Chapter 11-Anna

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I wake up with a pit in my stomach. Ugh. Why? Because of your ultrasound. Ugh. Etienne is still asleep when I wake up. I head over to the kitchen. What do we have to eat? Hmm. We have fruit salad (no), cereal (too boring), pancakes (maybe), and toast (bleh). I decide to have the pancakes. I turn on the tv and make some coffee to go with the pancakes. I wonder if you have to eat a certain way before the ultrasound. Eh, screw it. Who cares? I turn on Downton Abbey, because there's A)nothing else on and B)it's actually pretty good. I grab my coffee and pancakes and eat like no man's business. When I got home yesterday, I didn't eat at all (well other than mint ice cream, which doesn't really count). I watch three episodes of Downton Abbey, because why the hell not. By that time it's around eleven in the morning, and that means the ultrasound is in two hours. The trip there takes about twenty minutes, so I go to take a shower. It feels weird when I bend over, so I try to not bend over that much. By the time I'm finished washing my hair and everything, we have about an hour and a half left to get ready. I go to wake Etienne up. "Etienne," I whisper. "Etienne!" "What?" he grumbles. "Get up!" "No." "Yes." "NO." "Fine, then I'll go to the ultrasound. ALONE." "Fine, fine I'll get up," he grumbles. He heads to the bathroom. I slip into a light pink shirt and pull my hair into a ponytail. I HATE my pink shirt, but it's the only loose and quick-to-take-off shirt I own. I slip on sweatpants, because the lady who I called said that you should wear sweatpants or pants you feel comfortable in. I like my gray yoga pants and they're comfortable, so I slip them on. Etienne walks in and slips on a blue shirt, sweatpants (if I wear sweatpants, he wears sweatpants), and combs his hair for once. He turns to me. "Better?" I nod. We grab everything we need, and head over to our car. Even though it's really warm, I still shiver. For some reason, I keep getting cold,even when it's really warm outside. We head to the hospital. We don't talk, because Etienne knows I'm nervous. I don't talk when I'm nervous. When we get there, a bunch of women eye Etienne. He wraps his arm around me, and heads over to the desk. The lady looks up and smiles. "Are you Anna and Etienne St. Clair?" I nod, but Etienne frowns. "We're engaged, but not married. She's Anna Oliphant." The lady smiles. "Since you guys are engaged, she's registered under St. Clair." Etienne nods. The lady types on her computer. She asks a bunch of questions. "Is this your first child? Have you had sex with anyone else than Etienne Anna?" I stare at her. "No, no?" "Is that a question, or an answer?" "Answer," I say firmly. She nods. "Have you slept with anyone other than Anna, Etienne?" "I prefer to be called St. Clair if you don't mind and no, I haven't." She nods. "How long have you not had your period for Anna?" "Four months." "I old are you two?" "Twenty." "Okay...what's your insurance?" "Health?" "Yes." "Cigna." "Okay. Please sit down and Mary will be with you shortly." We thank her and sit down. I nervously rub my abdomen. Etienne rubs my back. "Hey," he whispers. "It'll be okay." I nod. A lady with blonde hair comes out. But her hair is just...woah. Part of her hair is dyed blue, part is pink, part is purple, part is green, and part is black. She has violet eyes, and her clothes are the only normal things about her. They're white and has her name tag on it. Mary. Uh oh. She smiles. "Anna and St. Clair?" We stand up. She smiles. "You guys must be them. I'm Mary. And if you're wondering, my hair is naturally blonde, and my eyes are brown, but violets more interesting, right?" She beams at us. I smile back. Etienne just looks shocked. I elbow him in the ribs. He jumps and looks at me. I smile. "Everything's going to be okay, right?" He shakes his head and smiles. "Right."


Mary leads us into a room with a lot of machines. Etienne sits in one of the chairs while Mary looks at her computer. She snaps on some gloves. "Okay Anna, here's what we're going to do. Im going to put this lotion on your stomach, and I'm going to rub this," she holds up some machine thing, "on your stomach. Then we'll look at the baby. Around three months, you start to see a bump, and around four months you start to actually be able to see what gender you'll have. Do you want to know?" I glance at Etienne. He shrugs. Mary smiles. "I need to go grab something. Excuse me please." She heads outside and closes the door. I glance at Etienne. "Do you want to know?" He sighs. "I kind of do want to. But if you don't then it's fine." I smile. "I kind of want to too." He grins. Mary comes back in with this huge tub of lotion. "Okay," she says. "Can I roll up your shirt?" I nod. She rolls it up carefully, and rubs the lotion all over my tummy. She nods and talks while doing this. "So your stomach is pretty big for four months, which is very good. That means you'll either have twins, or a big baby." I nod. She takes the machine and rubs it over the lotion. She stares at one of the screens, humming a theme song. I glance at the screen. I see two big blobs but I don't know what they are. I look at Mary. "What's that mean Mary?" She smiles and turns to me. "Congrats," she says. "It's twins."

Hi guys. So, I have three things to say. 1)I'm sorry I haven't been updating a lot, it's REALLY crazy around my house, so yeah. 2)I have a snow day so I'm updating a lot today (hopefully two or three more chapters). 3)Yesterday was Eddie Redmayne's birthday!! (he's kind of bae to me) So thanks for reading :).

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