Chapter Sixteen:

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Karma Aneli Lakes
September 24
11:54 am

"STOP RUNNIN IN THAT DAMN STREET BEFORE I CUTCHO ASS" one of the neighbors yelled at her son as he played around. I continued to sit on the steps and just take in the day by myself.

"This shit bout to be lit tonight" I could also hear the guys across the street say, discussing a block party they were having at the house tonight. As long as they don't disturb me I really didn't care what they did

While they continued to moves cases of liquor from the cars to the house I watched, not even really acknowledging the fact that Benji's silver mustang pulled up. As he got out the car one of the guys across the street call him causing him to turn around

"Aye pull up tonight lil nigga"

"Ight" he responded before walking over to me. I rolled my eyes

"Roll yo eyes again, watch I slap them shits out yo head"

"Bye! Why you ain't somewhere doing what single people do"

"Cause if I do you gone be cryin. Now get up and take yo ass in the house"

I huffed before getting up and went inside the house as he followed behind me

"Why are you even here Benji? I told you I was single"

He nodded while sitting down on the couch and reached his hand out "lemme see yo phone"


He just sat back calmly and looked me dead in the face "Ight. Lemme not see yo phone in the next 5 seconds..."

"You ain seein mines unless I see yours"

"I ain got shit to hide. That you"

"How I got shit to hide Benji. I said I was single so who I'm hiding shit from"

"Ight" he just nodded again while laying his head back on the chair and closed his eyes

"Whatchu sittin like that for?"

"Cause I'm tryin not to put a bullet between yo fuckin eyes"

"Benji you ain that crazy so don't even try it"

"Who aint?" He asked while standing up, walking up to me "I'll end up fuckin life right now before you think you gone walk round here tellin mufuckas you single and if you think I'm playin, try me"

"You doing too much for what?"

"Cause you pissin me off and I ain in the mood for this shit"

I sighed and looked him right in his eyes

"Dimitri, I'm not texting nobody, talking to nobody... none of that"

"Lemme see yo phone then"

I pushed my phone into his hand and as he started to unlock it I reached my hand out

"Let me see it"

He sucked his teeth and reached in his pocket grabbing one of his phones and stuck it in my hand

"The other one too"

He muttered something while giving me the other phone and I started looking through both of them, every app, EVERYTHING. Since he wanted to play with me like that I was gonna make sure I didn't catch his ass slipping

As I got to one of the most recent messages I saw a text from an unknown number that seemed to be his Aunt, Kyran's mother

Unknown Number
As close as you and Kyran have been every since the two of you were born, I would've expected you out of all people to come around but I haven't heard from you in 3 months. It's perfectly fine though, from this point forward continue to stay that way. Me and nunu will continue to heal on our own so don't bother coming over, texting or calling from this point forward.

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