Chapter 12: Boy-friends

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In the heat of the moment, I tugged on Neymar's t-shirt. I wanted to feel his hot caramel skin but he stopped me.

"Anna, as much as I want to...I...we can't. You are still recovering. Your wounds need to heal and we need to talk about a lot of things before we take this step," he said softly and kissed the back of my hand.

I probably wasn't thinking straight or maybe the drugs were messing with my mind but I ignored his words and forced his hands under my t-shirt. Neymar stared at me for a few seconds in shock but soon his hands were roaming over my naked back. I pressed my lips onto his and tangled my fingers through his hair.

My t-shirt ended up on the floor and the wires attached to my body followed soon. I knew this was reckless of us but in that heated moment, I did not give a damn about it as I was too turned on and wanted nothing more than to make love to Neymar.

I laid back on the bed and pulled him on top of me with our lips attached. He placed kisses from my neck down to my lower body. I was a quivering, wet mess underneath him and craved more.

I got rid of Neymar's t-shirt and licked my lips at the delicious sight above me. His body made my mouth water because it looked like a bar of melting chocolate. I wanted to lick all of it. My dirty thoughts were spinning out of control seeing him shirtless.

Neymar gave me a crooked smile and continued placing wet kisses from the valley of my breasts down to my stomach but he stopped abruptly.

"What's wrong?"

He stroked my tummy with a sad face and whispered, "Your bruises."

I looked down at myself in confusion and saw the purple bruises that covered my stomach. "What is this?" I asked in shock.

Neymar got off of me and sat on the edge of the bed with his back turned to me. He ran his hand through his hair like he was frustrated.

"Neymar, what happened? You are scaring me. How did I get these bruises?" I asked and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"What is the last thing you remember?"

"Kissing you in the limousine."

"That's all you remember?" he gasped and turned around to stare at me.


"A lot happened after that Anna."

I tried to remember but there was nothing else after that kiss that I could remember. I suddenly thought of that guy who had visited me this morning.

"Who is that guy Marc? He was here this morning and he said he said that he was my boyfriend. He was creeping me out."

"You don't know who Marc is?"


"And why do you think I'm your boyfriend?"

"Because I remember us and my feelings for you. I love you, Neymar."

Neymar's eyes almost popped out of their sockets. "Say that again..."

"I love you, Neymar."

He cupped my face with a sigh and placed a light kiss on my lips. "I love you too, Anna. You don't know what it means to me hearing you say that. I have been such a fool in the past. I was too late to realize my feelings for you and I thought I had lost you to him because of my stupidity," he said with teary eyes.

I felt confused. I didn't understand why he would say such things. He was my boyfriend so of course, I loved him. "Neymar, I feel kind of lost. You are acting weird and it scares me. It feels like I'm missing something. What are you hiding from me?"

Neymar got off the bed and grabbed our t-shirts off the floor. He handed me mine and put his back on. After we were dressed, he kissed my temple and sat down next to me on the bed.

"The doctor told me that you might have amnesia for a while because of your head trauma. I don't know all the details but I will tell you what happened to you."

He took a deep breath. "You were angry and hurt so you and your friend Sarah wanted to continue your trip. You flew to Berlin alone without your friend for some reason and there you met that fucking bastard! He hit you and tried to rape you. I think you fought back and he hit you harder. You fell and hit your head on a table. That asshole fled but fortunately, your friends came to check on you since you didn't answer their calls that night. They found you unconscious in a pool of blood and called the ambulance. This is all my fault. You ran away from Paris because of the mess I made. I was selfish and I'm sorry, Anna. Please forgive me."

I tried to digest this new information. Neymar looked so sad it hurt. I cupped his face. "It's okay," I whispered and pressed a soft kiss on his lips.

"The police caught the bastard who did this to you. If I ever see him, I will kill him!"

I smiled because I could see how much Neymar loved and cared for me. Though my memory was scrambled and I felt more confused than ever, I felt blessed to be with him.

"So what about Marc? Who is he to me?"

"He is your boyfriend."

"Stop joking, Neymar. You are my boyfriend."

"Anna, listen to me. You love him, you don't love me," he said in a deadly serious tone.

A gasp left my lips and though I could sense that he had spoken the truth, it was too hard for me to accept it.

How could Marc be my boyfriend if I had these strong feelings for Neymar?

"I don't remember Marc nor do I remember feeling anything for him. I only remember my feelings for you."

"I really wished that was true Anna but I don't know. I think you are confused because of your amnesia."

I felt upset to hear him say that. I told him that I loved him but he didn't believe me.

"You were dating Marc before. He broke up with you because he thought you were cheating on him with me. We kissed while you were dating Marc but we have never slept together as he thought. I had a serious chat with him and told him the truth. I told him that you were innocent and that it was all my fault. He regretted letting you go and was upset about it. He tried to contact you but he couldn't reach you, and neither could I."

My head was spinning.

Could this be true? Did I really love Marc before?

I didn't remember anything about Marc or my feelings for him no matter how hard I tried.

But why do I remember Neymar and why do I have such strong feelings for him?

So many questions filled my mind, giving me a headache. I contorted my face in pain and held my head with both my hands.

"Anna lay down. You need to rest. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have overwhelmed you with all of this. You need to recover first," he said with a guilty face and helped me to lie down.

I wanted to say so many things and I had so many questions but I was too tired. I closed my eyes and concentrated on my breathing. I felt Neymar press a kiss on my forehead. A sigh left my lips and I soon fell asleep.

I had very strange dreams that night. I was at a club but I did not recognize anyone around me. A shady-looking figure grabbed me in the darkness and no one seemed bothered about it. I screamed as loud as I could and it made me wake up with a gasp.

I was shaking in fear and searched for Neymar but he wasn't in the room anymore. I pulled the covers tighter against my body and lay there in the darkness until sleep consumed me again.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter as it reveals why she remembers Neymar and not Marc.

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