Chapter 1

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Hii so this is my first story on wattpad people, and i would like to know what you think. Also this story is purely from my imagination and i did not take anyones ideas, just in case.

Also all copyrights are reserved and you could be fined heavily if you take others peices of works.


'I pumped my legs faster, the burning sensation in my legs screaming at me to stop. My heavy breath becoming more laboured that with each lungful it was becoming painful to take in air. I was drenched in my own sweat, I could hear the blood rushing in my ears and my heartbeat becoming more rapid by the second. But there was no time to stop. They could be anywhere.

The thought alone set me running blindly through the forest, the vast evergreens becoming a blur to my sight.

What I once thought would be my sanctuary, my haven from my twisted reality would be the very cause of my death if I dont stop running.


The sound echoed from close behind me and as soon as I heard the sound my whole body immediately stopped in its tracks. 'They are going to catch up' The dreaded thought  had my mind frenzied, 'I won't be abe to outrun them, I may be fast but they were faster, it didn't matter though I refuse to go down without a fight'

I searched left and right my paranoia at its peak, I desperately needed somewhere to hide. I hated hiding. I wasn't a coward. However I was neither a fool either, so when the situation came down to hiding or my untimely death, the former option sounded most appealing. 

I looked around and i spotted a tree with limbs low enough for me to reach and climb so i quickly made my way over to it. I began climbing as fast as my exhausted legs could carry me, snagging on a few sharp twigs managing to reopen a few cuts.

As i climbed higher up the trees the branches were becoming narrower and narrower and if i didnt stop climbing soon I'd end up snapping the branch like a toothpick and end up with a broken back. Once i was sure i couldn't be seen from below, i rested on one of the branches trying to gain control of my laboured breathing yet keeping alert for any signs that they might be around.

Then i heard it. The faintest sounds of footsteps gradually becoming louder,at first i thought it was my imagination, but i was proved wrong when the low thumps became heavy stomping and i froze in my spot not daring to move even an inch and held my breath.

Not long after i heard another set of stamping feet from where the loud snap was heard. Thank the lord i didn't risk running ahead. I kept as silent as i could and strained my ears to give away anything as to what was going on but all there was, was silence. I sat still until i knew for certain they were not here, for all i know this could be a trick to get me to think they are gone so when i come out in the open BOOM! Bye bye me. But i wasn't gullible, i knew better so i waited and kept quiet. My heavy breathing the only sound that could be heard and the only thing comforting me.

At first i heard nothing but it wasn't long after that the rustling of leaves were heard right below me. WAIT! Right below me?!

My whole body instantly tensed and i didn't dare move a hair as i kept as silent as death itself. I know what some might be thinking why im so quiet, i mean its not like they have super hearing. Well my friend, you couldn't be more wrong. These are no odinary people although they might look ot from the outside but they are truly deadly.

The kind where they can send you running into hiding within a glance and the kind that looks as if they are ready to tear you apart. I wasn't a coward that was for sure, but even these men scared me and trust me when i say they weren't ones to be messed with, a mistake i sincerely regret when i couldn't keep my huge trap shut, now look where it got me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2017 ⏰

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