Band Reunion - Chapter one

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As Frank walked up the snowy steps of the house, Greggina the guitar, he held close to him. He whispered little things into her tuning pegs and leaving little pecks on her neck. He wasn't sure how Gerard, His ex, would take the fact that Frank was now dating a guitar, and even planning to marry it. "Hm. Fuck it. We're in love and if Ray, Mikey or Gerard don't like it they can go fuck a toaster and turn it on. Just know, Greggina, I'll never let them take the light behind your eyes, as you are my sunshine. My only sunshine." Frank said, still standing on the porch as the freezing December air bit at his skin.

"Oh! I think Frank's finally here!" A very familiar voice piped up. Frank immediately recognized the voice as belonging to Ray Toro, the lead guitarist of their now broken up band. The weathered door opened up with a rather loud squeak as Ray's joyous face beamed at Frank and Greggina. "Hey Iero! Long time, no see!" Mr Toro exclaimed as he leaned against the door frame allowing Frank entrance. " Gerard here..?" Frank said, lifting his gaze to meet the kind eyes of Ray. "Yup. Why..?" The taller man asked as Frank shuffled his feet into the door mat to rid himself of the snow covering his feet.

"Oh.. Well, I just wanted him to meet my girlfriend. Greggina." He explained, as his right hand gripped tighter onto his Guitar, he lifted Greggina up to show Ray.

"Oh so you finally got over Way?! Ah I'm so glad for you buddy! I remember, even after 5 months of you two being split up, you'd text me the most saddest texts ever. So where's the lucky lady?!" Ray practically hopped up and down like a child receiving a brand new toy.

"Uhm, right here." The brown haired man said a bit confused as he lightly shook Greggina, careful not to accidentally hit her against the door.

"Heh..Y-you really know how to pull my leg, Iero. Quit playin' around.." Toro nervously giggled out.

"Ray. I am being serious. I'm dating Greggina."

"B..but..-" Ray started, but was swiftly cut off as the sound of footsteps grew closer to the two men.

Looking over his shoulder, Frank locked eyes with the man whom he had spent so many intimate moments with, and whom he thought he could trust and love forever. Alas, back then, Frank was young, dumb and in love. In love with Gerard Way, the lead singer for their ex band.

You see, when Frank and Gerard broke things off, the band slowly fell into chaos. Gerard went back to his old habits of blackout drinking and taking drugs. Frank hardly left his room unless it was to play a concert, he wouldn't even talk to Gerard, not even in songs which made songs like Vampire Money hard to play. Ray tried to keep things peaceful, as if an argument was to arise between the ex-lovers, things wouldn't be beautiful. Poor Michael felt like the cause of it, like he was taking too much of Gerard's time, although many times Gerard would comfort Mikey and tell him that His and Frank's breakup was going to happen regardless, Mikey still felt like shit because of it.

"Frank!" Gerard exclaimed before looking away and cursing under his breath. My god, was he hot. He grew his hair out even longer and grew a bit of facial hair, along with his newly gained dad bod.

"..Gee- I mean! ..Gerard.." Frank cause himself before he used a cute nickname he called Gerard when they were still together.

"Rayy, you told me Frank wouldn't be here! I told you if I saw his face I would be sure to punch it. Plus I have Bandit here and I don't want to raise my daughter around that kind of shit!" Gerard frantically babbled pulling Ray closer to him.

Frank scoffed lightly as he remembered when he helped Gerard raise Bandit after Gerard had cheated on him with a girl from another band named Lyn-z. He knew Lyn wasn't at fault though, as Gerard had told her he was single.Even after Gerard's infidelity Frank loved him with all his heart, an action he would later regret in his life.

~Frank's only sunshine~ A Frank Iero and Greggina story. (LEMON)Where stories live. Discover now