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Recon's POV

"They're still not talking ma'am." said a Russian soldier

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it." I replied

I enter the torture chamber and see Phantom hanging in the middle of the room, her hands tied onto chains above her head.

"Enjoying your hospitality?" I asked

"Could be fucking better." snapped Emily

I approach her my face the same level as her, she was a bit shorter than me and since she's hanging up we were the same face level.

"I'll make it better just for you."

I punched her stomach making her grunt so I punched her twice. I punched her face, kneed her ribs and continued to punch her stomach area like a pig hanging dead on chains.

"Fuck you." mumbled Emily

She tries to kick me but I grab her leg and elbowed her knee, fracturing it. She screams in pain as her leg lays limp. I grab her other leg but she tries to pull away but I elbow that leg too fracturing it too. Emily screamed in pain and tears were streaming down her cheeks. I walk over and grab a metal bat and I start hitting her stomach over and over again with the metal bat. I didn't stop until she started spitting out blood from her mouth.

"You're pretty easy to break." I said

Emily groans in pain and shakes her head slowly.

"Still not going to talk?" I asked

"Never." she mumbled

I release her chains and drag her and tie her to a pole like a pig roasting on a fire. I lit the fire underneath her. I wasn't trying to burn her but I was trying to suffocate her. A few minutes later she starts coughing and gagging, she tried pulling on the chains trying to get out of the fire. I rotate the pole so that's she facing up at the ceiling and she starts gasping for air. I look at her with a smile and she glares at me.

"Still not going to talk?" I asked

"No..." she whispered

"Fine have it you way." I said

I tie her up back up on the chains so that she's hanging again. I grab the bat again and starts whacking every part of her body.

"Relax or your bone is going to break." I said as I hit her with the bat

After 3 minutes of hitting her I stop and she still wasn't talking.

"Fine, I didn't want to resort to this but your choice." I said

I nod to the kid I yelled at and he rushes to get me what I wanted.

"What are you doing?" asked Emily

The kid comes back with Emily's dad.



Emily's dad tries rushing to her but the kid smacks his head and drags him to the chair and ties him up.

"Mr Chen, your daughter isn't talking so I thought maybe she'll talk if I do something to you."

"Emily, don't worry about me don't tell her anything." said Emily's dad

I laugh and pull out my knife.

"No Tessa, stop please I'll tell you what I know for fucks sake don't hurt him." said Emily

"Well, that's too bad cause you were too late should have said that earlier." I replied

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