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  Beep! beep! went the alarm clock,"ohh my ghass, it's a Monday morning, why does sleep have to sweetest on a Monday?" I said to myself as I gently moved out of my big blue blanket and stretched my little arms and back, as the daily routine is, I turned on the music and sloped into a sweet warm shower, within no time, I was ready for school, I quickly slopped down, hard breakfast and hopped into Mark's car for a ride to school, he then sped off, and within 20mins, we were already in the school parking.

Well well well !!! Here comes my best friend Dickson, girls call him Dick and he  likes it so much because it makes him kinda famous, he likes girls so much but his size sometimes makes him lose out.

"But have you ever talked to Lilly?"he inquires with a lollipop in his mouth, " yes I did, I even walked her home," I answered.

The bell rings!!! and so me and Dickson move to the cafeteria to get something into our tummy's, we are so hungry. We now get our plates and slope to our table, no sooner had we sat down than Cole arrived , he is the bad boy in college, all girls die for him, even the ladies who work in the cafeteria," apart from me," a voice interrupted, "ohh hi Lilly have a seat," I said with a big smile on my face.

"Excuse me, I have got some stomach ache, let me leave you guys to talk,"said Dickson as he moved away from the table, leaving me with Lilly.

"So have you ever been in love?"i asked, "Not really, but aniwe am waiting for the perfect......" Her hand was grabbed before she finished her statement, it was Cole," WhatsApp gorgeous lady, your looking so pretty today,"he said ..."get your dirty hands off me,"she replied but he wasn't willing to let her go, he had even applied force making her face him, he wanted to force a kiss, I felt it burn inside me that I could do nothing to atleast save the girl of my dreams, no no no not today, I stood up on my two feet and pulled Lilly out of Cole's hands and I didn't allow him to rest, I punched him directly in his face and he landed on the floor, but his guys grabbed me from before before I could throw another, when he stood up, he begun filling me with blows, "let him go," said Lilly as she tried to free me, but Cole didn't allow her to interrupt, he pushed her away and she landed on the flow, and now Dickson was out of the toilet," no body messes with my bestie," he said as he attacked, he punched the two guys who were holding my hands letting me free," you better run before I split you in half and feed you to my lion.

"Are you alright," I ask Lilly, "i should be asking you that,"she smiles.
"Thanx buddy," "always buddy."

All of you to the principal's office.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2020 ⏰

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