Chapter 27 - Katherine

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Boy I look good. For once in my life I'm actually satisfied with myself.

The dress I'm wearing accentuates all my subtle curves, making me look even better than I anticipated. It's a full-length emerald green gown, with empire waist and a decorative diamond belt. It's not real diamond of course, but it looks great nonetheless.

I'm also wearing a pair of black heels and Killian got me a fur coat so I'm not cold during the ceremony.

After Tank and Treasure's wedding, there's going to be a party here at the clubhouse. Since Treasure is a Prez Lady, Maggie suggested having a red-carpet style event. She wanted the guys to 'look classy for once' – her words, not mine. Of course, ladies were all for beautiful gowns and the whole shebang, but the guys immediately said they're not going to wear tuxes or suits. They're going to be in their usual cuts and jeans. My cheeks and jaw hurt like crazy after laughing at the ladies' faces when they heard that.

It was beyond comical to see the guys avoid the women for almost a whole week after that. Whenever they came in contact with any of the ladies, they would immediately turn the other way, pretty much running away from them.

The only person they didn't fear was me, actually. Almost every time the guys had something to tell the ladies, it went through me because they were afraid of facing their women's wrath.

And today is finally the big day.

Tank and Treasure are going to seal the deal today. From what Anna told me, Sam and Lia are taking care of Treasure's hair and make-up, while she will do mine and Maggie's. Because the ladies will take a lot of time getting ready, the guys, including Killian, decided to leave us alone for the most of the day. I have no idea what Killian has been doing all day, but I already miss him.

Just yesterday I gave him my body and now he's all I want. I got so used to being with him all the time it's really difficult to be away. I can't wait to be back in his arms, to smell his masculine scent, to feel his hard muscles with my fingers, to bask in his warmth... Oh god I sound like a creep.

I take one more look at myself in the big mirror then walk out of the beauty room, heading to the common room where Killian said he'll wait for me. I hope he likes my look.

"Woah, girl!" Wolf whistles as I enter the room, making all guys turn to me. But there's only one person I have my eyes on.


He's staring at me with the most gorgeous smile on his face, his sweet grey eyes are crinkling in happiness and his whole being lightens up the room. He's so breathtaking.

I carefully walk up to him, making sure to not trip over my dress, and once I'm close enough I'm being pulled into the familiar strong arms of my man.

"You look otherworldly, Cupcake." Killian whispers into my ear, kissing it gently afterwards.

"Thank you. You look so handsome..." I trail off dreamily, roaming my hands over the span of my man's broad chest.

"Okay, okay, you two. Don't get distracted!" Wrench warns playfully.

"Alright guys, let's get ready. – Gun catches everyone's attention – Wrench, Wolf, Knife, Texas, Ink, Key, Tiny, Blood, Shovel and Don, you're with me in the escort. Everyone else will get their bikes in two lanes in the lot. You know the drill. Once the limo comes, we greet the Prez Lady and then head to the back for the ceremony. Any questions? No? Okay. Let's go!" He orders loudly and I frown questioningly when he doesn't include my man in the plan.

Gun clearly notices my look, chuckling quietly. "Killer, you and Sniper are responsible for the ladies' safety. And try to keep them out of trouble for today." I giggle quietly when I think of the 'trouble' the women have already prepared. It's like those ladies can't keep still. They always have to do something.

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