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Allyssa X Elaine Season 2. Episode 1
Crystal Snow-Yichen Fu

*10 years skip to present day*
Maggie is now 23 years old, and has become a Model for Chanel. Maggie just bought her first home in China, Fuzhou. She's pretty busy daily, with photoshoots and her semi-celebrity life.

Yichen is now 24, and has debuted as solo idol from YueHua Entertainment. She has just bought a condo in Shanghai. She's really busy traveling for interviews, photoshoots, and concerts.

While Elaine and Allyssa is getting married soon. Everything was in a mess you can say. The whole families was too busy, to get together for a wedding. But Elaine and Allyssa tried to make it happen.

Elaine and Allyssa has sent paper invitations to each person's mailing box.

Yichen pov:

"Hmm, so I can bring a friend?" Yichen says while thinking hard. Oh!

"Hello? Breanna, would you like to come to my sister's wedding?"

"Yeah sure!"

"Alright, check."

Pov ended.

Maggie pov:

"I think I'm just gonna go myself"

"Hey manager Lee, I'm planning to go shopping this Sunday would you like to help me?"


Pov ended.

*In Elaine's and Allyssa's household*

Allyssa has been looking forward to this wedding day coming. She decided to go shopping, alone. Why?

Well an hour ago, Allyssa asked Elaine if she wanted to come with her but Elaine gave a blank expression and left without a word.

This is all of a sudden too, Elaine acted fine just yesterday. Allyssa thought.

Allyssa's pov:
I went into the car with my bags and decided to call Elaine, I didn't know why but she seemed pissed. So i called her.

*On the phone*

"Hey, Elaine is anything wrong? I'm sorry if I did anything to piss you off but I'm sorry!"

"No nothings wrong, I'm just busy and frustrated from the wedding but everything is fine." Elaine replied from the phone.

"Oh okay, I can help too okay! Tell me if you need any help from me. You know it's our wedding too!" Allyssa says with a smile.

"Yeah okay bye." Elaine replied blandly.

Allyssa really couldn't end the call at the moment because she was busy driving so she waited for Elaine to end the call...but elaine still hasn't and Allyssa didn't notice until she heard a voice?

"Hey baby, when are you gonna tell her." Unknown girl says.

"Ehh, I'm not gonna tell her. I'm breaking up with you anyways. I'm only using you lol". Elaine replies to the girl.

Allyssa was blurred.

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