ibuki thanks Mahiru for her noble service of bringing Mikan back to IBUKI!" Mikan gets pulled inside as I'm left in the rain, I decide to head home and get a change of clothes before I go back to see Hiyoko.

(So I decided to do a choose your own POV thing so, hopefully you liked this. It was a little short, but more POVs will open up soon once I right them, like Kaito's POV will probably unlock tomorrow.)

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