Will, Conscience, Memory, Emotion, Mind

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*THE WITHIN:- Mind,Will, Emotion, Conscience and Memory*
Before I start by saying anything I really really want to appreciate all of you that have been reading my teachings from Nigeria and from other countries all over the globe and for those of you in Zimbabwe that have been following me up from over there , I am sending my greetings , I pray may God bless and increase each and every one of you , and all the readers on Wattpad , Facebook and several platforms this teaching will be reaching I really want to appreciate each and everyone of for your support and prayers may God bless and increase you richly .....Amen
Aiit lets quickly go straight to our main focus for today's teaching ...
This is a teaching inspired by God through experience , and I know this teaching will be a huge blessing to you and will also help you know which of this beings that are responsible for some suggestions to you at a particular time .....
Am gonna be starting with WILL
dictionary meaning
Will is One's intention or decision; someone's orders or commands.
Another meaning says :-
The act of choosing to do something; a person’s conscious intent or volition.
I think I'll go with the this , "the act of choosing to do" that is to say , you were not forced you chose to do , you chose to do , willingly , you chose to do ....
I have heard alot of people , including me before I used to say , "look at what this person made me do" "look at what that person made me do" lol no one actually made you do anything , you did it cus you chose to do it , I have heard sentences of like this 👉you made me not to go to church , you made me stay awake through the night chatting , you made me this , you made me that , mean while no one forced you out of your own will, you're just finding a perfect excuse for obedience you regretted or you're regretting ... Haven't you heard people say had it been I knew I wouldn't have done what this person said I should do , that means they are regretted their obedience , they chose to obey.
To be very honest no one can force you to do anything unless you choose to do it ....
That is one of the greatest gift that God has given as sons and daughters of God
Take a look at this verse
Mathew 30:19
KJV:I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:
ESV:I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live,
NIV:This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live
AMP:I call heaven and earth to witness this day against you that I have set before you life and death, the blessings and the curses; therefore choose life, that you and your descendants may live
You see that , that is life and death is or are tied to your decision , your choice , your will and one you wish to pick , blessings and curses choose any one , follow me slowly , God as a good father naw says , "there for my own advice for you , my own suggestion for you , that is you can still pick death and curses but I your father because I love you I am suggesting to you  and advising you to choose life" .the remaining passage there says "so that you and your offsprings, so that you and you children may live" ....
So what ever you are today is a a result of what you chose to be no matter the background you came from ...I repeat what ever you are is as a result of the decision you made willingly ..
Let's take the woman with the issue of blood for example , she would have just stayed home and be watching big brother naija lol , but she left her house and said to her sef "if I can but only touch the hem of His garment I shall be made whole" she chose not to see and continue to suffer she chose to take that step even if she fails , I believe she must have said in her mind I rather fail trying,and when she went and she touched the hem of Jesus garment she was healed .....
When I knew this alot of things changed about me drastically , before I use to find it very difficult to say no , saying no to some unless friends , saying to going to some useless places to  just sit with friends and talk till they kingdom come , lol even before I can be compelled to even buy what I don't even need , until the day I knew I had the will power , and I said to my self 🤔"what ever I become in the nearest future is for my self oh, what ever I will suffer is only me that will suffer it oh and nobody else will join me to suffer it then things began to change God naw directed me to a movie named 👉🏽 *"THE WAR WITHIN* and I learnt and picked alot from that movie , try and get that movie ,watch it with understanding and deep concentration ......
Your will your will your will
Choose your friends👬🏽👭🏽, choose the things you watch👀 your body is the temple of the holy Spirit , and don't corrupt your mind , choose the conversations you listen to👂🏽, choose the clothes you wear , chose to be positive , choose your words 🤐
Be wise be wise
Choose what you want to become so that not just your parent will be proud of you and even God will be proud
The will "one of the greatest  gift God has given to us"
This teachings are vast I just have shorten some things so it doesn't appear too long ....
Dictionary meaning
-The moral sense of right and wrong, chiefly as it affects one's own behaviour; inwit.
-A personification of the moral sense of right and wrong, usually in the form of a person, a being or merely a voice that gives moral lessons and advices.
You see that , it says the moral sense of right and wrong , now the second definition says "usually in the form of a person "inside of us" , a being or merely a voice that gives moral lessons and advice .....
If you ask me I will say God placed this being inside of us as a judge , so that it will at least guide our actions even when we are off track , you know you're off track of the will of God , have you noticed before that when ever you do something wrong there is that voice inside of you that tells , hey grace , Joy , Paul, or what ever ,"what you did is wrong , you weren't suppose to talk to him/her that way , you weren't suppose to yell , you would have told him/her the truth when they asked who stole that money e.t.c and stuffs like that.....am just illustrating an example ,before anybody named grace or joy reads this and come and catch me 😂😂sorry ohh it's just am example it's not you , so as I was saying anytime you hear a voice talking you stuffs like that or rather judging every decision you take or make , that is called your conscience , God isn't so wicked for Him to just leave us to leave our life anyhow for as many of that are yet to accept Christ , that's why he placed a Conscience there to at least guide and watch us and even judge us when we do wrong or right , one of the greatest feeling you'll ever have is when your conscience should be flogging you , you're not crying you're not feeling good neither are you feeling better , you'll just  be restless , that's why many people that leave their life anyhow even with out Christ , they still feel bad even when they do something wrong , that's why after calming down some people listen by going to apologise while some don't , some tend to ignore their conscience but it will always speak , that's why some people that don't even know God even do the right things more they just believe and know it's right because of their conscience , haven't you seen someone that , they don't know God but yet they do good things , when they are wrong they apologize e.t.c. and stuffs like that
That is the conscience now at work
But most people tend to ignore the voice of the conscience but trust it will surely hit them hard someday , haven't you seen a situation where by you did something wrong long time ago and years later your memory brings it back to you and you begin to feel bad after many years oh , and you naw felt like going back in time to make things right , thank you Jesus , let me share this story with you guys ,back the in secondly school I was in Jss2 or 3  or there about , for those that are not in Nigeria that is to say I was in grade 8 or 9 or there about , so there is this girl we use to be neighbors , and we were close friends growing up as a kid , very arongant boy as I was , filled with pride and had no shame , I was so full of my self and possessed with one spirit call ANGER , I have actually forgotten what caused that small misunderstanding , and we got argue , and I insulted this girl ehh, this was somebody that as at then she was the closest friend I had , I insulted her ehh,and she was almost crying , and I left and that was how we was till we left that place till today , anytime my memory brings that incident  I feel guilty , and I have made up my mind that one day I will see her so that I can apologise , for what I did and I have it something I must do to go back to hat and try to get one or two contact that I can get to that could may be contact her Soni can get to apologise for my stupid attitude as at then , and it is something I must do , that's if she's still in kaduna , which I pray she is , and another incident happened in that same compound that same season with my close friend who was a guy , Kai me ehh , if I think stuffs like this ehh, I fill like going back to me self before and beat the hell out of my self 😂, but thank God for everything now i I have grown far far better and I have changed by far in time , old things are past away all things are new , so this friend of mine it was fight we even fought , exchange punches , my close friend as at then .
And that was how I left till today with out saying sorry because of my ego and stubbon attitude as at then , and I have also made a conclusion that I will go back there shortly and make things ryt and in BIBLICAL standard or in GOD'S STANDARD rather .....
My friends that is how the conscience work , please pay attention to your conscience , sometimes God speaks even through our conscience with out we knowing , when you see your self you're about to go out and you just start having feeling as if you should sit back and wait and your neighbor that went out car just crushed him/her at the gate , or may be you were about to sit under a tree , or park your car under a tree and something just said go and buy water first and immediately you leave that place to get water and coming back you just see a car or trailer run through the three , and many other occasions like that an many other ways that God have spoken to us but we fail to listen somethings , sometimes we pay more attention to our emotions , which I will also be talking about shortly
See all this thing's God thought me with my own life , every of my teaching comes with  experiences, not just one but many experiences in my little journey with God ....
So pay more attention to your conscience try to study at least one verse of the Bible , just one verse per day , get familiar with it until it becomes part of you , and by so doing your conscience comes Alive the more , like some of us might be asking , all this people killing people up am down don't they have conscience , of course they have, some are muted ,not that it doesn't speak they chose not to listen , let me even share something with you , most of this people you're seeing commiting one crime or the other some of them their conscience are flogging them and hitting them hard inside , you don't just see it cus we see only the outside and not the inside , some of them are doing it not because they want but because they are being compelled, manipulated and threatened to , I was watching news sometime ago and they were interviewing terrorists that were cought and the guys were saying is not that they love the killings they are killing , they said if they don't do it they were threatened that they'll kill them and their family and out of fear they agree and become something else , one was asked how many people have you kidnapped and  killed he said seventy people ⁦, and do you know what he reason was , he said anyone he kidnaps after collecting the randsome he shares it with in themselves his friends and family so they could eat well and he also helps the community as well.....
You see that ....
It was a good motive but the wrongest if there any word like that , permit me please , the wrongest way to execute his good thought towards him and his community .....
This thing is getting to long oh , God help me , let me just stop here so I can be able to at least you the remaining .....😇
Dictionary meaning:-
-The ability of an organism to record information about things or events with the facility of recalling them later at will.
-A record of a thing or an event stored and available for later use by the organism.
-The time within which past events can be or are remembered.
Take a look at the first meaning , "ability to record" "about things or event" "with the facility ,with the enablement of recalling ,of bringing those things that were recorded in your head back to you current thought " They said at will , sometimes some event just reply in your head even when you don't want to remember the willingly , it might be that a reoccurence of an even that happened , redisplayed it self in a similar way and you just begin to remember , was that at will??😉
I have seen cases where by a woman was sexually harassed by someone many many years ago when she when she was a teenager , and now she's an adult , so the person that is now her current neighbor , a guy, after all those years , tor , the guy naw resembled the person that sexually harassed her her when she was little , so that experience hunted her for years , and she refused to let go it , she naw built a wall in her mind, emotion never to love anyone , bcause of that insident , it made her loose a lot of people that would have helped her even her destiny helpers , made her loose her husband and suffered for years emotionally even when she was working and having money , so that's what the memory does to you it stores things and events , like a memory card , like an SD card , so when ever you want to pick them you can just go back in time through your memory , then we call it flash back , or throw back , haven't you seen instances were by you just remembered something that happened long long time ago and suddenly you begin to feel the way you were feeling when those things happen , the devil take advantage of this many times , happiness,love invites God but bitterness , strive , anger invites the devil cus that's what he wants , and when you give room to the devil , you loose out on God , no more helpers, no more favour e.t.c
So sometimes the devil beings sad moments to you through your memory and replay it like a movie , may be when those things happened you were not angry ohh, because you were filled with the word of God , but when you started paying attention to things that are not of God you start to misbehave , take for instance may be a guy cheats on a lady or a lady cheats on a guy ,either of the and the both friends have agreed , to be cool friends even after the misunderstanding , the devil might just begin to bring those memories back and begin to suggest stupid things to you and may be God want to use that same person to bless you , you naw developed hatred for the person just like that , and you mind you'll be like I can never forget what you did you must pay for it, I will make you suffer , lolss I pity you , you know nothing , you're just caging your life and destiny and pining your self down ...
How can you hold somebody's hand from going up and you expect your own hands to be up at the same same time , and many of us ,many of us , many us have fallen for this thing's and are still falling in it , some of you reading this are going through this same thing , but God is saying to you today , give no room to the devil , give no room to the devil , give no room to the devil ......
What ever the devil tells you just know you're the opposite , the Bible says the devil is the king of all liars , that is he is the chief liar
So if the devil says you're a failure , you're broke , you're not good enough the way you are , you're ugly , you're not complete , just know you're the opposite that's why he is telling you that 😇, see we know the strategies of the devil , we've been thought by men who have encountered him , let me tell you something from today , I repeat from today if the devil wants you to do anything , do the opposite ,the devil wants you to keep malis with someone that is the best time  to go and buy bread and and drink and share with the person , if the devil wants you not to go to church my friend that is the best time to even run to church , because he knows your Angels are waiting for you in church so he tries to keep you at home watching big brother naija , igniting demonic appetite in the name of entertainment ...
God wakes you up to pray , you just discover you wake you can't sleep not knowing that God woke you up and connected you to the chain of intercessors to stand and pray for a particular nation state or city and you sleep back or you watch a movie , wasting time , and the worst thing you will not watch a gospel movie , you will naw watch movies that a pleasing to the lost of the eye and you naw corrupt your dream with the movie , and God will not be able to have access to your dream to show you what is about to happen , that's why you go out and things just happen , a car will just got someone , may be God has Ben speaking in diverse ways but he spiritual ear has been blocked with circular music's and images that will arose sexual desires ......
I have been seeing alot of post about this big brother naija of thing , thank God some of the youths eyes are beginning to open ...
Let me ask you one question , I don't want to divert this teaching , let me just ask , if this big brother naija you people are watching is good and is for the empowering youths and helping the nation and community and helping your spiritual life to grow
Why are they not finding time for Bible study at least even five minute to even read John 3:16 together as house mates ???
Why don't they teach them spiritual things , like invite a pastor to teach for even 10minites ???
If that pogram was for a greater good
Why don't they pray at least even two minute sef ??
Do you realize any one that enters that house even if you use to pray , when you enter you don't pray , and they said they should not be calling the name of Jesus on TV , and they are busy showing all manner of nonsense and it still we that call our selves Christians we are now the biggest fan of that thing , showing all manmer  of nonsense fertilizing demonic appetite and lost ....
Have you settled down and check sponsors of cowbell mathematics competition before , at least cowbell gives students scholarship to their winner to study in the best school abroad , through maths competition which will help your children know maths and least impacting knowledge
And naw check the sponsors of this rubbish program called big brother naija and see how many millions are invested in that program
Let me ask one last question ....
For some of you that watch it , have watching it changed your life or added to you by any means ,but rather you'll sit and be watching peoples sexual ,lost rubbish lifestyles .....
Something happened some few days ago we were in a cab going home and we were stopped on the way for not wearing nose mask ,and we were pleading with the police officers , there is this woman that sat close to us and she was like , "ohh I have to go home quickly today is eviction night " I just looked at her and started laughing she didn't know why I was laughing and she was laughing also I just shook my head  and we went , an elderly woman , if only she could see what I said in my mind , she will go home and think about her life and her family
Ohh God this thing is increasing ,huh God please help me ohh , let me stop and quickly move to the next , this thing is getting too long ,
Lol Some of my friends usually call CONSCIENCE ,. Cus they know you can't be close to me and do what is not of God and do it comfortablly , NEVER , I just talk , "They should know you for who you are"
What's ever you do they should know you for who you truly are
A girl texted me some time ago not too long , and she was talking talking talking all manner , and I already know were she was heading to , and was texting me steady for three days , someone that has never seen me before , after she read my status ones , twice , thrice , before you know it she texted me , PASTOR , and I smiled and said yes , since then she never texted me till today , I believe she might have known am not her kind of people , see they should know you for who you are and stop leaving a life of  pretence , people have trusted me more the way I trust my self not because of anything but because of what they saw in me , including people I have never seen face to face before but have heard about me and seen my post on social media , your post should portray who you are .....
Think about what makes you happy and less about what makes you sad , the devil takes advantage of that , that's why he suggests things and memories in your head that'll make you sad
I was privilege to teach this to some group of teenagers and we spent two days of our meeting on this part call EMOTION , and over 70 questions was asked from the teenagers , cus I have touched somewhere that has or have been a concern to them ......
Many teenagers today they even know more than what their parents think they know ....
Dictionary meaning :-
A person's internal state of being and involuntary physiological "response to an object or a situation," based on or tied to physical state and sensory data.
I can as well say this particular guy , lol permit me to call it guy 😂, this guy called EMOTION is responsible for how ever you feel per time ,
Now if you like someone or something , your Emotion is in charge of that feeling or rather is the custodian of that feeling, if you feel sad your Emotion is responsible for that , if you feel depressed your Emotion is responsible for that ....
If you were given an iPhone and a Nokia touch light phone to pick , it is obvious you'll actually pick the iPhone ryt , aiit let me use this Illustration , have you ever bought a cloth or a shoes at first you admire the shoe or cloth you like it very well and after buying it two weeks later you naw hated the cloth cus it's no longer attractive to your eye , and you dislike the cloth , you see that it's because you saw , your Emotion react to what you see , that's why when you think , imagine , visualize a past event , it is more like you're re seeing the event happening and that even was sorrowful so when you think about that same event , you be begin to feel that same at you felt when that incidence happened , that's your Emotion in action , now before, you might be happy but after that incidence flashed back in your mind , your mood suddenly changes and you begin to feel the same at you felt , our Emotions have led many people out of the will of God , out of the promises of God , and out of track , many people mix our Emotions with the voice of God , cus instead of us to control it , it controls us , I don't know if we've heard of "LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT"
Lol that thing is love at first sight but lost at first sight
We were in seminar and a question was asked , is there anything like love at first sight , some few women stood up and began yell yes , yes , there is love at first sight , bla bla bla , I sat down and I was just watching , another woman said yesss you can see someone for the first time and like the person , depending on your connection with person , and if the person Des what you like bla bla bla and all manner ,and I was just laughing , that's why you see people today marrying demons every , marrying demonic agent in form of men , that's why you see someone will just see a lady , rush to marry because of he thinks he's getting old and 6 months after marriage the house is like hell and and some even end up commiting suicide .....
This Emotion have led people out of the pedestal of heaven, this is called the real flesh , not this mortal body ......
A girl came to me sometime ago that she loves the way I smile , another one said she love my brown eye , in my mind I was like , look at this demonic agents 😂, and as at then I just finish fasting and praying, they didn't some since , it was naw after I finished encountering God they are naw coming ,many guys will rush and collect their numbers and begin to talk all manner entering in to relationship that will enslave both parties to their emotional desire called flesh and they pimp it by calling it love at first sight , there is something I do , I hardly ask a lady for her number unless for business reasons and it ends there ,many of you have lost powers that were given to you by God , you'll see a brother after praying and fasting for days touching the gates of heaven and on the last day of fasting the devil posseses  a girl who you're Emotional attatched to , and may be she wants to wear gown , the devil make her wear short skirt , she might want to pass another road , the devil makes her pass in front of your and may be its that the decided to just walk to your gate and back ,the moment you open the gate you see her , with a short skirt and lost after staring at her behind and what you've gathered for 7days praying and fasting will just be wasted in a minute , and may be you were seeing visions small small and after that experience you no longer see visions any more , you find it difficult to pray , see am not saying it's bad to have female friends,but control your Emotions ,it's not every body you hug , from my experiences it seems guys love to hug ladies than shake them , let me share this experience with 😇,when i was growing up as a young boy some years ago , there is girl that we were cool friend until my Emotion begin to control me ,as at then I wasn't even as spiritual as I am now , after hugging this girl and she left cus she was passing by, I began to feel aches in my head ,and I became weak , I mean really weak , it took some time before I could recover my self , My twin bro noticed and was concerned , and I said it happened when I hugged this girl ohh, reality , broad day light not night  , brother /sister brood powers by praying and fasting people that neglected me long years ago many of them are trying to welcome me now , all Glory to God , follow God , follow God , see God has taken me to some series of lessons through life experiences in time that I'll to remember and teach as I live on this Earth, control your Emotions, I ward with my mind and delt with this thing called emotion , some years ago my Emotion gained control over me and I asked a girl to be my girlfriend three times in three years  due to peer pressure  and her response was NO , I felt disappointed and heart broken as you people call it , I never knew God was teaching a lesson , to gain total control over this beings that have been deposited in us for His Glory , and by grace I have privilege to have delt withy within and gain total control over this beings , God made sure I was broken on every side , then He began to teach him , whaaat it wasn't easy at all , I have never dated any one before I have said it before and I'll continue to say it , something happened a year or two ago in church and pastor asked is there anyone here that has never known a woman , I believe you'll know what that question meant , 😉 and I was the only one that rose up my hand and people were shocked , kne of my friend said I should drop my hand so he doesn't feel humiliated , and I said I can't lie to my self , talk more of lying to God and to His people and since that very day people saw me differently , and the respect and honor for me increased , what the devil does if he knows he can't get you through devices , he uses a woman just to shift you away from God , then he starts with your mind , your mind , which is a custodian of all this beings put together , EMOTION EMOTION of I continue talking about this thing we might get to 20-30 pages
You can control your Emotions if God can help do that , then He can help you control yours , some of you love easily , some of you find it difficult to love , some of you love and quickly hate , you need the help of God to strike a Ballance and control over this beings in us , this thing is getting long oh 🤦🏽‍♂️
Let me stop here
As I round it up with MIND
Dictionary meaning :-
-The ability for rational thought.
-The ability to be aware of things.
-The ability to remember things.
-The ability to focus the thoughts.
-Somebody that embodies certain mental qualities.
Judgment, opinion, or view.
Desire, inclination, or intention.
-A healthy mental state.
(philosophy) The non-material substance or set of processes in which consciousness, perception, affectivity, judgement, thinking, and will are based.
You see that all the definitions of the mind one way or the other leads and connects us back to the four things I listened above :-will, conscience, Emotion,memory
The mind is like a custodian of those four I listed above , the mind is host of them all , all this four 👉 will, conscience, memory , Emotion .....are inside the mind , the mind conducts them , they're all in  The mind ,now the mind you and under the total and absolute control of you , what ever you put in your mind stays the , you choose the thought to think pee time , you choose the things to remember , you choose the to take decision on your own or not , you choose to feel sad or happy any how you want , you can choose to be angry or not  , it is more you're your mind
You , choose what to think,actions to take , thoughts to think pee time
By the help of God I have been able to control my Emotions ,memory e.t.c
Now if you know you want to enjoy and be part of the people who enjoys thet treasures in heaven
First of all you need to accept God as your love and saviour or re dedicated your life back to Him
I wasn't able to stay clean and single all my life by my power , but by the help of God I was able to , and I never regretted it for one day , now if you want to be part of this encounter
Say this prayers 👇🏼
Lord Jesus , I come to you today , I have sinned and misbehaved I have broken the edge , please help me Lord I can't do this on my own , accept me Lord and cleanse me from every uncleanliness ,Lord help me not to go back to my old ways , old things are past away all things are new , thank you JESUS for saving me .......
Now hold on as I pray for you , father I pray for your sons and daughters , affliction shall not arise the second time , they are children of Zion , enclasp them with your blood and your Glory shall be seen through them in Jesus name , they shall not go back to their old ways in Jesus name 
Father the same way you've help over the years , father by your mercy help them control their with in in Jesus name .......
And from today your Glory shall be seen in them and your Glory shall shine  Through them
Thank you blessed Redeemer thank you Jesus
Please do share this teaching if you were blessed and let's let the world know the truth .
#Truth #Gospel #share

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2020 ⏰

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THE WITHIN:- will, conscience, memory, emotion, mindWhere stories live. Discover now