Visiting Noah and a Phone Call Home

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The next morning, I woke to a beautiful scent. I kept my tired eyes closed and just pulled the scent closer to me. My large hands gripped her tummy and my legs wrapped around and locked hers up. I buried my nose into her hair and kissed her skull.

Nora turned and was now facing me. I kept my eyes closed as I pulled her into my chest and claimed her once more with my arms and legs.

I didn't want to let my mate go.

Is this what it's like? When you find the one, do you really just not want to do anything except be with them? I feel like I should be doing a hundred different things right now! But I feel as though Nora should be on top of that list of to do's and in fact should be the only thing on that list of to do's. Literally.

Nora moaned and I followed. Not like a sensual one but a waking up one. I guess more of a groan. "Good morning," she yawned. Yawns are contagious and hers just so happened to make me yawn.

"Good morning," I lazily responded as I pushed her up and nestled my face and head under her chin. I nuzzled into her neck and pulled her closer. Her fingers glided across the whiskers on my chin and I couldn't help but love the feeling. Then she slipped her arms out from between us and wrapped them around my head. She held it and stroked her delicate fingers through my dirty blond hair.

I wanted to say, "I love you," but had to bite my lip until I could taste blood inside my mouth.

Nora kissed my hair and I was about to lose it. I wanted to mate with her right here, right now, in this bed. I wanted to break this bed! I wanted the neighbors down the hill to hear her moans and her scream my name and me pant hers.

Nora ... Nora I need you.

"What are you thinking about?" She suddenly asked.

"Aren't you a witch? Can't you read my mind or something?" I groaned into her chest. Her perfect chest. Her chest is so perky and well tended to. So warm and squishy and round.

"I think anyone feeling what I am can read your thoughts without being a witch." I looked up at her with a confused look. She smirked at me. "Red, you're really hard right now." She stifled a laugh as I turned bright red.

So this is what an erection feels like. Cool.

I tried to act cool and smile. "Then why do you ask about what I'm thinking?"

"Well," Nora pressed me back to her chest and my arms tightened around her. I began to subconsciously give her a trail of kisses on her collar bone. "I know that we're soul mates and I'll admit that what you're thinking did cross my mind this morning and last night. But! I was just wondering if you were thinking about the commitment you made yesterday to reject me and not mate with me and leave me." I stopped and looked up at her.

She stroked my hair with a mocking smile.

"Control yourself, wolfy." She poked my nose and I scrunched it up. She got out of bed in a wisp and I wished she hadn't.

I turned over in bed missing her in my arms as I watched her collect an outfit then scurry into the bathroom. I couldn't help but think about how beautiful she looked. I glanced down between my legs and snickered. Once she was done in the bathroom, I quickly ran in and took a cold shower.

Once I was out, Nora already had breakfast going. The smell took me away from me getting dressed and guided me over to the kitchen. I leaned on the counter right next to my soul mate even though I wanted so badly to just wrap my arms around her and give her endless kisses.

I looked down and groaned. There must be a way to turn myself on and off.

Nora looked at me and yelped.

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