Chapter 42 - Tank

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My heart is pounding in my chest the whole way to the clubhouse, almost beating its way out of my chest. My wife and child just got fucking threatened! They were at gunpoint and if it weren't for Lia and Maggie being there, who knows what could've happened.

I will never forget the fear I felt when Kathie called me and Lia said they had guests. It was one of the most terrifying moments in my life. It took everything in me to not give into that fear and kill Snake and his little buddy on the spot. I just know the fucker was somehow involved in that shit. I don't know who raided the compound, but I will fucking make them regret it.

We reach the compound in no time and I barely manage to stop my bike before I rush inside. "Precious!" I bellow, glancing around in search of my wife.

But the only thing that greets me is silence and the sight of two assholes lying unconscious on the floor, bloodied and tied up. There's also some blood on one of the booths, spilled all over the table and Key's laptop.

"Precious!!!" I yell even louder, running downstairs to the beauty room, where the ladies were supposed to be.

I almost fall to my knees at the sight of my wife sleeping casually on the couch, hugging a body pillow dressed in one of my shirts. Jesus fucking Christ!

"My god, baby girl, how you torture me sometimes..." I mutter, slowly walking up to my sleeping girl. Kneeling beside her, I gently stroke her cheek, not missing the wet trails on her face. She cried.

"Is she okay?" I hear Eagle question from the doorway.

"Yeah, she's fine. Get the guys and put those fuckers from the common room in the shed." I order, not taking my eyes off my wife.

"Yes, sir."

Now that I know my Precious is safe, I decide to check up on the others. I carefully cover my Treasure with a blanket and kiss her head lovingly before going upstairs to the infirmary.

I can't help but stop at the doorway when I catch the sight in front of me. Killer, Gun, Key and Zombie are lying on the beds. Killer seems to be already taken care of as he keeps Katherine snuggled into him, Gun is groaning in pain as Maggie keeps a gauze pressed into his side, Key is unconscious as Doc and Lia work on him and Anna is holding up a cloth against Zombie's bloodied shoulder.

"You're back already? Tres is in the beauty room if you want to see her." Maggie notices me first.

"I know. I was just there, but decided to check up on you all. How bad is it? Doc?" I question worriedly.

"As far as I can see, Key and Killer got the worst of it. Key got shot in the chest and the bullet seems to have barely missed his lung. If it weren't for the women's quick reaction, he would most likely bleed out or go into shock. Killer got a fractured femur and will be in a cast for weeks, Zombie was hit in the shoulder, but there's no exit wound so I'll have to get him an x-ray to know where the bullet got stuck and Gun's side needs to be cleaned and stitched up. Nothing major was hit, so he'll be fine." Doc explains after leaving Lia to stitch up Key's chest. He sighs tiredly, taking off his gloves and throwing them in the trash.

"This is bad, Tank. Four of our guys are down. Apart from Gun, it'll take them weeks to recover."

"Damn it. – I grunt – Okay, do what you have to." I tell him. "Once everyone's treated, come to church. Lia, can you get Blake here? I need to talk to you two about something." I announce then walk out of the infirmary, heading back to the beauty room to get my Treasure.

I pick up my wife gently and carry her to our room, carefully laying her on our bed and tucking her in.

"John?" She whimpers quietly, opening her eyes slowly.

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