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1. This is a monthly contest which means that all our contestant must make a design based on the selected theme of the month.

2. No special payment purchase of any kind is needed to enter or win.

3. We have the right to disqualify any participants if you are found breaking any rule.

4.  Diamondbea Community has the right to change any rule regarding the contest and if any changes are made you will always be informed via this profile or Aphoridte

5. If you are backing out of the contest please PM Aphoridte

6. Add this book to your library and your reading list in order to get notified on any update. The

7. You must send all your designs to The President's Gmail account:
Or through discord:

8. All designs must be sent to The President before the 30th of each month.

Before Proceedings,
President: Aphoridte
Vice President: imagineTishaD
And the Community Account

AmazeBea Graphic Contest Where stories live. Discover now