Chapter 37 - Killer

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So that fucker thinks he can bother my woman and not face any repercussions, huh? Well, tough shit, asshole, I ain't gonna let anyone hurt my Cupcake.

After hearing what that bitch Ben did to my girl, I tried hunting him down, but - almost as if he knew what was coming - he always managed to evade me. I had to get one of Cupcake's coworkers, Ian, to tell me asshole's schedule. The little cunt started working only when my girl wasn't there.

"When is he supposed to be back?" Wolf asks, checking his watch. He said he wanted to come here to make sure I don't kill the fucker, but I could tell he meant more than that. He took a liking to my girl. It's clear he was bothered by the fact that some asshole raised his hand on a woman, especially as vulnerable as my Cupcake. She still had her cast on and the little shit didn't even care!

We've been waiting for that Ben scumbag for a while now and the longer we wait, the more agitated I am. Wolf and I are leaning against my car, facing the shaggy little house that belongs to the asshole. I made Jinx find his address for me.

"Their shift ends at eight and it should take him about half an hour to get here." I light up another cigarette, staring down the street that leads to the house.

"Alright, then." Wolf only nods.

Ben, or whatever the fuck his name is, comes back right on time, but since we're blocking his driveway, he's forced to park right in front of us. "Hey, get out of the way!" He yells angrily as he stomps over to us. I grab him by his collar and effortlessly drag him around his house, ignoring his wails and whines as he tries to struggle against my hold. Keyword - tries. Little shit is no match to me.

"Fuck off, asshole! Let go of me! I'll call the cops!" He screams as I pull him behind his house.

"Try me, bitch. – I snarl at him as I throw him on the ground – Call whoever you want, scream all you want, but you're still getting what you deserve."

"The fuck you talking about?!"

"You harassed my woman! You tried to hit her! You made her cry!" I deliver a harsh kick to fucker's stomach with every sentence, getting a satisfied crack every time my boot meets his ribs.

I crouch beside his head and pull it up by his hair. "I'm letting you off easy this time, but if you as much as look in my woman's direction again, I'll bury you alive. Keep that in mind, Ben." I sneer his name in disgust.

"Is she that good of a fuck? – he wheezes – She's got to be if you're so obsessed. Her mother was right; she's a slut! I bet she fucked your whole gang just so you'd protect her! Fucking bitch should've let me get that pussy before whoring around." He snarls and my blood boils.

I get on his chest and keep pummeling his face with my fists, disfiguring it beyond recognition. I'm way past the point of talking. All I can think of is destroying this bitch. How dare he say that about my Cupcake?! How dare he fucking call her those names?! How. Dare. He. Fucking. Say. That?!

"You're gonna kill him! Killer! Let go of him!" I feel Wolf's arms pull me away, but I'm too far gone in my fury to care.

"Did you fucking hear what he said?!" I fume.

"I did. But he also said he talked to Katherine's mother. – I pause at this – We've got to look into that." Damn it, he's right. If Gloria was here...

"Fuck. – I hiss in fury – If that bitch found out where Cupcake works, then..." I trail off, clenching my fists.

"Come on, brother. You did enough. Fucker definitely learned his lesson." I let him pull me back from the bloody mess in front of us.

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