Chapter 29

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I just wanted to ask you guys something... would you like to see the cover and name for the second book to this? because its ready and the story line. so comment please if you want to see it.

And who's your favourite character? and what's your favourite chapter?

And thank you for all the reads and votes you guys are totally amazing!
But I still don't have a nickname for you guys so please comment if you have one.

- emily


I shop for about half an hour till I go back to find Kate, but for some reason she's not at the coffee shop that I left her at.

Where can she get to in half an hour? And who the hell was that guy? I know leaving her with a stranger wasn't the best idea but- wait! a werewolf, that I've never met before! not got a pack smell, oh my gosh! I just handed Kate over to rogues!

'Gabby I'm going home!' I mid link her.

I run out the shopping centre trying to get a scent off of Kate, but she's human which just makes my job ten times harder!

I run into the forest shifting into my white wolf, my legs bounding against the forest floor. I try to find anyone's scent but nothing, not even a whiff!

'Laura what do I do?!' I ask worried.

'I don't know! why would they even take her!?'

'I'm in such big trouble'

Just when I'm about to give up something hits my nose. pine needles and chocolate. I'd know that scent anywhere, Mason.

I chase after the scent, but it soon does quickly.

A twig snaps making me jump a little. I listen around for something, a heartbeat, just one.

I growl looking in every direction.

Masons brown wolf steps out from behind a bush that was next to me.

It's been a while since I've seen them black eyes.

I face mason, staring straight into his pitch black eyes.

Me Being still taller than mason gives me the advantage.

I so badly just want to rip his throat out but then I have this little voice in the back of my head saying not to.

How can I kill my ex best friend?

Mason shifts back to his human form, his hair everywhere, the clothes he picked out, a black T-shirt with denim jeans, with a black coat on.

"Mind shifting so we can talk?" he asks, his voice deeper than it use to be.

I shift back into my human form, crossing my hands over my chest, glaring at him.


"First your rude to James, then you kidnap me, act like we're a flipping couple! then pretend that I killed you and now your still trying to get with me!" I rant cutting him off.

"Look you don't understand-"

"I don't understand? if I had a pound every time someone said that to me I'd be rich!" I shout.

"The only thing I don't understand is why you didn't tell me before my mate came running along then no one would be in this mess!" I through my hands up in the air.

"I didn't no how"

"It's called asking someone on a date! but the thing is mason even if I didn't have James in my life I would have still said no! do you why? because you was like a brother to me, I didn't see you that way, I saw you as my friend and only my friend!"

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