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"Wow that was great guys!" Mina shouted while everyone cheered. They were back in the dorms after the long day of the U.A. festival. Now, they are throwing themselves a miniature party for such a huge success. Everyone was congratulating kyoka on her singing, and she was getting embarrassed. "T-Thank you guys... But it wasn't all me. Yaomomo, Kaminari, Tokoyami, and surprisingly bakugo." Everyone cheered again, and kyoka looked around for katsuki. "Where did he go anyways?" She thought while Kaminari walked up to her.

"What's wrong with me?!" Katsuki shouted while looking into his mirror. During the whole festival, when kyoka started singing, he couldn't take his mind off of her. "Am I sick?" He thought while trying to take his own temperature, but it wasn't working. He yelled and mini explosions were coming out of his hands, then he thought "wait..." her face kept popping up in his head, and her voice. Her sweet sweet voice. "Do I find her attractive?!!!" Katsuki's heart beated faster, and that confirmed it.

"GODDAMN IT!!!!!!!" Katsuki shouted once more, then he heard a knock at his door. He ran over to the door and swung it open, then saw kyoka. "What do you want long ears?!" He shouted, and a tiny voice appeared in his head and it said don't call her that idiot! He shook it off and kyoka sighed. "I was just wondering why you aren't downstairs enjoying the party."

"Do you really think I want to waste my time with you extras?" He said while kyoka groaned. "Of course, what else do I expect from you?" Katsuki was about to shut the door, but kyoka stopped it with her foot. "Well, i just wanted to say thank you. You really came through even though you didn't have to. Thank you bakugo." She said, then katsuki sighed loudly. "Y-You're welcome, long ears." He said quietly and kyoka got a big smile on her face.

She started laughing, then said "did the bakugo katsuki just be polite?! Hahaha!" Katsuki gripped his door and it started to crack, then she started to run away while katsuki was shouting unnecessary words. I bet you know what words hes saying... He slammed the door, then looked in the mirror and got angrier. "Am I blushing?!" He thought and got closer to the mirror. When he looked in it he saw his face was red, then a thought popped in his head.

Go downstairs to the party.

"Nope nope nope. I am NOT GONNA DO THAT!" Katsuki thought, then stood in the same place for a few minutes. "Goddamn it!" He shouted while opening his door and going downstairs. When he got downstairs, he saw that there was a bunch of snacks on the table, streamers everywhere, shitty music playing. It was everything he hated. It would of been better if the music was good, but he knew it was probably mina or Kaminari controlling the music.

"Bakubro! You actually came down!" Kirishima shouted while hopping on his back. Katsuki didn't say anything, and it worried Kirishima. "Bakugo? You alright man? You'd usually start screaming right now." Kirishima said while walking in front of him, but he saw he was looking around. "Shitty hair, where is long ears?" Katsuki asked and Kirishima pointed on the couch. He looked over and saw kyoka laughing, and Kaminari doing something stupid. "Shit, I forgot... Kaminari likes her. WAIT WHAT WAS I PLANNING ON DOING?!"

Katsuki slapped his forehead, then Kirishima pulled him to his group of friends. "Guys look who came down!" He shouted while mina and sero looked surprised, but mina shook it off, then jumped on him. "Bakugo you came down!!" She yelled while bakugo looked furious. "Why is everyone so surprised that I came down here?!" Sero put his hand on his shoulder while laughing and said "do you really need the answer for that bakubro?"

Katsuki just growled and looked away, then saw kyoka walking up to them. "So bakugo, you decided to come down after all huh?" She said while walking up. He chuckled, then said "don't be too surprised long ears." His heart started to beat a little faster, and a certain someone noticed.

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