Food Poisoning

978 38 7

POV: Natilie

"Oh my god I hate myself." I was currently laying on the floor of the bus, face down, because the floor was cold against my stomach.

"Nat, do you need to go to the doctor?" Liza squatted down beside me.

"The girl has food poisoning. Daisy got it too. They'd just give her fluids and meds we can get at a pharmacy, and charge you a grand for it." Michelle sat at the table with a bowl of cereal.

"I can't believe it's back to back travel day. We're literally on this bus for the next twenty four hours." I mumbled against the floor.

"Nat, honey, that floor is gross. Let's get you up and in bed." Liza tried to get me to get up, but it wasn't going to happen.

"If I move I'm going to have to go to the bathroom again, and I don't want to make another stop because I have the runs."

"I'm not going to let you lie on the floor." She sighed. "Do you have any pepto or something?"

"Daisz has some in her purse." Michelle mumbled against her coffee mug.

"If I give you meds will you take them and then go to bed?" She put her hand on my back. "Daiz is already asleep, because she took some meds."

I only nodded my head.

She brought me the meds and a bottle of water. Although I was scared to out anything in my stomach, I took them anyways.

"I want Lolo."

"Lauren has food poisoning too. We can't have everyone with food poisoning on one bus. I can only take care of so many people." Liza sighed and then felt my forehead. "You're running a fever hun. You need to get in bed and I'll get you a cold wet rag."

"I want Lolo." I repeated myself.

"You, Daisy, Laur, Mani, and Dinah all have food poisoning. She can't come over right now. Let's get you in bed." She lifted me from underneath my arms and to my feet with little help from me. "Off to your bunk now."

I huffed. "Can I call Lolo?"

"Let me text Ally and see if Lauren is sleeping. If she is then no. All of you need to sleep it off." Liza helped me into my bunk, but left the curtain open. "I'm going to turn off the lights and crank the AC to as low as it can go. Don't close this curtain. I need to be able to check on you. If you need something don't hesitate to yell."

I nodded and a minute later she came back with a wet rag and soon after I heard the AC kick on.

I knew I shouldn't have eaten that steak. It looked weird, but it tasted good so I didn't question it too much. Now five of us are sick as dogs because we ate the steak.

"It's cold as hell!" I heard Michelle whisper yell as soon as my eyes were drifting shut.

"The kids have fevers and need to get better before tomorrow night. Leave the babies alone!" Liza shot back in the same tone.

I couldn't quite pick out what Michelle responded with, but soon after she walked into the bunk area as quiet as possible and grabbed her sweatshirt. We keep some of our spare clothes that we wear around the bus in one of the free bunks, as well as blankets and extra pillows.

"If I get too cold imma bitch." Michelle muttered as she slid the bunk door shut.

"You're always bitching anyways." I know Liza rolled her eyes based off of the tone of her voice.

I swear they fight like an old married couple.

"Nat, hun, it's time to get up and eat. We're stopping." Liza woke my up by gently rubbing my shoulder.

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