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Chapter 1

I looked out my window to the army of trees. I lived in a secluded area away from everything. I lived here as long as I could remember, training to be the best like my adoptive parents.

I jumped out of my window from the top floor and landed soundlessly on the tree branch. I observed my surrounding trying to detect if anything was out of place or a threat.

As of right now I was taking my final test for my training. It was 4am and everyone in the organization were hiding waiting to attack.

I jumped from the tree branch to the next then to the next eventually ending up in the center of the forest where the water fell from the mountain into a small waterhole.

I climbed up the mountain easily jumping from rock to rock. As I got to the middle two men from the organization attempted to attack.

The first one lunged at me swinging his fist toward my face. I moved out of the way and grabbed his arm pulling him toward me and kneed him in the face. He fell to the floor limp but still alive.

The second one swung his leg up to my stomach. Before I could react the force slammed me into the rocks behind me. I got up ignoring the pain and punched him in the stomach and chin then kicked him into the mountain wall. He groaned in pain and stayed there.

I began running up the mountain again successfully taking down everyone on the way until I got to the top where my mother was.

"You did well" my mother said bluntly.

"Thank you" I nodded bowing down to her.

She lifted her leg ready to kick my face but I grabbed it and shoved her back to the edge of the cliff.

She got up and got into a fighting stance. We fought for hours nonstop, neither of us wanted to give up and surrender.

The rest of the recruits stood around us as we fought and my father was nowhere in sight.

Well of course, he was at a meeting with the ootori's.

"Alright. Akane. Your passed your final test. Congratulations" she nodded dusting herself off as everyone smiled slightly at me as they patted my head.

A helicopter flew down landing in the clearing below us. My father stepped out making all of us gasp in shock.

Mother motioned us to come down. When we got there we bowed in respect then looked up with blank faces.

"Akane. Pack your stuff. BANE is giving you your first mission" he said sternly.

I nodded and began walking to my room. When I got in there I sighed as I sat on the floor pushing back my blonde hair from my face.

I packed my clothes in one case then brought out another case for my weapons.

I packed throwing knives, a few other knives, one 5-inch combat knife, stun grenades, and just as i was about to put in my M21 the door creaked open.

I turned around quickly with a knife in front of me but dropped it down instantly when I saw it was my father.

He walked further into the room shutting the door quietly.

"Your first mission is to protect the ootori family. They received a serious threat from, what we believe, BLACK. You'll eliminate all threats" he said still as blunt as I first met him in France.

"Yes sir" I said sternly with no expression on my face.

He looked at my luggage and tossed two Kimber 1911 Compact Stainless Steel II into my bag.

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