Lecture Hall

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Phukong runs for his life around campus. He looks disheveled and out of breath, which makes him even hotter for the army of girls running after him.

Very recently his photo got posted on the university gossip website, and the thirsty students that couldn't get hold of the cold prince Sarawat because he already has a cute boyfriend, found out about his little but very handsome brother.

So when one day he decides to visit his brother, the news spread like wildfire and before he could even get ahold of him, Phukong is already surrounded by too many girls who want to be his sugar mommies. So the only option for him is to start running away until he can get himself somewhere safe and out of the reach of the swarm of hungry for his body students.

However, during the battle, some of the buttons of his shirt are straight out ripped and with sweat starting to appear on his temples plus the heavy breathing, the visual is not helping his case.

After running around aimlessly he manages to put enough distance to catch his breath.


"P'Mil?" Phukong can't believe his luck.

Mil had already finished his last class of the day but stayed behind finishing arranging the notes from the lecture. And then he heard something weird, so he went out of the class to check, and found himself with the very overwhelmed Phukong.

"Please P'Mil, hide me!" Phukong pleaded out of breath. He doesn't know until when he can continue running and he doesn't want to think about what would happen to him when he stops and is caught by the swarm of people following him ready to devour him.

Mil just nods without understanding the situation and Phukong enters the class and hides under the professors' desk.

It is not long until the swarm arrives and starts to interrogate Mil about the handsome nong.

"P'Mil! Have you seen Sarawat's brother?" Someone asks.

P'Mil himself is also quite known in the university, but not on the level of Sarawat. That is god tier.

P'Mil negates with his head.

"I was inside the class finishing my notes." Explains while signalling the classroom door.

"I heard something weird and came out to figure out what it was, and then you arrived" Continues calmly.

"Girls! Someone has seen him in the XXX department!" Someone screams, and the whole swarm disappears in matters of seconds.

Mil is astonished by what he has just witnessed. It's just that, he doesn't like Sarawat, but he can understand why people go crazy after him, but Phukong? He is just a child.

After a couple of minutes of deep thinking, he just goes back to the classroom and calls out the boy hidden under the desk.

"All clear!"

Slowly a head peaks out of the desk, like trying to figure out if he is really safe or if P'Mil is setting him up for a trap. He knows that Mil has a prankster side.

Phukong lets out a relieved sigh and gets up completely.

"Thanks, phi" Says as he starts to walk towards the elder one.

And then Mil feels like a whole building has dropped onto him.

He couldn't get a proper look previously because of the rush and surprise but now he can see it clearly. Phukong is smoking hot. Where is the child he had in his mind? Dreamy innocent eyes, long eyelashes, slender fit body that is very visible due to all of the missing buttons of his shirt. And freaking sweating. And out of breath. Now he is the one who can't breathe.

He feels the pull.


But Phukong can't say anything else as he is pushed towards the desk and starts to being kissed with hunger. Mil holds Phukong's face between his hands, accomodating Phukong in the most comfortable position so that the elder can have full access to his lips.

Even if he can't believe that he is being aggressively kissed by his phi, Phukong starts to actively kiss back and matching the same intensity. After all, is not every day that your one-sided crush decides suddenly that he wants to bang you.

He can't stop a smile in between the hot kisses.

Both can feel the temperature of the room rising exponentially. Kid who?

Mil descends one of his hands towards Phukong's waist, pulling him closer instinctively as he feels him responding back. He is not thinking. All his judgement has gone out of the window. His notes long forgotten on the third row of the classroom.

Phukong puts his hands circling Mil's neck pulling himself even closer to him if that was possible.

Mil looks straight into Phukong's eyes. With those thick eyebrows framing a mischievous expression. Mil leaves alone Phukong's lips and descends to his neck and starts sucking. Fuck!

A light moan escapes Phukong's lips and it makes Mil dig his teeth deeper combining it with harsher sucking and licking. He can taste the saltiness of Phukong's sweat. And somehow he has never tasted anything as sweet.

When he is satisfied returns to Phukong's lips with hunger, proud of the marks that now are quite visible on the younger's collar. 

Tongs are battling for dominance. And some very naughty hands start to make its way under Phukong's shirt. Phukong's hands are on Mil's hair, holding himself. But moans escape from time to time his lips.

"Sarawat, Mil is devouring your brother on the xxx Lecture Hall. You better hurry if you don't want him to be done on the teacher's desk"

Sarawat was minding his own business, as always, in the company of his boyfriend Tine when a student he has never seen in his life blurted such affirmation. Sarawat frowns, who is what?

Tine gulps but lets his boyfriend decide what to do. Phukong and Mil? How? Since when?

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