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this morning, my mom had made for us a great breakfast. and she was very happy cause we back.

It was really delicious, but (Lui) remained silent and never uttered a single letter.  I was the one who only praised the food, until he said, "I'm going out, glutton, come with me."  I know he meant me, I told him that I was going to help my mom, but he pulled me against my will.

I'm used to my brother's annoying behavior, but he sometimes goes too far.

I didn't know where we were going, so I stayed true to him silently.  If I only say one word, he will eat me.  Suddenly he said: "From today I will train you."

I never expected that. He also said: "Since I was so kind to you and gave you a little of my time, and I became your coach, you should listen to every word I say to you or ask you during the training. Understand?"

I agreed without hesitation, then (Lui) took me to WBBA and registered me there.

Then, (Lui) said that the training will start from tomorrow, and that he will return to his own training now.

I understood what he meant, so I left him alone as he pleased and went to the garden next to my house to train there.

When I arrived, there were a lot of kids training there.  I watched them happily, but I noticed someone familiar among them.  It's (Akane)!

I immediately ran and jumped over her.  I was very happy cause my plan to convince (Free) had succeeded so amazingly!

(Akane) told me that she will also be joining WBBA.  I pretended I was in shock at it, and inside I was feeling proud that I was the reason for this.  I told her that I would join to it too, and she almost flew from happiness.

We started training immediately, and the best of all was that I tied with (Akane).  This means that my level clearly improved.  Hurrah!

At sunset, I bid farewell to (Akane) and headed home, because I couldn't be late as before.

When I got back, I sat down and talked about (Akane) to my mom.  I told her how happy she is coming here.  I feel that my mom liked her, to the point that she said to me: "It is okay to give her an invitation to eat with us."  I told her I would soon.  I didn't even tell her about the enmity between my brother and (Free)... hehe..

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