Chapter 31 - Wolf

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I ride to the only place I could think of. Killer has gone completely mad. It's been a week since he went AWOL and I'm worried he's gonna do something stupid.

Even more stupid than hurting his woman. God, he'll go crazy when he hears about this. I can tell for sure he wasn't aware that the person he pushed away was actually his lady. I know him well enough to tell that much. I've seen him in such state before and I know how bad it can get.

If I'm right, Killer's most probably at the graveyard where Isaac is buried. He used to go there when things got tough, and I seriously hope he's there now too. He's my brother and I don't want to see him go back to that dark place he barely escaped.

As much as I make fun of him for being whipped and love-struck, I could see the difference in him. Everyone could. Katherine effortlessly pulled him out of his misery, she gave him hope and made him feel needed. And I can tell that that's exactly what he needed.

He's always been blaming himself for Isaac's death and I've seen what that self-hate has done to him. I've seen the darkness in him, I've seen him give in to that darkness. I witnessed him trying to end his life many times and I'll be damned before I let him succeed. He has to finally realize that he's not alone.

He has to see that he has a special person that needs him, especially now.


Even broken and hurt, she still waits for him.

A woman as faithful as her is hard to find. I know that the best.

I reach the graveyard in no time, having raced through the streets like a madman. I quickly dismount my bike and rush up the hill where Isaac's grave is. I heave a huge breath of relief when I find Killer there, kneeling on the ground in front of his brother's stone.

I know better than to startle him or call him by his road name right now, so I make sure to let him hear me approach.

As expected, Killer's first reaction is to attack. Every time he snaps, he goes into sort of an 'instant kill mode', attacking everyone and everything like a wild animal.

I anticipate his move and easily dodge the hit then swiftly kick the back of Killer's knee, sending him to the ground. He releases a mad growl then tries to attack again, but I know him better than anyone so I know what to expect.

I quickly get behind him and lock my arms around his neck, holding him in a secure choke-hold. Whenever Killer is like this, he becomes extremely reckless and unpredictable, but I'm much more experienced in combat and I've dealt with men like him before, so I can easily overpower him.

It's quite hard to keep Killer still, since he struggles a lot, but one shot of a sedative works miracles as Killian goes limp in my hold.

"I'm sorry brother. But it's for your own good." I say quietly then call Tank.

"I seriously hope you have some good news."

"I got him. Send someone to pick him up and get his bike." I hear Tank's heavy sigh of relief.

"He alright?" I glance at Killer lying on the ground then let out a breath.

"He snapped. I caught a bunch of cuts and some blood on him and his knuckles are completely busted, but I think Doc will manage to patch him up."

"Is he alright?" Tank repeats slowly, making me sigh heavily.

"He's worse than last time. He didn't even recognize me."

"Fuck. Where are you? I'll send Wrench and Don to get you."

"The graveyard."

"Isaac... of course. Okay, the guys will be there soon. Just... keep an eye on him."

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