oh, great

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"First day, I can do this" I breathed to myself, anxiety rising. I was about to start my first shift at the United Centre in Chicago, doing a lot of PR work. Growing up I had always been extremely interested in the advertising world, vowing to do something great one day. After graduating, I was immediately offered the job, unfortunately in a different country. I couldn't turn it down, despite having to leave so much behind; I knew it was for the better. I had only been in Chicago for a few days, having barely settled into my apartment. The city was hard to work my way around, being from a pretty small town for most of my life. I was luckily pretty close to work, helping with my horrible sense of direction.

"You must be Addison," my new boss greeted me; I recognized her from our skype interview. She was beautiful; long brunette hair pulled up into a high pony tail, with a tiny bit of makeup on. "I'm Dana, your new boss of course, welcome" she gestured around, eventually showing me to my very own office. "You can settle in later, first I'll take you on a tour" I stayed silent, nodding and trying to take in the vast amount of information being thrown my way.

"The boys are on practice now" she told me, taking me down to ice level. "You'll probably be getting to know them quite well, especially for autograph signings, meet and greets, etc." she rattled off, taking a moment to admire one of the players. I recognized him instantly, Mr. Captain serious himself, Jonathan Toews. By the look on Dana's face, she had the hots for him, there was no question. Sure, I had to admit he had grown into quite the attractive young man, and I did have a crush on him for the longest time. But times have changed, he moved on and so did I. Who knew 18 years of friendship meant nothing as soon as he made it big. I went to all of his games, helped him study plays, helped him practice; hell, I even suited up in the goalie gear to help him practice taking shots.

"Any questions?" She asked, still keeping a close eye on the captain. He probably felt eyes on him, for he turned around to look at the both of us. Dana blushed furiously, where I just sent a small smile, praying inwardly he wouldn't remember who I was. The look on his face told me he didn't, and relief washed over me. He went back to the ice to join the other players soon enough.

"I think I got it" I smiled, Dana finally turning around to face me; she must have had enough of captain serious.

"Great, once the players are done here I have a few informal interviews for you to conduct, mostly to get to familiarize yourself with them" she told me, handing me some papers of sample questions. "We've got a meet and greet coming up I want you to help organize. It'll be with Kane and Toews" my heart dropped when she told me that; did that mean I had to get up close and personal with my ex best friend? "I'll get you to talk to both of them after the practice; they'll meet you in your office when they're ready" she said with a smile, ushering me into my office and running to do something else.

I stood awkwardly in my office, gently closing the door behind me. I peered around, taking everything in. It was a lot to handle, new job, new city, no friends... And to top it all off, I was unfortunately going to have to work closely to Jon, for at least the next few weeks. According to the papers I caught myself up on, we were doing a meet and greet, right here at the united centre. We were raising money for a charity, meaning I had to come up with lots of activities to help get us there. Hopefully with speaking to Kane and Jon, I could get some insight into what would prove to be the most successful.

I sat and did my research on the duo before the would be coming to my office. I learned quite a bit, especially about Jon's stats, which I studied carefully. I was a Maple a Leafs fan, through and through and truthfully did not pay much attention to the Blackhawks captain.

"Knock, knock," I heard someone say at the door, opening it a crack.

"Come in" I gestured, pointing to the two available seats in my office. Besides bringing a picture of me and my parents to stick on my desk, my office was otherwise empty, as I wasn't sure how big of an office I was going to get.

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