Chapter 32 - Killer

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I yell out threats as the masked men break Isaac's leg with a hammer. They already broke both of his arms, his leg and his ribs. They keep hurting him whenever I refuse to disclose the info they want, but what can I tell them when I don't even know what they're asking!

They don't fucking speak English!

"Leave him alone! I will fucking kill you all, you motherfuckers!" I struggle in my shackles when they take out knives and start cutting out pieces of Isaac's skin.

One of the men says something I don't understand then gets a rusty pipe from the ground before getting in front of me. I don't have to ask to know what he's going to do.

I grit my teeth as he hits me again and again, screaming something incomprehensible in his language at me before hitting me on the head and causing me to pass out.

I wake up when the fuckers dump a bucket of water on me, yelling some questions I don't understand. The pain in my body is unbearable, but I don't show it. When the masked men realize I'm not going to say anything today either, they huff loudly and storm out of the dark room Ice and I are held in. From what I could tell, this whole place is a bunker of sorts. The problem is that during the briefing with our commander there was no place like this on the map. We have no idea where we are.

"Killer... - Ice pants heavily as he hangs chained up against the wall in front of me - They're going to kill us. They must've realized we don't understand them."

"I know. Just hold on, Ice. We have to get out of here."

"There's no way out, bro." He groans, dropping his head limply.

"Ice? – I call out in panic – ICE!!!" I desperately tug at my restraints, calling out to my brother in despair. Barely few minutes later the masked guys come back. They laugh when they see Ice hang limply against the wall before throwing me a glance. I can literally feel my insides churn when I catch the evil intent in their eyes. What the fuck are they going to do now?!

The men mumble something in their own language then get Ice off the wall, making him kneel on the ground, getting a pained grunt from my brother when his broken leg cracks under his weight.

I stare horrified as two of the men hold onto Ice's arms while the third one gets behind him, pressing a carving knife to his face. They ask something I don't understand before slicing Ice skin.

With every unanswered question, the guy makes a new cut on my brother's face.

I yell at them in pure fury, struggling in my shackles with newfound strength, but my effort is fruitless. I can't get free.

Ice screams in agony as the guy behind him starts peeling skin off his face. A wave of pain surges through me as my arms get ripped out of their sockets when I thrash in my binds, yelling furious threats at the assholes.

I slump against the wall when Ice's pained screams eventually stop as his lifeless body falls to the ground. My wide teary eyes meet his empty dead ones as the masked turn his mauled body to face me. The sight of my brother's bloodied face with his skin ripped off will haunt me forever.

Our captors only laugh at their handiwork then walk out of the room, leaving me with my brother's dead body.

Just kill me already.

I wake up with a gasp, clutching onto my head as the images of Ice's death flow through my mind. With my elbows on my knees and my head in my hands I try to get rid of the disturbing imagery, rocking back and forth on the hard cot. I don't miss the fact that I'm in the club's shed, but I have no idea how I got here. The only thing that I can remember is coming back from Isaac's grave and carrying Cupcake to our room.


I need to see my Cupcake!

I get up from the cot and try to open the cell's door, only to find it locked. Taking a step back I kick the door, growling in fury when it doesn't even budge.

"Calm down, brother, you'll only hurt yourself." I turn at the sound of Tank's voice. He's leaning against the door with his arms folded over his chest as he stares at me seriously. "What do you remember?" He questions, knowing that when I get like this I rarely have any recollection of what I've done.

"I remember coming back after visiting Ice. Then I got Cupcake upstairs. And then nothing."

"Shit. That was a week ago, brother. Do you really not know what you've been doing during that time?" Prez frowns in worry, coming up to my cell.

"No idea. Tank, what the fuck happened?!" I ask him, feeling desperate to get out of here and have my girl in my arms again. I need to feel her small body against mine, I fucking crave to have her with me.

"Are you sure you want to know? You won't like it." He warns.

"Just fucking tell me! I need to get back to my woman. How is she? Where is she? Just let me go to her!" I feel panicky as I think of all the possible things that could happen to my sweet Cupcake while I was too far gone in my own mind.

"Wolf went to get her. – my body goes rigid at this – After you snapped and went AWOL, she moved out of the clubhouse and went to stay with one of her friends from work."

"WHY?! Why did you let her leave?!" I snarl, slamming into the bars with force.

"LET ME TALK! – Tank yells, effectively shutting me up – You went mad, Killer. Katherine put up a mirror in your room and you snapped. You didn't fucking recognize her and pushed her away hard enough to break her wrist. Then you just stormed out of the clubhouse and we couldn't fucking find you. For two days Katherine was locked up in your room, waiting for you, and then she just got her things and left. I know why you reacted the way you did, but for fuck's sake, Killer, I thought you were getting better with your woman here."

"I hurt her? – I stumble back as my chest constricts in anguish – I hurt her... No, no, no..." I whimper, tugging at my hair harshly as I pace around the cell. I hurt my Cupcake! I fucking hurt her! I did the one thing I swore to never do!

"Killer, calm down. Don't you dare go back there. Katherine's fine-" I hear Tank say, but I cut him off before he can continue.

"FINE?! I fucking broke her arm!!! She's already fragile as it is with her condition! I could've killed her!!!" I yell in agony, digging my fingers into my scalp to stay grounded.

"But you didn't! Killer, don't give in to that darkness again! Katherine needs you right now. She's hurt and vulnerable, and who will keep her safe better than you?" I know what Tank is trying to do and damn him it works.

"Don't tell me it's me when I'm the one that got her in that state."

"Fucking hell, you two are seriously fucked up. She blames herself, you blame yourself and neither of you see that what you need right now is each other. Don't make the same mistake I did a year ago and let your woman leave. I was fucking lucky that Treasure came back, but what if Katherine doesn't?" I pause my incessant pacing when I hear this.

If my Cupcake leaves me...

I can't let her leave me. I can't.

And I won't.

"I can see you understand what I'm trying to say. – Tank loses his stern look, sighing in relief – If you really are serious about her, do whatever it takes to keep her."

"Of course I'm serious, but what if... what if she doesn't want me after what I've done to her?" I fall back onto the cot, staring blankly at the floor.

"You wouldn't be worried about that if you saw how heartbroken she was when she heard about Isaac. That girl loves you, everyone can see it. So why don't you get your ass out of here, take a fucking shower and get your woman back? Don't let your past destroy your future, brother. You will regret it for the rest of your life." With that the Prez unlocks the door and walks away, leaving the choice to me.

The choice is obvious.

I'm going to keep my Cupcake.

I will even fucking beg and grovel at her feet if that's what it takes for her to forgive me, but she's not leaving me. I won't let her go. I can't let her go.

She's mine.

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