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As the dinner bell rang, we all went to sit at the dining room table. Earlier that day Five talked to me about how he was going to attempt time travel today. As we sat down, I slowly moved my food around my plate with my fork.

As I looked up, I saw Allison and Luther smiling at each other, Ben was reading a book, Diego was carving something into his chair, Klaus was rolling a cigarette, Vanya was eating her food, and Five was staring at Dad. I slightly nudged his foot from under the table.

He stopped looking at Dad and locked eyes with me. His green eyes glistening in the daylight that shinned through the windows.

I could tell he was up to something, but during mealtime we were not allowed to talk, so I gave him a quick smile, and went back to picking at my food. As I was about to take my first bite, Five slammed his knife into the table.

Everyone looked at him for a second, but then quickly went back to what they were doing.

"Number Five?" Dad said with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"I have a question." Five stated locking eyes with Dad.

"Knowledge is an admirable goal, but you know the rules, no talking during meal time, Your interrupting Herr Carlson."

Five roughly pushed his plate in front of him. "I want to time travel."

"No." Dad said more annoyed.

"But ive been practicing my spatial jumps, just like you said. See!?" Five said confidentially.

"A spatial jump is trivial, when comparing the unknowns of time travel. One is like sliding along the ice, the other is akin to descending blindly into the depths of the freezing water, and reappearing as an acorn." Dad said coldly.

"Well, I dont get it." Five said disappointed. "Hints the reason your not ready." Dad said slapping the table gently. Five looked at me, and I shook my head, and mouthed 'No.'

"Im not afraid"

"Fear isnt the issue, the effects it might have on your body, even on your mind, are far to unpredictable. Now, I forbid you to talk about this anymore."

Five stared at the table, before running through the door. "Number Five, Y/N, You havent been excused! Come back here!"

I bolted up from my chair and ran out the door after Five.

"Five! Five come back!" I said worried. I eventually caught up to him and grabbed his hand tightly. "Five! Please come ba-" Tears started to form in my eyes, but before i could finish my sentence, Five had time traveled.

I was dizzy, and felt like vomiting. "Five! You sick son of a bitch, you did it! You time traveled!" I said excited.

"Y/N, you came with me? I didnt think I could do that..."

"Yea you couldnt just leave me there all alone!"

"Not ready my ass."

Five jumped again, and once more. But the last time he jumped we saw the same concrete sidewalk we were walking on, but everything was brown, the air was polluted, and around us, buildings were on fire, and smoke was everywhere. Five and I bolted back to the academy.

"Vanya!" Five called out.

"Klaus!" I said worried.

"Dad! Anyone!" Five shouted.

I held Five's hand harder and, the tears that were in my eyes earlier started to fall from my eyes hopelessly. Five looked at me, and cupped my face with his hands, he wiped my tears away, but his efforts were useless.

As my tears began to stop, I finally said, "Try to go back."

Blue energy swirled around his fists, but it was no use. His powers werent strong enough, and as the energy powered down, he looked to me with teary eyes.

I pulled Five into a tight hug, letting tears spill from my eyes. We were stuck in an apocalyptic world that looked exactly like ours.


Five and I had been stuck in the apocalypse for 45 years now. We both had confessed that we had crushes on each other when we were 16. We've been together for 29 years.

The second month we were stuck, Five and I had come across a mannequin from a old department store. We dragged her along with us everywhere, Eventually, we decided to name her 'Delores.'

Five and I were talking about who knows what when i suddenly heard footsteps coming towards us. I jumped up and pointed a gun in the direction.

"Who are you?"

The woman with white hair continued to tell us who she worked for and that she wants to recruit us to work for the commission in the correction division.

For 2 years Five and I had been working for the commission in the correction division. On this particular job, we were assigned to assassinate President John F. Kennedy, but instead of that, Five had been writing down equations all day and finally figured out how to time travel back to our family.

"You ready?" Five asked.

"Ready as ill ever be."

Five held my hand as both of us used his power to create a huge blue, sparking, hole.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" I said, almost yelling.

"We'll find out." Five said a bit worried. Pushing through the loophole.

Five and I fell to the ground, as I looked up to face Five, I gasped slightly. We we're both in our 15 year old bodies again.


I Love You More ; Five HargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now