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Kyokas eyes opened slowly. She sat up and rubbed her eyes while yawning, then said "when did I get here??" Kyoka tried to remember, then a scene popped into her head. Katsuki carrying her up the stairs, then putting her in her bed. She started to blush, then covered her face with her pillow. "Did he really do that last night?! That's so embarrassing!" She thought.

Kyoka took a deep breath in to calm down but, she smelled something good. Kyoka got up and started tracking where the smell was coming from. She left her room and went down the stairs, then made it down in the commons. "Come on, where is it?" She went into the kitchen and saw the best thing she could ever see. A crêpe with strawberries and chocolate in it, whipped cream on top, then lastly syrup everywhere on it.

She looked up to see who made such a thing and saw katsuki making another one, then saw a small smile on his face while he flipped it in the pan. "Bakugo, you made this?" She asked and katsuki flinched. "What does it look like long ears?" Kyoka smiled and sat down at the table, then katsuki sat the crêpe in front of her. "Here. This is a thank you for helping me clean last night." He said and went back to making his. Kyoka picked up her fork with a smile on her face, then cut into it and took a bite.

Her face lit up and she started eating more and more. "This is really good bakugo!!" She said and katsuki smirked. "Of course it is, I made it." He finished his and sat down by kyoka and started eating. Kyoka looked at katsuki, then started laughing lightly. "What's so funny long ears?!" Katsuki shouted while kyoka scooted closer. "You have whipped cream on your nose stupid." She wiped it off with her thumb, then licked it off with a smile. Katsukis face turned red and finished his crepe really fast. He grabbed his plate, then went to the sink and started washing his plate aggressively.

She started laughing again. "Is the bakugo katsuki embarrassed?" She asked and katsuki yelled. She was about to say something else, until she heard Kaminari yawn. "What's up jiro, bakubro. What smells so good?" Kaminari said while rubbing his eyes. He looked at the table and smiled. "Bakugo are you making pancakes?! Can you make me one?!" Katsuki turned around and shook his head no, then yelled "make one for yourself dunce-face!"

"Aw come on bakubro, you made one for jiro!" Kyoka smiled, then said "well I'm special, that's why." Kyoka and Kaminari started laughing, then katsuki looked at them past his shoulder. He sighed while shaking his head. "Right. I forgot." He thought while putting his plate away. Katsuku started to walk away but he looked back once more, and saw kyoka laughing with Kaminari. He turned away, then started going to his room.


"Why am I doing this?" Katsuki thought while standing outside of kyokas room. He raised his hand and was about to knock, but he stopped himself. "This isn't like me!" He shook his head and started to walk away, but then the door opened. "Bakugo?" Kyoka said with her head popped out her door. Katsuki stopped walking away, then turned around. "Hey long ears." Kyoka smiled. "Do you need something, hothead?"

Katsuki smirked at the nickname. "No, no I don't. I was just.... taking a walk around the dorms." He said while rubbing the back of his head. He turned around and started walking again, but kyoka said "hey, do you wanna come in my room and hang out?" Katsuki turned back around walked up to the door. "Do you really want me to come in long ears?" He said and kyoka nodded.

She moved from the door and katsuki walked in while closing the door behind him. She sat on her bed while katsuki pulled out the desk chair and sat on it, then he heard the music playing. "This is papa roach isn't it?" He said, and kyoka smiled bright. "We really do have the same taste in music don't we hothead?" Katsuki smiled. He turned up the song and they both closed their eyes to appreciate the song more.

Kyoka started humming and katsuki opened his eyes just a little bit to see her, then she started to sing a bit. Katsuki turned the song down a bit so he can hear her better, and she didn't notice. When she was singing, katsuki looked at her with a small smiled on his face, then the song ended and kyoka opened her eyes. "S-Sorry, I got carried away." She said nervously.

"Why are you sorry long ears? You shouldn't be sorry for something you're good at." Katsuki said, and kyoka was... Surprised. "Where did this bakugo come from?" Katsuki sighed, then leaned back in the chair. "Ehh? What You do you mean? I have always been here." He said and kyoka started laughing. "That's not true! You were always so uptight and a bit of a dick. But after the festival, you've calmed down."

Katsuki chuckled, then said "I don't know." He looked at her guitar in the corner. "Hey long ears, is that guitar for show or can I play it?" Katsuki said while pointing to the guitar, and kyoka looked back at it. "You can play bakugo?" He nodded, then she handed him the guitar and he smirked. Katsuki started playing a little, then he started singing.

Kyokas eyes opened wide. She was, surprised again. "His voice... Is so nice and calming. I just keep getting surprised today don't I?" She thought. Kyoka was memorized by his singing... And his face. Her heart started to beat faster, then her face turned red.  "Huh? What's happening to me?" She shook her head and katsuki stopped singing, then they sat there in awkward silence.

"B-Bakugo..." kyoka started. "That was amazing." Katsuki had a small blush on his face, then he said "i-it was whatever long ears." Kyoka smiled, and so did katsuki. They both sat there awkwardly again but this time, katsuki cleared his throat and scooted the chair closer to her. He set the guitar down and she got at the end of her bed. They got closer until the point they were touching knees, then they both looked at each other and started to lean in for a kiss. "What am I doing?" They both thought while getting closer.

They were about to kiss, until they heard a knock on her door. Katsuki fell back on the chair and kyoka jumped back on her bed while covering her face. "Jiro? Hey are you okay?" Momo said, then kyoka cleared her throat. "Y-Yeah I'm fine! I just tripped!" Katsuki stood up and looked around for somewhere to hide, then kyoka pointed under her bed. He fell down and crawled under there while kyoka started laughing silently.

When he was fully hidden kyoka opened the door. "Yaomomo, what's up?" She said as momo walked into the room. "I'm sorry that I'm coming by a little late, but I brought over the notes that you needed." Kyoka groaned and rubbed her eyes. "Oh right.. Thank you Yaomomo." They started talking a bit more, and katsuki groaned silently. "Come on and leave already ponytail!!" He thought, then heard "well, I'll leave you to with whatever you were doing, jiro."

Momo opened her door and waved bye.  Kyoka shut the door, then katsuki came crawling out from under the bed while saying "thank god! That was taking way  too long!" Kyoka laughed lightly and so did katsuki. He checked his phone for the time, and it said 12am. "Well, it's late, so I'm gonna head back to my room. Later, long ears." Katsuki said as he walked to the door. He opened it and looked around, then walked out with his hands in his pockets. "Wait bakugo." Kyoka said as she popped her head out the door.

He turned around, and saw that she had a light shade of red on her face. "D-Do you think we could hang out again? I had a fun time tonight..."  she asked, and katsuki started laughing. "Whatever you want, long ears." He said as he turned around and started walking to his room. When he got there he jumped in his bed and sighed.

Kyoka shut her door and layed down on her bed. They both looked rolled on their backs and looked up to the ceiling, then kyokas face popped up in katsukis mind, and katsukis face popped up in kyokas. They both groaned and thought....


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