UA Sports Festival (part 4)

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" LETS SEE HOW SEREINITY KICK SHOTO' S BUTT THIS TIME!? READY.... FIGHT!"Midnight said Sereinity then used her water quirk to shoot water at Todoroki, then he freezes the water and the ice shatters to the ground. " Why Won't you use your fire baby boy?" Sereinity said, Todoroki then uses his ice to slide behind Sereinity and put two fingers on her lower back, shocking her with his icy touch. " ICY HOT GET YOUR FROSTBITE HANDS OFF OF HER!" I said to him with Bakugo smiling at me, Todoroki then flips me off and Bakugo is very pissed " ICY THOT I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU FLIP OFF MY EXTRA AGAIN I WILL TORTURE YOU!" Everyone from our class just stared at me and Bakugo, we were silent until Kirishima blurted out " None of us are going to let go of the fact that you called Alikay MY extra."

" Tch whatever" the pomeranian said, Icy hot then said something in Sereinity's war that made her speechless .... she was broken she couldn't move he then started pushing her out of the ring. "SEREINITY LET'S MESS WITH MONOMA!!" Sereinity then sprung up from the broken trance she was in she then flipped back behind Todoroki and tried to push him out of the ring. But, Todoroki puts up a wall of ice in front him and to stop himself and he ends up getting pushed face first into the wall leaving a bruise on his forehead. " HAHAHAHA OH CRAP YOU POOR ICY THOT" I said while Bakugo and the rest of our class couldn't stop laughing,

" HAHAHAHA now if you didn't break me then I wouldn't have done that!"Sereinity said, " Honey I'll break you" Icy Thot said, Sereinity then pulls out her whip and whips it around Todoroki's waist and pulls him closer to her. " Your not going to break me I'll break you" Sereinity said then she whispered something in Todoroki's ear and he was left there speechless and frozen, she then went to push him out of the ring but he flipped backwards over her head. He lands behind her and sets off a massive fire explosion that sends her flying out of the ring, as soon as I saw it go off I sprang up from my seat and flew down to catch her before she could hit the wall.

I wrapped my wings around her and I took the impact of us hitting the wall instead of her, my metal wings putting a hole in the wall of the arena. I then stood up with Sereinity unconscious in my arms, I then looked at Todoroki with the serious expression " Shoto Todoroki...." he then looked at me shocked since I never used his full name. " You'll pay..." Bakugo then used his explosion quirk to descend down the arena wall to me, " Jesus Icy Thot she's burned badly... what the heck.... here let me help'' he expanded his arms out to Sereinity's unconscious body. " TODOROKI WINS'' Midnight said.

" No I got this'' I said back " C'mon just.." " I SAID I GOT IT YOU RETARDED POMERANIAN!!!" Bakugo backed off and stopped asking, he saw that I was pissed and Shoto didn't offer his help because he knew I wouldn't accept it. I then flew at my top speed of 240 mph to get Sereinity to the Recovery girl's office. I could hear Bakugo using his quirk to move swiftly through the hallway trying to catch up with me but I beat him to the office. I then walked out of the office when Katsuki saw me he just turned around and started walking in front of me. As I was walking back to the arena for my battle with Kirishima I saw Todoroki heading to the Recovery girl's office. I then stop in front of him, " Where the hell do you think your going Shoto?" " To see my girlfriend" " NO THE HELL YOU'RE NOT YOU LOST THAT RIGHT WHEN YOU PUT HER IN THAT POSITION!"

" Who are you to decide that?" " HER BEST FRIEND YOU RETARD WHO APPARENTLY TREATS HER BETTER THEN HER OWN DAMN BOYFRIEND!!" Katsuki was then holding me back afraid I would lunge at Todoroki and attack him, "It's not my fault" Shoto said, " THEN WHOSE FAULT IS IT A GHOST WHO HAS A FIRE QUIRK?!" " I made a bigger blast then intended" "MORE EXCUSES I CAN'T CONTROL MY QUIRK WAH WAH WAH WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP IF IT WEREN'T FOR KATSUKI I WOULD HAVE PULVERIZED YOUR ASS ALREADY!" " Alikay calm down" Bakugo chimed in, " NO I WON'T CALM THE HELL DOWN!" I then spread my wings up and got out of Katsuki's grip accidentally cutting both his arms, " OW WHAT THE HELL?! DID YOU EVER THINK ABOUT WHAT SEREINITY WOULD SAY IF SHE SAW YOU DOING THI?!" " I WOULDN'T CARE I WOULD STILL CHEW HIM OUT!"

I then flew back into the arena and landed ready to take all my rage out on Eijirou Kirishima, "READY .... FIGHT!" Midnight said, " Eijiro Kirishima...." I said he then looked at me confused, "I'm sorry for what's about to happen ...." Before he could respond I started my attack. I ran in circles around him at 31 mph creating a massive dust tornado, he then activated his power move that hardened his body till he looked like some monster. He couldn't see me so I just kept attacking him with kicks, punches, and scratches from my claws while jumping in and out of the dust tornado. He finally had to go back to regular hardening. Then when I jumped out of the tornado of dust he caught me by my throat, " You thought this would be easy huh? Think again!"

He started to cut off my air supply with his quirk, he was smiling....while he did it.... and it was creepy.... " KIRISHIMA SHE CAN'T BREATHE!" Katsuki screamed from the crowd, he let go, dropping me to the floor while I catched my breath. He said with his quirk off , " Oh god I was just trying to stop her!" I quickly pulled out two winged swords and slashed one deep cut in each leg and one deep one in his chest. He fell to the ground, " ALIKAY WINS!" Midnight announced before telling Cementoss to take Kirishima to the Recovery Girl's office. I then flew as fast as I could to an empty training room, when I got there I slumped down into a sitting position on the ground and wrapped my wings around myself.

As soon as my wings covered me I started scratching at my neck where burn scars were vigorously, I just kept scratching and scratching as I started to cry, I kept scratching until I was bleeding from my neck in multiple places, around 20 minutes later Katsuki found me. He started talking to me from outside my winged shield, " What was that ab.." he stopped at the time I presumed he noticed I was crying. He then parted my wings and saw my neck, "What did you do extra?! And why?!" he said as he picked me up and took me to the recovery girl for my neck to get bandaged. Recovery girl finished my bandages then Katsuki asked me the same question, "What happened extra?"

" That asshole Kirishima was choking me on purpose Katsuki ..... he knew he was. I felt his grip tighten and he was smiling at Katsuki...." I told him. "That can't be true Kirishima wouldn't do that.." "Well he did and he.... enjoyed it" " I DON'T BELIEVE YOU!" It Hurt that Katsuki didn't trust me anymore but what was I supposed to do, " I DON'T NEED YOUR OPINION WHETHER YOU BELIEVE ME OR NOT IT'S UP TO YOU BUT HE GOT WHAT WAS COMING TO HIM!" " YOUR A MONSTER!" Bakugo said that right there made me break. I started to cry uncontrollably, " Extra... I'm sorry " he went to hug me but I pushed him off, "DON'T TOUCH ME YOU DON' T BELIEVE ME SO LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE!" " FINE YOU UGLY ASS LOOKING PIDGEON GET OUT OF MY LIFE!!" The pomeranian said this and he didn't understand how much it broke my heart to hear him say that. "I NEVER WANTED TO BE A PART OF IT ANYWAY!!"

I then flew into the arena still crying as I landed..
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