Last Night in Miami

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POV: Natilie

"I love performing and all, but I need a fat nap." I whispered to the girls as we did our meet and greet. One girl who used to bully me acted all buddy buddy with me and told the girls that we were good friends in high school and that we should hang out. Like, bitch. How dare you lie to my sisters? I set her ass straight on the spot, and then she didn't even want to take the picture with us and moved onto Fifth Harmony.

"Do you want an energy drink?" Michelle offered me one of her unopened ones.

"Yes, toss it to me." I held my hands up.

"Are you sure? You suck at catching." Michelle was hesitant.

"Yes, I'm sure." I rolled my eyes. I didn't want to get up from the beanbag chair, and I know damn well she wasn't about to get off of the couch.

Michelle tossed it to me, and I missed it. Well, my hands tipped it, and it hit me right in the face. "Yup, ya can't catch."

I rubbed my nose in attempt to rub the pain away. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't. "You're a hoe."

"You might want to chug it. We've gotta be backstage in five minutes." Liza watched me open it. I held it as far away from myself as I could to open it, and it nearly exploded but it's fine. I'm fine. Everything is fine.

"Dude, you need to chug it." Daisy looked at me. "But like, burp a shit ton before we perform or you're going to be burping every five seconds from carbonation."

I threw it back to say the least. After a second or two it started to burn, but I've got a time limit and I'm fucking tired. I burped much louder than I wanted to even with my hand over my mouth. A stage hand that was walking by looked at me with wide eyes.

"Dude, that was impressive." Michelle laughed.

"Don't encourage it." Liza groaned. "Keep burping on the way there. We've gotta go."

Daisy kept on patting my back to help me as we got set up with ear pieces and everything.

"This better kick in or the crowd gives me some energy." I opened my eyes wide and then closed them a few times. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

"Five seconds." The stage manager counted us down.

The melody of our song, Your Best Self ,came on and we all walked out onto stage with confidence and pride.

"Michelle, you can't flip off everyone who bothers you." Liza grabbed Michelle's hand before she flipped off the guy who was riding our ass behind the van.

"It's better than me telling them to go fuck them selves or beating the shit out of them." Michelle scoffed and yanked her hand back. Michelle already had her window rolled down and was ready. She was set.

"Okay, well just don't do it out the wind-" Liza was too late to stop her.

Michelle was half out the window and flipped the guy off.

Daisy and I were losing our shit, and Liza gave up and just slumped in her seat.

The guy backed up some, but then got right back to where he was.

"Danny, hit em with a brake check!" I yelled to Danny who was dealing with our asses again.

"If I do he will hit us." Danny glanced back at us in the rear view mirror.

"It'll teach him a lesson." I shrugged.

"Nat, stop being a bad influence." Liza looked over the seat to glare at me.

I didn't say anything. I got the mom look. I don't like the mom look.

"Twenty years old and still trying to start shit." Liza shook her head.

"Bitch, you're twenty-eight and still dealing with my ass. Who's the real hoe?" I shot back.


I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"Last night in Miami and Michelle is flipping people off, and Nat is trying to get us in a wreak."

We didn't say anything. Liza has mom mode on as we call it. It's best not to test it. Well, Michelle doesn't give a fuck if it's something she really wants to do.

I mean, it's Michelle we're talking about here.

"Can we get litty titty?" Daisy asked Liza for permission.

"Daiz, we have a concert tonight. No." Liza looked at her like she was stupid.

"How about after the show?" I asked.

"How about no." Liza glared at me.

"How about on the bus in the morning?" Michelle asked.

"No, it's only a four hour drive to the next stop."

"Can you say anything other than no?" Daisy asked Liza in a whine.


"So can we drink some time tomorrow since we don't have a performance tomorrow? It's a travel day." Daisy continued.

"We will see."

"That means no." I whispered to Daisy.

I felt my phone buzz, and I looked down to see Mi Mundo❤️. My world.

Mi Mundo❤️: We plan on going to the beach after the concert. It's a private part that we got ahold of. Nets guarding us, so no sharks or fish. What do you and the girls say?

"Y'all, Lauren asked if y'all wanted to go to the beach tonight." I waited for an answer from my fellow idiots before responding.

"Yes bitch." They all said at the same time.

We all laughed at the synchronization between us as I texted Lauren back.

Mi Mundo❤️: Great! I'll see you whenever you get back this afternoon. I love you.

Me: I love you more.

"Awe, you two are so lovey dovey." Daisy teased me when she saw my texts. This hoe is sitting next to me, and Liza and Michelle are in the row ahead of us because Michelle was acting up and needed supervision.

"Eat ass." I flipped her off.

"Liza! Nat flipped me off!" Daisy told on me.

"You have no proof." I squinted my eyes at her.

"She doesn't, but I don't doubt that you did. If you do it again you're sitting on the stool of shame all the way to our next stop." Liza didn't even look at us.

I simply glared at Daisy.

What a hoe.

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