Chapter 38 - Katherine

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I can't help but be nervous. I don't know what to expect and it's making me anxious.

Killian asked me to help him with his trouble with mirrors. He said he wants to get over it, but doesn't feel like he can do it without me.

I have been thinking for a long time how to help him before an idea struck me. I know what I'm going to do, but I don't know how my Killy Bear will react. This is a really big thing for him and I don't want to hurt him.

"Woah, what's wrong?" Treasure waddles up to me as I sit by the bar in the common room. It's my free weekend so I decided to spend more time with the club. But then Killian asked if I could help him. He said he doesn't want to risk doing what he'd done before. How could I say no to that if it's so important to him?

"I just have something on my mind." I tell the Prez Lady, chuckling when I see her struggle to get on the stool. She gives up with a groan after a moment and instead leans her back against the bar. Over the last months her belly grew a lot and more often than not she has trouble walking.

"Does it have anything to do with how antsy Killer is?" She questions, glancing in the direction of the meeting room, where guys are having their weird 'church' thingy.

"Yeah... - I breathe out - He asked me to help with his fear of mirrors. I have an idea how to do that, but I'm still scared..." I tell her honestly.

Treasure only hums quietly, rubbing her stomach. "You're scared he'll snap again... - she sighs - I can ask John to stay close in case it happens, but..., if I'm being honest, I don't think Killer will hurt you. You should've seen him when he heard what happened to you. I could see how much it pained him to see your cast every day." Treasure stares at my arm pointedly. My cast got removed over a week ago, right before I went to get the property tattoo at Ink's parlor. The tattoo has been healing nicely, since Killian's been taking great care of it. I don't really know what to do, having completely forgotten everything Ink told me about the aftercare, so I rely on Killian's extensive knowledge. He has many tattoos on his body so he knows everything there is to know.

"I don't know... On one hand, I want to help him. It's painful to see him so tormented by his past that he can't even look at himself. On the other, the memory of his last encounter with a mirror is still fresh in my mind. I mean, he disappeared for a whole week. Anything could've happened to him." I let out a heavy sigh, running my hand through my hair tiredly.

"You got your arm broken and you were still worried about Killer... - Treasure croons - That's love."

"Treasure! – I scold lightly – This is serious. At least to me."

"So what are you going to do?" She implores curiously. I lean into her ear and whisper my plan to her, getting short nods and 'hmms' from her.

"Wow... A cock ther-, I mean, shock therapy." Treasure exclaims quietly, deliberately making a mistake. Cheeky woman.

"Did you seriously just... Never mind. – I sigh heavily – I just don't want him to associate his own face with terror anymore. I don't know if my plan will work, though."

"It will. I think you don't have to worry anymore. Killy won't hurt you. Especially during his therapy. But if you're not sure about that, you can always tie him up. I know you're prepared for that." The Prez Lady smirks knowingly, patting my shoulder gently. "Now excuse me while I go lie down. This little Peanut is making his momma tired twenty-four seven." She groans tiredly, waddling slowly towards the stairs.

"JOHN, I'M GOING FOR A NAP!" I chuckle amusedly when Treasure suddenly yells as she passes the meeting room.

She doesn't even reach the top of the stairs when Tank walks out of the room. "Precious! – he admonishes sternly - What did I tell you about climbing the stairs?"

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