Chapter 8: Born To Quit

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Here's chapter eight! This is the first time in a long time I've been able to publish two chapters in the same week! For people following Wounded- I'm still figuring out where I want the story to go from here, so I'm not sure how long it'll take for the next chapter to come out.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter, and thank you for reading it!

--Lucina POV--
--Inside Lucina's Dreams--
I opened my eyes and let out a deep breath I was holding in. The grey hills were gone. In its a place was a familiar scene in my memory.

There it was... The tree under which Y/N first sang my song.

I permitted myself a bit of hope. Maybe tonight's dream wouldn't be so bad...

I squinted into the distance, and realized Y/N was sitting under the tree, guitar in hand. He was here??

I walked over to him and sat down, scooting over to him so I could hold him in an embrace. He smiled, positioning the guitar so he could start.

But the song he sang wasn't... the right one. The voice that wafted out through his lips was raspy, as if it was a thousand years old.

Born To Quit- The Used

Exercise the demon that is living up inside you
After all that you have been through
Just what have you been through?

As he sang, a pounding in my head grew. The scene slipped away, replaced with the grey hills once more. Y/N was standing up, his face contorted into a horrible smile as he continued singing. I wailed as the song reached its climax, and the chorus started.

The further you go, the less you know
You're born to quit, you've blown it!
You need to let go, of letting go
You're full of sin, you're born to quit!

(A/N: I altered the lyrics a tiiiiny bit for the story!)

What was the point of trying to let go of my past, full of death? It would be easier to just embrace it, and let it take control of me. There was no point in persevering... I was born to quit. My contempt for myself grew by the minute. I'm full of sin... If only there was a way I could... cleanse myself...

I fell to the ground, whimpering and holding my hands to my ears frantically. I looked up to find Y/N standing over me. He was holding out his hand, the smile still on his face. Deep inside, I knew this wasn't him. But in that moment, I had been reduced to a mess. I reached for his hand, about to take it when I heard someone calling me.

???: Lucina... Lucina...!

I turned my head, and Y/N scowled, stepping closer. But I had already forgotten about him. That voice reminded me that... I was in a dream. And all I had to do was wake up...

I opened my eyes and looked found Y/N standing over me. He had been shaking me frantically, trying to wake me up.

Y/N: A-Are you okay??

His eyes were full of worry and exhaustion. Had he even slept? And as for his question... I already knew the answer...

Lucina: No, Y/N... I'm not okay.

My face was red, my eyes scrunched up in pain. Whatever this was... I could feel it slowly taking over more and more of me.

Y/N: Sweet Naga... We're going to find someone. Today.

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