Chapter 1

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Author's note: I don't own any of Soul Eater. I don't own the cover, it says where I borrowed it from at the top. If you want to go and check out that website, go ahead. Please enjoy my first fanfic!

~Maka's POV~
After defeating the Kishin, Lord Death rewarded me, Soul, Kid, Black Star, Tsubaki, Patty, and Liz with a break from hunting souls. To be honest, I'm glad. It's been a week since we defeated that great evil, and everyone will be out of the hospital tomorrow. Believe it or not, each and everyone of us was sent to the hospital after the battle. We haven't really been able to talk to each other as much, but the fact that we will be released tomorrow excites me a whole lot. We all really missed each other, and so, we planned on hanging out at mine and Soul's place after we were out. I can't wait!


"Oi! Maka!" I turned around to see Soul waving at me as I walked out of my hospital room.

My heart skipped a beat when I discovered that he looked better. I ran up to my partner, and wrapped my arms around him. "I've missed you so much..." I began as I pulled apart from him, "partner." I put my hand out.

Soul looked down at my hand, and back up at me. He smirked, and shook my hand. "Right back attcha." He replied.

~Soul's POV~
I was glad to see Maka had gotten better. It's been a while since I'd seen her, and to see that smile of hers again, really makes me happy.

"So you ready to head back?" I asked as I gazed into her olive, green eyes.

There was something about those eyes that had me mesmerized every time I looked into them.

"Hey, Soul. Soouulll!" I snapped back to reality and looked at Maka's confused expression.

I began to scratch my head as I chuckled. " Oh, yeah. Sorry, I didn't get that much sleep last night because I was so excited to see everyone today." Well, it wasn't a complete lie, because I was excited to see all of my friends after all.

Maka smiled at my foolishness and replied with a nod. "Yeah, me too."

Before we could continue our conversation, Black Star runs up behind me and slaps my back.

"Owwww!" I shouted as I rubbed behind my shoulder.

"So what's up guys, ready to go?" He said as he looked at Maka and me.

"Take it easy on him, Black Star. We just got out, it would be a bummer if Soul would have to be put back." Maka said.

I turned my attention at Maka as she walked next to me and patted me on the back. "You okay?" She asked in sweet tone.

I looked away to hide the little blush on my face. "Yeah." I mummbled.

I don't know why, but every time Maka did those kind of things, it made by heart beat at 100 miles per hour. It also made my face turn a bright red. Not cool, I know.

"Awww! Is Soul really blushing?" I looked up to find Black Star looking down at me with an evil look on his face.

"Shut it!" I hissed at him as I grabbed his face and pushed him away.

I got up to explain to Maka what a fool Black Star was, but she wasn't beside me anymore. "Oh, yeah! I can't wait." I heard Kid shout from afar.

I looked over at the entrance of the hospital and found Kid, Liz, Patty, and Maka, in a little group, talking. I watched as Black Star and Tsubaki made their way to the little group. I grined, and ran towards the group.

When I made it, I noticed everyone was already having a conversation about how much a scar hurts, or something. I looked over at Maka and Kid, who we're having a conversation of their own. I blocked everyone else's voice, and focused on what they were saying.

"So how are you feeling, Maka?" Kid asked softly.

"I'm perfectly fine. I can't wait to get out of here and to feel the fresh air and sunlight again." she replied as she stretched out her arms.

I'm guessing that Kid got the wrong idea, because he walked into her arms and wrapped her in his. I could tell Maka wasn't expecting it, because her eyes widened.

"I really missed you." Kid said.

My eyes widened and I felt a pain in my heart. I tightened my fists and frowned.

Maka smiled and hugged him back. "I missed you too.... I missed all of you."

"Alright, that's it." I thought to myself.

I began to walk over to break them up, but a thought went through my head. "Why am I doing this? Am I seriously angry?" I stopped to think to myself, to try and answer those questions.

I scratched my head as I tried to think. "What does it mean? What does it...."

My eyes widened, and my jaw dropped.

"Do I like Maka Albarn?"

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