Chap 1: First day /A glimpse of the past

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|Bam's POV|

We moved houses. Again. How many times did that make? About 12 this year already. I just stopped talking and making friends at this point. Too much of a hassle and they just asked too many questions that I felt so obligated to unravel their curiosities. "Where did you come from?", "What's your name?", "Why did you move?" Mind your own damn business will you?

I despised the elementary school in 2nd grade the most. Everyone had so much malice and antipathy in their voice that made me felt out-casted and worthless. Rachel- I'm disgusted to say that name- bullied me over and over again until I had enough. I put up my best "normal school boy" act to keep my identity undiscovered and this was the price? All that kicking, ganging up, slamming face to the door had the young me having trauma lingering everywhere. Nightmares with blood-curdling screams awoken me in the middle of the night so much that I couldn't take it anymore. It was the first time I begged on my knees to move somewhere faraway and it took my workaholics of parents a whole year using the excuse of having unfinished business in the area and it was taking up more time than intended. I endured for 365 days before we moved. I didn't tell mom and dad about Rachel, but they were too pre-occupied to listen anyway. Maybe 2nd grade was when I began to be conscious of people and doubted everyone I crossed paths with. Well who cares enough to listen to a kid's story anyway?
                   - At school-

Being under close scrutiny of FUG elders resulted in the birth of an awe-inspirational actor though. I was so good at faking smiles that my checks went numb to this point, I think I even had wrinkles from scrunching my eyes so much. Today was the first at school and I was already feeling like crap. The training yesterday has finally begun to extract its toll on me. My legs were literally shaking the ground and vibrating the tables that I kid you not, a kid rose from his sit just to inform the teacher that the Earth's crust was starting to change and we should all ran for our lives while we still had a chance. What a maniac. I did chuckled a bit though, maybe this class wasn't too bad after all. The teacher acted as if "this happens all the time" and downright ignored him because the class hadn't begun.

The guy before me did a 180 degree turn and said: "Don't mind Hatz, he's always off in his own world, acting like he doesn't know who I am when I'm literally his BFF! Try to ignore the other weirdos Bam, they'll drive you nuts." Who were you again? Ahh that awfully optimistic jumpsuit needle head...Shibisu. I did my introduction so quickly that I myself didn't hear myself saying my name but he just greeted me right away. Proudly stating his name with that ugly genuine smile and I couldn't help but warmed up a tiny bit to the friendly atmosphere.

Other kids started to crowd on me in less than 5 minutes. Endorsi, or whatever her name is, seemed like the "arrogant but secretly caring" type. And just what's up with Anaak's skin, it's That Hatz kid earlier happened to have a black belt in karate. Rak kept calling me black turtle and I could feel my brain automatically generating images of turtles in my head. Who else? Oh and Lauroe was that kid practically brain dead sleeping like a log over there. I had a habit of observing people and remembering unnecessary information. It's been long since I felt this hospitality, it's nice. I didn't feel my face fake smiling. To think that I actually made a few friends! No no let's not get ahead of myself.

I didn't scan for witches as I should be from the beginning. I would take a load of scolding and extra revision if mom knew that. What I did for magic practice was basically awakening my magic and explore its limitations. I could feel other sorcery nearby and noticed its presence. Well a very faint but definitely there magic source was lurking around the class. ......What?! I was unable to identify anything! What's wrong with me? Was I too confident and the witch was using a spell above my level? Dang it I should have known life wasn't a bed of roses! Let's do a through scan of every girl then. And check each and every single one of them. No biggie. That one's harmless. Weirdo. Girly. Emo. Another harmless. Normal. Smart...but also normal. No females here hiding as a witch.

Then who was that magic presence?!

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