Whole School Knows...

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  What happened last time: Aiger and Valt were hanging out at Aiger's place, and they were eating pizza.

TimeSkip to when they got to School.

Valt's POV

"I dont know why but everyone is whispering and looking at me..i just dont understand why, maybe one of those story lines people tell is happening, the whole school knows about my crush on Aiger.."

     "Why is everyone whispering and looking at you Valt?" Aiger asks in a worried tone. "I-i dont k-know" Valt replies, They keep on walking. "I think everyone knows about Valt's crush on Aiger.." Nika whispers to Toko. "How so..?" "Everyone has been noticing Valt's cheeks are pink when Aiger's around" Nika said quietly. "True" Toko replied.

     TimeSkip to when School ended.

        Aiger's POV

     "Why is everyone talking about Valt and me?" Aiger says in his mind while blushing. "Maybe its because, i actually like him, wait, i dont like him, i love him! Should i tell him?" Aiger continues walking

  Aiger sat down then Valt came in "HEY MR HIGH LIGHTER" Valt yelled happily while blushing. "HEY SHORTY" Aiger yelled back while blushing, they both began talking. "They're so cute together!" Some random student said. Then another student came an yelled.. "HEY AIGER, VALT LIKES YOU!"

     I know that wasn't much but you gotta wait next chapter. Get ready to see what happens next.

Fell In Love With A Wild Boy❤️💙 (Aiger X Valt) Where stories live. Discover now